Module mod17.viirs
Calibration of MOD17 against a representative, global eddy covariance (EC) flux tower network. The model calibration is based on Markov-Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC). This module is for calibrating using VIIRS reflectance, fPAR, and LAI data, specifically.
Expand source code
Calibration of MOD17 against a representative, global eddy covariance (EC)
flux tower network. The model calibration is based on Markov-Chain Monte
Carlo (MCMC). This module is for calibrating using VIIRS reflectance, fPAR,
and LAI data, specifically.
import datetime
import json
import os
import warnings
import numpy as np
import h5py
import arviz as az
import pymc as pm
import aesara.tensor as at
import mod17
from numbers import Number
from typing import Callable, Sequence
from pathlib import Path
from matplotlib import pyplot
from mod17 import MOD17, PFT_VALID
from mod17.utils import pft_dominant, restore_bplut, write_bplut
from mod17.calibration import BlackBoxLikelihood, MOD17StochasticSampler, CalibrationAPI
MOD17_DIR = os.path.dirname(mod17.__file__)
# This matplotlib setting prevents labels from overplotting
pyplot.rcParams['figure.constrained_layout.use'] = True
class VNP17StochasticSampler(MOD17StochasticSampler):
A Markov Chain-Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampler for MOD17. The specific sampler
used is the Differential Evolution (DE) MCMC algorithm described by
Ter Braak (2008), though the implementation is specific to the PyMC3
1. Tower GPP is censored when values are < 0 or when APAR is
< 0.1 MJ m-2 d-1.
config : dict
Dictionary of configuration parameters
model : Callable
The function to call (with driver data and parameters); this function
should take driver data as positional arguments and the model
parameters as a `*Sequence`; it should require no external state.
observed : Sequence
Sequence of observed values that will be used to calibrate the model;
i.e., model is scored by how close its predicted values are to the
observed values
params_dict : dict or None
Dictionary of model parameters, to be used as initial values and as
the basis for constructing a new dictionary of optimized parameters
backend : str or None
Path to a NetCDF4 file backend (Default: None)
weights : Sequence or None
Optional sequence of weights applied to the model residuals (as in
weighted least squares)
# NOTE: This is different than for mod17.MOD17 because we haven't yet
# figured out how the respiration terms are calculated
required_parameters = {
'GPP': ['LUE_max', 'tmin0', 'tmin1', 'vpd0', 'vpd1'],
'NPP': MOD17.required_parameters
required_drivers = {
'GPP': ['fPAR', 'Tmin', 'VPD', 'PAR'],
'NPP': ['fPAR', 'Tmin', 'VPD', 'PAR', 'LAI', 'Tmean', 'years']
def compile_gpp_model(
self, observed: Sequence, drivers: Sequence) -> pm.Model:
Creates a new GPP model based on the prior distribution. Model can be
re-compiled multiple times, e.g., for cross validation.
observed : Sequence
Sequence of observed values that will be used to calibrate the model;
i.e., model is scored by how close its predicted values are to the
observed values
drivers : list or tuple
Sequence of driver datasets to be supplied, in order, to the
model's run function
# Define the objective/ likelihood function
log_likelihood = BlackBoxLikelihood(
self.model, observed, x = drivers, weights = self.weights)
# With this context manager, "all PyMC3 objects introduced in the indented
# code block...are added to the model behind the scenes."
with pm.Model() as model:
# (Stochstic) Priors for unknown model parameters
LUE_max = pm.TruncatedNormal('LUE_max',
**self.prior['LUE_max'], **self.bounds['LUE_max'])
# NOTE: All environmental scalars are fixed at their updated
# MOD17 values
tmin0 = self.params['tmin0']
tmin1 = self.params['tmin1']
vpd0 = self.params['vpd0']
vpd1 = self.params['vpd1']
# Convert model parameters to a tensor vector
params_list = [LUE_max, tmin0, tmin1, vpd0, vpd1]
params = at.as_tensor_variable(params_list)
# Key step: Define the log-likelihood as an added potential
pm.Potential('likelihood', log_likelihood(params))
return model
def compile_npp_model(
self, observed: Sequence, drivers: Sequence) -> pm.Model:
Creates a new NPP model based on the prior distribution. Model can be
re-compiled multiple times, e.g., for cross validation.
observed : Sequence
Sequence of observed values that will be used to calibrate the model;
i.e., model is scored by how close its predicted values are to the
observed values
drivers : list or tuple
Sequence of driver datasets to be supplied, in order, to the
model's run function
# Define the objective/ likelihood function
log_likelihood = BlackBoxLikelihood(
self.model, observed, x = drivers, weights = self.weights)
# With this context manager, "all PyMC3 objects introduced in the indented
# code block...are added to the model behind the scenes."
with pm.Model() as model:
# Setting GPP parameters that are known
LUE_max = self.params['LUE_max']
tmin0 = self.params['tmin0']
tmin1 = self.params['tmin1']
vpd0 = self.params['vpd0']
vpd1 = self.params['vpd1']
# SLA fixed at prior mean
SLA = np.exp(self.prior['SLA']['mu'])
# Allometry ratios prescribe narrow range around Collection 6.1 values
froot_leaf_ratio = pm.Triangular(
'froot_leaf_ratio', **self.prior['froot_leaf_ratio'])
Q10_froot = pm.TruncatedNormal(
'Q10_froot', **self.prior['Q10_froot'], **self.bounds['Q10'])
leaf_mr_base = pm.LogNormal(
'leaf_mr_base', **self.prior['leaf_mr_base'])
froot_mr_base = pm.LogNormal(
'froot_mr_base', **self.prior['froot_mr_base'])
# For GRS and CRO, livewood mass and respiration are zero
if list(self.prior['livewood_mr_base'].values()) == [0, 0]:
livewood_leaf_ratio = 0
livewood_mr_base = 0
Q10_livewood = 0
livewood_leaf_ratio = pm.Triangular(
'livewood_leaf_ratio', **self.prior['livewood_leaf_ratio'])
livewood_mr_base = pm.LogNormal(
'livewood_mr_base', **self.prior['livewood_mr_base'])
Q10_livewood = pm.TruncatedNormal(
'Q10_livewood', **self.prior['Q10_livewood'],
# Convert model parameters to a tensor vector
params_list = [
LUE_max, tmin0, tmin1, vpd0, vpd1, SLA,
Q10_livewood, Q10_froot, froot_leaf_ratio, livewood_leaf_ratio,
leaf_mr_base, froot_mr_base, livewood_mr_base
params = at.as_tensor_variable(params_list)
# Key step: Define the log-likelihood as an added potential
pm.Potential('likelihood', log_likelihood(params))
return model
class VIIRSCalibrationAPI(CalibrationAPI):
Convenience class for calibrating the MOD17 GPP and NPP models. Meant to
be used with `fire.Fire()`.
def __init__(self, config = None):
config_file = config
if config_file is None:
config_file = os.path.join(
MOD17_DIR, 'data/MOD17_calibration_config.json')
with open(config_file, 'r') as file:
self.config = json.load(file)
self.hdf5 = self.config['data']['file']
def tune_gpp(
self, pft: int, plot_trace: bool = False, ipdb: bool = False,
save_fig: bool = False, **kwargs):
Run the VNP17 GPP calibration.
pft : int
The Plant Functional Type (PFT) to calibrate
plot_trace : bool
True to plot the trace for a previous calibration run; this will
also NOT start a new calibration (Default: False)
ipdb : bool
True to drop the user into an ipdb prompt, prior to and instead of
running calibration
save_fig : bool
True to save figures to files instead of showing them
(Default: False)
Additional keyword arguments passed to
assert pft in PFT_VALID, f'Invalid PFT: {pft}'
params_dict = restore_bplut(self.config['BPLUT']['GPP'])
# Load blacklisted sites (if any)
blacklist = self.config['data']['sites_blacklisted']
# Filter the parameters to just those for the PFT of interest
params_dict = dict([(k, v[pft]) for k, v in params_dict.items()])
model = MOD17(params_dict)
objective = self.config['optimization']['objective'].lower()
print('Loading driver datasets...')
with h5py.File(self.hdf5, 'r') as hdf:
sites = hdf['FLUXNET/site_id'][:]
if hasattr(sites[0], 'decode'):
sites = list(map(lambda x: x.decode('utf-8'), sites))
# Get dominant PFT
pft_map = pft_dominant(hdf['state/PFT'][:], site_list = sites)
# Blacklist various sites
pft_mask = np.logical_and(pft_map == pft, ~np.in1d(sites, blacklist))
dates = hdf['time'][:]
# For expedience, subset all data to the VIIRS post-launch period
cutoff = np.argwhere(dates[:,0] == 2012).min()
weights = hdf['weights'][pft_mask]
# NOTE: Converting from Kelvin to Celsius
tday = hdf['MERRA2/T10M_daytime'][:][cutoff:,pft_mask] - 273.15
qv10m = hdf['MERRA2/QV10M_daytime'][:][cutoff:,pft_mask]
ps = hdf['MERRA2/PS_daytime'][:][cutoff:,pft_mask]
drivers = [ # fPAR, Tmin, VPD, PAR
hdf['MERRA2/Tmin'][:][cutoff:,pft_mask] - 273.15,
MOD17.vpd(qv10m, ps, tday),
# Set negative VPD to zero
drivers[2] = np.where(drivers[2] < 0, 0, drivers[2])
# Convert fPAR from (%) to [0,1]
drivers[0] = np.nanmean(drivers[0], axis = -1) / 100
# If RMSE is used, then we want to pay attention to weighting
weights = None
if objective in ('rmsd', 'rmse'):
weights = hdf['weights'][pft_mask][np.newaxis,:]\
.repeat(tday.shape[0], axis = 0)
for d, each in enumerate(drivers):
name = ('fPAR', 'Tmin', 'VPD', 'PAR')[d]
assert not np.isnan(each).any(),\
f'Driver dataset "{name}" contains NaNs'
tower_gpp = hdf['FLUXNET/GPP'][:][cutoff:,pft_mask]
# Read the validation mask; mask out observations that are
# reserved for validation
print('Masking out validation data...')
mask = hdf['FLUXNET/validation_mask_VNP17'][pft]
tower_gpp[mask] = np.nan
# Clean observations, then mask out driver data where the are no
# observations
tower_gpp = self.clean_observed(
tower_gpp, drivers, VNP17StochasticSampler.required_drivers['GPP'],
protocol = 'GPP')
if weights is not None:
weights = weights[~np.isnan(tower_gpp)]
for d, _ in enumerate(drivers):
drivers[d] = drivers[d][~np.isnan(tower_gpp)]
tower_gpp = tower_gpp[~np.isnan(tower_gpp)]
print('Initializing sampler...')
backend = self.config['optimization']['backend_template'] % ('GPP', pft)
sampler = VNP17StochasticSampler(
self.config, MOD17._gpp, params_dict, backend = backend,
weights = weights)
if plot_trace or ipdb:
if ipdb:
import ipdb
trace = sampler.get_trace()
az.plot_trace(trace, var_names = VNP17.required_parameters[0:5])
# Get (informative) priors for just those parameters that have them
with open(self.config['optimization']['prior'], 'r') as file:
prior = json.load(file)
prior_params = filter(
lambda p: p in prior.keys(), sampler.required_parameters['GPP'])
prior = dict([
(p, {'mu': prior[p]['mu'][pft], 'sigma': prior[p]['sigma'][pft]})
for p in prior_params
tower_gpp, drivers, prior = prior, save_fig = save_fig, **kwargs)
def tune_npp(
self, pft: int, plot_trace: bool = False, ipdb: bool = False,
save_fig: bool = False, climatology = False,
cutoff: Number = 2385, k_folds: int = 1, **kwargs):
Run the VNP17 NPP calibration.
pft : int
The Plant Functional Type (PFT) to calibrate
plot_trace : bool
True to display the trace plot ONLY and not run calibration
(Default: False)
ipdb : bool
True to drop into an interactive Python debugger (`ipdb`) after
loading an existing trace (Default: False)
save_fig : bool
True to save the post-calibration trace plot to a file instead of
displaying it (Default: False)
climatology : bool
True to use a MERRA-2 climatology (and look for it in the drivers
file), i.e., use `MERRA2_climatology` group instead of
`surface_met_MERRA2` group (Default: False)
cutoff : Number
Maximum value of observed NPP (g C m-2 year-1); values above this
cutoff will be discarded and not used in calibration
(Default: 2385)
k_folds : int
Number of folds to use in k-folds cross-validation; defaults to
k=1, i.e., no cross-validation is performed.
Additional keyword arguments passed to
assert pft in PFT_VALID, f'Invalid PFT: {pft}'
prefix = 'MERRA2_climatology' if climatology else 'surface_met_MERRA2'
params_dict = restore_bplut(self.config['BPLUT']['NPP'])
# Filter the parameters to just those for the PFT of interest
params_dict = dict([(k, v[pft]) for k, v in params_dict.items()])
model = MOD17(params_dict)
kwargs.update({'var_names': [
'~LUE_max', '~tmin0', '~tmin1', '~vpd0', '~vpd1', '~log_likelihood'
# Pass configuration parameters to
for key in ('chains', 'draws', 'tune', 'scaling'):
if key in self.config['optimization'].keys():
kwargs[key] = self.config['optimization'][key]
print('Loading driver datasets...')
with h5py.File(self.hdf5, 'r') as hdf:
# NOTE: This is only recorded at the site-level; no need to
# determine modal PFT across subgrid
pft_map = hdf['NPP/PFT'][:]
# Leave out sites where there is no fPAR (and no LAI) data
fpar = hdf['NPP/MOD15A2H_fPAR_clim'][:]
mask = np.logical_and(
pft_map == pft, ~np.isnan(np.nanmean(fpar, axis = -1))\
.all(axis = 0))
# NOTE: Converting from Kelvin to Celsius
tday = hdf[f'NPP/{prefix}/T10M_daytime'][:][:,mask] - 273.15
qv10m = hdf[f'NPP/{prefix}/QV10M_daytime'][:][:,mask]
ps = hdf[f'NPP/{prefix}/PS_daytime'][:][:,mask]
drivers = [ # fPAR, Tmin, VPD, PAR, LAI, Tmean, years
hdf[f'NPP/{prefix}/Tmin'][:][:,mask] - 273.15,
MOD17.vpd(qv10m, ps, tday),
hdf[f'NPP/{prefix}/T10M'][:][:,mask] - 273.15,
np.full(ps.shape, 1) # i.e., A 365-day climatological year ("Year 1")
observed_npp = hdf['NPP/NPP_total'][:][mask]
if cutoff is not None:
observed_npp[observed_npp > cutoff] = np.nan
# Set negative VPD to zero
drivers[2] = np.where(drivers[2] < 0, 0, drivers[2])
# Convert fPAR from (%) to [0,1] and re-scale LAI; reshape fPAR, LAI
drivers[0] = np.nanmean(drivers[0], axis = -1) * 0.01
drivers[4] = np.nanmean(drivers[4], axis = -1) * 0.1
# Mask out driver data where the are no observations
for d, _ in enumerate(drivers):
drivers[d] = drivers[d][:,~np.isnan(observed_npp)]
observed_npp = observed_npp[~np.isnan(observed_npp)]
if k_folds > 1:
# Back-up the original (complete) datasets
_drivers = [d.copy() for d in drivers]
_observed_npp = observed_npp.copy()
# Randomize the indices of the NPP data
indices = np.arange(0, observed_npp.size)
# Get the starting and ending index of each fold
fold_idx = np.array([indices.size // k_folds] * k_folds) * np.arange(0, k_folds)
fold_idx = list(map(list, zip(fold_idx, fold_idx + indices.size // k_folds)))
# Ensure that the entire dataset is used
fold_idx[-1][-1] = indices.max()
idx_test = [indices[start:end] for start, end in fold_idx]
for k, fold in enumerate(range(1, k_folds + 1)):
backend = self.config['optimization']['backend_template'] % ('NPP', pft)
if k_folds > 1:
# Create an HDF5 file with the same name as the (original)
# netCDF4 back-end, store the test indices
with h5py.File(backend.replace('nc4', 'h5'), 'w') as hdf:
out = list(idx_test)
size = indices.size // k_folds
out = np.stack(out)
except ValueError:
size = max((o.size for o in out))
for i in range(0, len(out)):
out[i] = np.concatenate((out[i], [np.nan] * (size - out[i].size)))
'test_indices', (k_folds, size), np.int32, np.stack(out))
backend = self.config['optimization']['backend_template'] % (f'NPP-k{fold}', pft)
# Restore the original NPP dataset
observed_npp = _observed_npp.copy()
# Set to NaN all the test indices
idx = idx_test[k]
observed_npp[idx] = np.nan
# Same for drivers, after restoring from the original
drivers = [d.copy()[:,~np.isnan(observed_npp)] for d in _drivers]
observed_npp = observed_npp[~np.isnan(observed_npp)]
print('Initializing sampler...')
sampler = VNP17StochasticSampler(
self.config, MOD17._npp, params_dict, backend = backend,
model_name = 'NPP')
if plot_trace or ipdb:
if ipdb:
import ipdb
trace = sampler.get_trace()
az.plot_trace(trace, var_names = MOD17.required_parameters[5:])
# Get (informative) priors for just those parameters that have them
with open(self.config['optimization']['prior'], 'r') as file:
prior = json.load(file)
prior_params = filter(
lambda p: p in prior.keys(), sampler.required_parameters['NPP'])
prior = dict([
(p, prior[p]) for p in prior_params
for key in prior.keys():
# And make sure to subset to the chosen PFT!
for arg in prior[key].keys():
prior[key][arg] = prior[key][arg][pft]
observed_npp, drivers, prior = prior, save_fig = save_fig,
if __name__ == '__main__':
import fire
with warnings.catch_warnings():
class VIIRSCalibrationAPI (config=None)
Convenience class for calibrating the MOD17 GPP and NPP models. Meant to be used with
.Expand source code
class VIIRSCalibrationAPI(CalibrationAPI): ''' Convenience class for calibrating the MOD17 GPP and NPP models. Meant to be used with `fire.Fire()`. ''' def __init__(self, config = None): config_file = config if config_file is None: config_file = os.path.join( MOD17_DIR, 'data/MOD17_calibration_config.json') with open(config_file, 'r') as file: self.config = json.load(file) self.hdf5 = self.config['data']['file'] def tune_gpp( self, pft: int, plot_trace: bool = False, ipdb: bool = False, save_fig: bool = False, **kwargs): ''' Run the VNP17 GPP calibration. Parameters ---------- pft : int The Plant Functional Type (PFT) to calibrate plot_trace : bool True to plot the trace for a previous calibration run; this will also NOT start a new calibration (Default: False) ipdb : bool True to drop the user into an ipdb prompt, prior to and instead of running calibration save_fig : bool True to save figures to files instead of showing them (Default: False) **kwargs Additional keyword arguments passed to `` ''' assert pft in PFT_VALID, f'Invalid PFT: {pft}' params_dict = restore_bplut(self.config['BPLUT']['GPP']) # Load blacklisted sites (if any) blacklist = self.config['data']['sites_blacklisted'] # Filter the parameters to just those for the PFT of interest params_dict = dict([(k, v[pft]) for k, v in params_dict.items()]) model = MOD17(params_dict) objective = self.config['optimization']['objective'].lower() print('Loading driver datasets...') with h5py.File(self.hdf5, 'r') as hdf: sites = hdf['FLUXNET/site_id'][:] if hasattr(sites[0], 'decode'): sites = list(map(lambda x: x.decode('utf-8'), sites)) # Get dominant PFT pft_map = pft_dominant(hdf['state/PFT'][:], site_list = sites) # Blacklist various sites pft_mask = np.logical_and(pft_map == pft, ~np.in1d(sites, blacklist)) dates = hdf['time'][:] # For expedience, subset all data to the VIIRS post-launch period cutoff = np.argwhere(dates[:,0] == 2012).min() weights = hdf['weights'][pft_mask] # NOTE: Converting from Kelvin to Celsius tday = hdf['MERRA2/T10M_daytime'][:][cutoff:,pft_mask] - 273.15 qv10m = hdf['MERRA2/QV10M_daytime'][:][cutoff:,pft_mask] ps = hdf['MERRA2/PS_daytime'][:][cutoff:,pft_mask] drivers = [ # fPAR, Tmin, VPD, PAR hdf['VIIRS/VNP15A2HGF_fPAR_interp'][:][cutoff:,pft_mask], hdf['MERRA2/Tmin'][:][cutoff:,pft_mask] - 273.15, MOD17.vpd(qv10m, ps, tday), MOD17.par(hdf['MERRA2/SWGDN'][:][cutoff:,pft_mask]), ] # Set negative VPD to zero drivers[2] = np.where(drivers[2] < 0, 0, drivers[2]) # Convert fPAR from (%) to [0,1] drivers[0] = np.nanmean(drivers[0], axis = -1) / 100 # If RMSE is used, then we want to pay attention to weighting weights = None if objective in ('rmsd', 'rmse'): weights = hdf['weights'][pft_mask][np.newaxis,:]\ .repeat(tday.shape[0], axis = 0) for d, each in enumerate(drivers): name = ('fPAR', 'Tmin', 'VPD', 'PAR')[d] assert not np.isnan(each).any(),\ f'Driver dataset "{name}" contains NaNs' tower_gpp = hdf['FLUXNET/GPP'][:][cutoff:,pft_mask] # Read the validation mask; mask out observations that are # reserved for validation print('Masking out validation data...') mask = hdf['FLUXNET/validation_mask_VNP17'][pft] tower_gpp[mask] = np.nan # Clean observations, then mask out driver data where the are no # observations tower_gpp = self.clean_observed( tower_gpp, drivers, VNP17StochasticSampler.required_drivers['GPP'], protocol = 'GPP') if weights is not None: weights = weights[~np.isnan(tower_gpp)] for d, _ in enumerate(drivers): drivers[d] = drivers[d][~np.isnan(tower_gpp)] tower_gpp = tower_gpp[~np.isnan(tower_gpp)] print('Initializing sampler...') backend = self.config['optimization']['backend_template'] % ('GPP', pft) sampler = VNP17StochasticSampler( self.config, MOD17._gpp, params_dict, backend = backend, weights = weights) if plot_trace or ipdb: if ipdb: import ipdb ipdb.set_trace() trace = sampler.get_trace() az.plot_trace(trace, var_names = VNP17.required_parameters[0:5]) return # Get (informative) priors for just those parameters that have them with open(self.config['optimization']['prior'], 'r') as file: prior = json.load(file) prior_params = filter( lambda p: p in prior.keys(), sampler.required_parameters['GPP']) prior = dict([ (p, {'mu': prior[p]['mu'][pft], 'sigma': prior[p]['sigma'][pft]}) for p in prior_params ]) tower_gpp, drivers, prior = prior, save_fig = save_fig, **kwargs) def tune_npp( self, pft: int, plot_trace: bool = False, ipdb: bool = False, save_fig: bool = False, climatology = False, cutoff: Number = 2385, k_folds: int = 1, **kwargs): ''' Run the VNP17 NPP calibration. Parameters ---------- pft : int The Plant Functional Type (PFT) to calibrate plot_trace : bool True to display the trace plot ONLY and not run calibration (Default: False) ipdb : bool True to drop into an interactive Python debugger (`ipdb`) after loading an existing trace (Default: False) save_fig : bool True to save the post-calibration trace plot to a file instead of displaying it (Default: False) climatology : bool True to use a MERRA-2 climatology (and look for it in the drivers file), i.e., use `MERRA2_climatology` group instead of `surface_met_MERRA2` group (Default: False) cutoff : Number Maximum value of observed NPP (g C m-2 year-1); values above this cutoff will be discarded and not used in calibration (Default: 2385) k_folds : int Number of folds to use in k-folds cross-validation; defaults to k=1, i.e., no cross-validation is performed. **kwargs Additional keyword arguments passed to `` ''' assert pft in PFT_VALID, f'Invalid PFT: {pft}' prefix = 'MERRA2_climatology' if climatology else 'surface_met_MERRA2' params_dict = restore_bplut(self.config['BPLUT']['NPP']) # Filter the parameters to just those for the PFT of interest params_dict = dict([(k, v[pft]) for k, v in params_dict.items()]) model = MOD17(params_dict) kwargs.update({'var_names': [ '~LUE_max', '~tmin0', '~tmin1', '~vpd0', '~vpd1', '~log_likelihood' ]}) # Pass configuration parameters to for key in ('chains', 'draws', 'tune', 'scaling'): if key in self.config['optimization'].keys(): kwargs[key] = self.config['optimization'][key] print('Loading driver datasets...') with h5py.File(self.hdf5, 'r') as hdf: # NOTE: This is only recorded at the site-level; no need to # determine modal PFT across subgrid pft_map = hdf['NPP/PFT'][:] # Leave out sites where there is no fPAR (and no LAI) data fpar = hdf['NPP/MOD15A2H_fPAR_clim'][:] mask = np.logical_and( pft_map == pft, ~np.isnan(np.nanmean(fpar, axis = -1))\ .all(axis = 0)) # NOTE: Converting from Kelvin to Celsius tday = hdf[f'NPP/{prefix}/T10M_daytime'][:][:,mask] - 273.15 qv10m = hdf[f'NPP/{prefix}/QV10M_daytime'][:][:,mask] ps = hdf[f'NPP/{prefix}/PS_daytime'][:][:,mask] drivers = [ # fPAR, Tmin, VPD, PAR, LAI, Tmean, years hdf['NPP/VNP15A2H_fPAR_clim'][:][:,mask], hdf[f'NPP/{prefix}/Tmin'][:][:,mask] - 273.15, MOD17.vpd(qv10m, ps, tday), MOD17.par(hdf[f'NPP/{prefix}/SWGDN'][:][:,mask]), hdf['NPP/VNP15A2H_LAI_clim'][:][:,mask], hdf[f'NPP/{prefix}/T10M'][:][:,mask] - 273.15, np.full(ps.shape, 1) # i.e., A 365-day climatological year ("Year 1") ] observed_npp = hdf['NPP/NPP_total'][:][mask] if cutoff is not None: observed_npp[observed_npp > cutoff] = np.nan # Set negative VPD to zero drivers[2] = np.where(drivers[2] < 0, 0, drivers[2]) # Convert fPAR from (%) to [0,1] and re-scale LAI; reshape fPAR, LAI drivers[0] = np.nanmean(drivers[0], axis = -1) * 0.01 drivers[4] = np.nanmean(drivers[4], axis = -1) * 0.1 # Mask out driver data where the are no observations for d, _ in enumerate(drivers): drivers[d] = drivers[d][:,~np.isnan(observed_npp)] observed_npp = observed_npp[~np.isnan(observed_npp)] if k_folds > 1: # Back-up the original (complete) datasets _drivers = [d.copy() for d in drivers] _observed_npp = observed_npp.copy() # Randomize the indices of the NPP data indices = np.arange(0, observed_npp.size) np.random.shuffle(indices) # Get the starting and ending index of each fold fold_idx = np.array([indices.size // k_folds] * k_folds) * np.arange(0, k_folds) fold_idx = list(map(list, zip(fold_idx, fold_idx + indices.size // k_folds))) # Ensure that the entire dataset is used fold_idx[-1][-1] = indices.max() idx_test = [indices[start:end] for start, end in fold_idx] for k, fold in enumerate(range(1, k_folds + 1)): backend = self.config['optimization']['backend_template'] % ('NPP', pft) if k_folds > 1: # Create an HDF5 file with the same name as the (original) # netCDF4 back-end, store the test indices with h5py.File(backend.replace('nc4', 'h5'), 'w') as hdf: out = list(idx_test) size = indices.size // k_folds try: out = np.stack(out) except ValueError: size = max((o.size for o in out)) for i in range(0, len(out)): out[i] = np.concatenate((out[i], [np.nan] * (size - out[i].size))) hdf.create_dataset( 'test_indices', (k_folds, size), np.int32, np.stack(out)) backend = self.config['optimization']['backend_template'] % (f'NPP-k{fold}', pft) # Restore the original NPP dataset observed_npp = _observed_npp.copy() # Set to NaN all the test indices idx = idx_test[k] observed_npp[idx] = np.nan # Same for drivers, after restoring from the original drivers = [d.copy()[:,~np.isnan(observed_npp)] for d in _drivers] observed_npp = observed_npp[~np.isnan(observed_npp)] print('Initializing sampler...') sampler = VNP17StochasticSampler( self.config, MOD17._npp, params_dict, backend = backend, model_name = 'NPP') if plot_trace or ipdb: if ipdb: import ipdb ipdb.set_trace() trace = sampler.get_trace() az.plot_trace(trace, var_names = MOD17.required_parameters[5:]) return # Get (informative) priors for just those parameters that have them with open(self.config['optimization']['prior'], 'r') as file: prior = json.load(file) prior_params = filter( lambda p: p in prior.keys(), sampler.required_parameters['NPP']) prior = dict([ (p, prior[p]) for p in prior_params ]) for key in prior.keys(): # And make sure to subset to the chosen PFT! for arg in prior[key].keys(): prior[key][arg] = prior[key][arg][pft] observed_npp, drivers, prior = prior, save_fig = save_fig, **kwargs)
def tune_gpp(self, pft: int, plot_trace: bool = False, ipdb: bool = False, save_fig: bool = False, **kwargs)
Run the VNP17 GPP calibration.
- The Plant Functional Type (PFT) to calibrate
- True to plot the trace for a previous calibration run; this will also NOT start a new calibration (Default: False)
- True to drop the user into an ipdb prompt, prior to and instead of running calibration
- True to save figures to files instead of showing them (Default: False)
- Additional keyword arguments passed to
Expand source code
def tune_gpp( self, pft: int, plot_trace: bool = False, ipdb: bool = False, save_fig: bool = False, **kwargs): ''' Run the VNP17 GPP calibration. Parameters ---------- pft : int The Plant Functional Type (PFT) to calibrate plot_trace : bool True to plot the trace for a previous calibration run; this will also NOT start a new calibration (Default: False) ipdb : bool True to drop the user into an ipdb prompt, prior to and instead of running calibration save_fig : bool True to save figures to files instead of showing them (Default: False) **kwargs Additional keyword arguments passed to `` ''' assert pft in PFT_VALID, f'Invalid PFT: {pft}' params_dict = restore_bplut(self.config['BPLUT']['GPP']) # Load blacklisted sites (if any) blacklist = self.config['data']['sites_blacklisted'] # Filter the parameters to just those for the PFT of interest params_dict = dict([(k, v[pft]) for k, v in params_dict.items()]) model = MOD17(params_dict) objective = self.config['optimization']['objective'].lower() print('Loading driver datasets...') with h5py.File(self.hdf5, 'r') as hdf: sites = hdf['FLUXNET/site_id'][:] if hasattr(sites[0], 'decode'): sites = list(map(lambda x: x.decode('utf-8'), sites)) # Get dominant PFT pft_map = pft_dominant(hdf['state/PFT'][:], site_list = sites) # Blacklist various sites pft_mask = np.logical_and(pft_map == pft, ~np.in1d(sites, blacklist)) dates = hdf['time'][:] # For expedience, subset all data to the VIIRS post-launch period cutoff = np.argwhere(dates[:,0] == 2012).min() weights = hdf['weights'][pft_mask] # NOTE: Converting from Kelvin to Celsius tday = hdf['MERRA2/T10M_daytime'][:][cutoff:,pft_mask] - 273.15 qv10m = hdf['MERRA2/QV10M_daytime'][:][cutoff:,pft_mask] ps = hdf['MERRA2/PS_daytime'][:][cutoff:,pft_mask] drivers = [ # fPAR, Tmin, VPD, PAR hdf['VIIRS/VNP15A2HGF_fPAR_interp'][:][cutoff:,pft_mask], hdf['MERRA2/Tmin'][:][cutoff:,pft_mask] - 273.15, MOD17.vpd(qv10m, ps, tday), MOD17.par(hdf['MERRA2/SWGDN'][:][cutoff:,pft_mask]), ] # Set negative VPD to zero drivers[2] = np.where(drivers[2] < 0, 0, drivers[2]) # Convert fPAR from (%) to [0,1] drivers[0] = np.nanmean(drivers[0], axis = -1) / 100 # If RMSE is used, then we want to pay attention to weighting weights = None if objective in ('rmsd', 'rmse'): weights = hdf['weights'][pft_mask][np.newaxis,:]\ .repeat(tday.shape[0], axis = 0) for d, each in enumerate(drivers): name = ('fPAR', 'Tmin', 'VPD', 'PAR')[d] assert not np.isnan(each).any(),\ f'Driver dataset "{name}" contains NaNs' tower_gpp = hdf['FLUXNET/GPP'][:][cutoff:,pft_mask] # Read the validation mask; mask out observations that are # reserved for validation print('Masking out validation data...') mask = hdf['FLUXNET/validation_mask_VNP17'][pft] tower_gpp[mask] = np.nan # Clean observations, then mask out driver data where the are no # observations tower_gpp = self.clean_observed( tower_gpp, drivers, VNP17StochasticSampler.required_drivers['GPP'], protocol = 'GPP') if weights is not None: weights = weights[~np.isnan(tower_gpp)] for d, _ in enumerate(drivers): drivers[d] = drivers[d][~np.isnan(tower_gpp)] tower_gpp = tower_gpp[~np.isnan(tower_gpp)] print('Initializing sampler...') backend = self.config['optimization']['backend_template'] % ('GPP', pft) sampler = VNP17StochasticSampler( self.config, MOD17._gpp, params_dict, backend = backend, weights = weights) if plot_trace or ipdb: if ipdb: import ipdb ipdb.set_trace() trace = sampler.get_trace() az.plot_trace(trace, var_names = VNP17.required_parameters[0:5]) return # Get (informative) priors for just those parameters that have them with open(self.config['optimization']['prior'], 'r') as file: prior = json.load(file) prior_params = filter( lambda p: p in prior.keys(), sampler.required_parameters['GPP']) prior = dict([ (p, {'mu': prior[p]['mu'][pft], 'sigma': prior[p]['sigma'][pft]}) for p in prior_params ]) tower_gpp, drivers, prior = prior, save_fig = save_fig, **kwargs)
def tune_npp(self, pft: int, plot_trace: bool = False, ipdb: bool = False, save_fig: bool = False, climatology=False, cutoff: numbers.Number = 2385, k_folds: int = 1, **kwargs)
Run the VNP17 NPP calibration.
- The Plant Functional Type (PFT) to calibrate
- True to display the trace plot ONLY and not run calibration (Default: False)
- True to drop into an interactive Python debugger (
) after loading an existing trace (Default: False) save_fig
- True to save the post-calibration trace plot to a file instead of displaying it (Default: False)
- True to use a MERRA-2 climatology (and look for it in the drivers
file), i.e., use
group instead ofsurface_met_MERRA2
group (Default: False) cutoff
- Maximum value of observed NPP (g C m-2 year-1); values above this cutoff will be discarded and not used in calibration (Default: 2385)
- Number of folds to use in k-folds cross-validation; defaults to k=1, i.e., no cross-validation is performed.
- Additional keyword arguments passed to
Expand source code
def tune_npp( self, pft: int, plot_trace: bool = False, ipdb: bool = False, save_fig: bool = False, climatology = False, cutoff: Number = 2385, k_folds: int = 1, **kwargs): ''' Run the VNP17 NPP calibration. Parameters ---------- pft : int The Plant Functional Type (PFT) to calibrate plot_trace : bool True to display the trace plot ONLY and not run calibration (Default: False) ipdb : bool True to drop into an interactive Python debugger (`ipdb`) after loading an existing trace (Default: False) save_fig : bool True to save the post-calibration trace plot to a file instead of displaying it (Default: False) climatology : bool True to use a MERRA-2 climatology (and look for it in the drivers file), i.e., use `MERRA2_climatology` group instead of `surface_met_MERRA2` group (Default: False) cutoff : Number Maximum value of observed NPP (g C m-2 year-1); values above this cutoff will be discarded and not used in calibration (Default: 2385) k_folds : int Number of folds to use in k-folds cross-validation; defaults to k=1, i.e., no cross-validation is performed. **kwargs Additional keyword arguments passed to `` ''' assert pft in PFT_VALID, f'Invalid PFT: {pft}' prefix = 'MERRA2_climatology' if climatology else 'surface_met_MERRA2' params_dict = restore_bplut(self.config['BPLUT']['NPP']) # Filter the parameters to just those for the PFT of interest params_dict = dict([(k, v[pft]) for k, v in params_dict.items()]) model = MOD17(params_dict) kwargs.update({'var_names': [ '~LUE_max', '~tmin0', '~tmin1', '~vpd0', '~vpd1', '~log_likelihood' ]}) # Pass configuration parameters to for key in ('chains', 'draws', 'tune', 'scaling'): if key in self.config['optimization'].keys(): kwargs[key] = self.config['optimization'][key] print('Loading driver datasets...') with h5py.File(self.hdf5, 'r') as hdf: # NOTE: This is only recorded at the site-level; no need to # determine modal PFT across subgrid pft_map = hdf['NPP/PFT'][:] # Leave out sites where there is no fPAR (and no LAI) data fpar = hdf['NPP/MOD15A2H_fPAR_clim'][:] mask = np.logical_and( pft_map == pft, ~np.isnan(np.nanmean(fpar, axis = -1))\ .all(axis = 0)) # NOTE: Converting from Kelvin to Celsius tday = hdf[f'NPP/{prefix}/T10M_daytime'][:][:,mask] - 273.15 qv10m = hdf[f'NPP/{prefix}/QV10M_daytime'][:][:,mask] ps = hdf[f'NPP/{prefix}/PS_daytime'][:][:,mask] drivers = [ # fPAR, Tmin, VPD, PAR, LAI, Tmean, years hdf['NPP/VNP15A2H_fPAR_clim'][:][:,mask], hdf[f'NPP/{prefix}/Tmin'][:][:,mask] - 273.15, MOD17.vpd(qv10m, ps, tday), MOD17.par(hdf[f'NPP/{prefix}/SWGDN'][:][:,mask]), hdf['NPP/VNP15A2H_LAI_clim'][:][:,mask], hdf[f'NPP/{prefix}/T10M'][:][:,mask] - 273.15, np.full(ps.shape, 1) # i.e., A 365-day climatological year ("Year 1") ] observed_npp = hdf['NPP/NPP_total'][:][mask] if cutoff is not None: observed_npp[observed_npp > cutoff] = np.nan # Set negative VPD to zero drivers[2] = np.where(drivers[2] < 0, 0, drivers[2]) # Convert fPAR from (%) to [0,1] and re-scale LAI; reshape fPAR, LAI drivers[0] = np.nanmean(drivers[0], axis = -1) * 0.01 drivers[4] = np.nanmean(drivers[4], axis = -1) * 0.1 # Mask out driver data where the are no observations for d, _ in enumerate(drivers): drivers[d] = drivers[d][:,~np.isnan(observed_npp)] observed_npp = observed_npp[~np.isnan(observed_npp)] if k_folds > 1: # Back-up the original (complete) datasets _drivers = [d.copy() for d in drivers] _observed_npp = observed_npp.copy() # Randomize the indices of the NPP data indices = np.arange(0, observed_npp.size) np.random.shuffle(indices) # Get the starting and ending index of each fold fold_idx = np.array([indices.size // k_folds] * k_folds) * np.arange(0, k_folds) fold_idx = list(map(list, zip(fold_idx, fold_idx + indices.size // k_folds))) # Ensure that the entire dataset is used fold_idx[-1][-1] = indices.max() idx_test = [indices[start:end] for start, end in fold_idx] for k, fold in enumerate(range(1, k_folds + 1)): backend = self.config['optimization']['backend_template'] % ('NPP', pft) if k_folds > 1: # Create an HDF5 file with the same name as the (original) # netCDF4 back-end, store the test indices with h5py.File(backend.replace('nc4', 'h5'), 'w') as hdf: out = list(idx_test) size = indices.size // k_folds try: out = np.stack(out) except ValueError: size = max((o.size for o in out)) for i in range(0, len(out)): out[i] = np.concatenate((out[i], [np.nan] * (size - out[i].size))) hdf.create_dataset( 'test_indices', (k_folds, size), np.int32, np.stack(out)) backend = self.config['optimization']['backend_template'] % (f'NPP-k{fold}', pft) # Restore the original NPP dataset observed_npp = _observed_npp.copy() # Set to NaN all the test indices idx = idx_test[k] observed_npp[idx] = np.nan # Same for drivers, after restoring from the original drivers = [d.copy()[:,~np.isnan(observed_npp)] for d in _drivers] observed_npp = observed_npp[~np.isnan(observed_npp)] print('Initializing sampler...') sampler = VNP17StochasticSampler( self.config, MOD17._npp, params_dict, backend = backend, model_name = 'NPP') if plot_trace or ipdb: if ipdb: import ipdb ipdb.set_trace() trace = sampler.get_trace() az.plot_trace(trace, var_names = MOD17.required_parameters[5:]) return # Get (informative) priors for just those parameters that have them with open(self.config['optimization']['prior'], 'r') as file: prior = json.load(file) prior_params = filter( lambda p: p in prior.keys(), sampler.required_parameters['NPP']) prior = dict([ (p, prior[p]) for p in prior_params ]) for key in prior.keys(): # And make sure to subset to the chosen PFT! for arg in prior[key].keys(): prior[key][arg] = prior[key][arg][pft] observed_npp, drivers, prior = prior, save_fig = save_fig, **kwargs)
Inherited members
class VNP17StochasticSampler (config: dict, model: Callable, params_dict: dict = None, backend: str = None, weights: Sequence[+T_co] = None, model_name: str = None)
A Markov Chain-Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampler for MOD17. The specific sampler used is the Differential Evolution (DE) MCMC algorithm described by Ter Braak (2008), though the implementation is specific to the PyMC3 library.
- Tower GPP is censored when values are < 0 or when APAR is < 0.1 MJ m-2 d-1.
- Dictionary of configuration parameters
- The function to call (with driver data and parameters); this function
should take driver data as positional arguments and the model
parameters as a
; it should require no external state. observed
- Sequence of observed values that will be used to calibrate the model; i.e., model is scored by how close its predicted values are to the observed values
- Dictionary of model parameters, to be used as initial values and as the basis for constructing a new dictionary of optimized parameters
- Path to a NetCDF4 file backend (Default: None)
- Optional sequence of weights applied to the model residuals (as in weighted least squares)
Expand source code
class VNP17StochasticSampler(MOD17StochasticSampler): ''' A Markov Chain-Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampler for MOD17. The specific sampler used is the Differential Evolution (DE) MCMC algorithm described by Ter Braak (2008), though the implementation is specific to the PyMC3 library. Considerations: 1. Tower GPP is censored when values are < 0 or when APAR is < 0.1 MJ m-2 d-1. Parameters ---------- config : dict Dictionary of configuration parameters model : Callable The function to call (with driver data and parameters); this function should take driver data as positional arguments and the model parameters as a `*Sequence`; it should require no external state. observed : Sequence Sequence of observed values that will be used to calibrate the model; i.e., model is scored by how close its predicted values are to the observed values params_dict : dict or None Dictionary of model parameters, to be used as initial values and as the basis for constructing a new dictionary of optimized parameters backend : str or None Path to a NetCDF4 file backend (Default: None) weights : Sequence or None Optional sequence of weights applied to the model residuals (as in weighted least squares) ''' # NOTE: This is different than for mod17.MOD17 because we haven't yet # figured out how the respiration terms are calculated required_parameters = { 'GPP': ['LUE_max', 'tmin0', 'tmin1', 'vpd0', 'vpd1'], 'NPP': MOD17.required_parameters } required_drivers = { 'GPP': ['fPAR', 'Tmin', 'VPD', 'PAR'], 'NPP': ['fPAR', 'Tmin', 'VPD', 'PAR', 'LAI', 'Tmean', 'years'] } def compile_gpp_model( self, observed: Sequence, drivers: Sequence) -> pm.Model: ''' Creates a new GPP model based on the prior distribution. Model can be re-compiled multiple times, e.g., for cross validation. Parameters ---------- observed : Sequence Sequence of observed values that will be used to calibrate the model; i.e., model is scored by how close its predicted values are to the observed values drivers : list or tuple Sequence of driver datasets to be supplied, in order, to the model's run function Returns ------- pm.Model ''' # Define the objective/ likelihood function log_likelihood = BlackBoxLikelihood( self.model, observed, x = drivers, weights = self.weights) # With this context manager, "all PyMC3 objects introduced in the indented # code block...are added to the model behind the scenes." with pm.Model() as model: # (Stochstic) Priors for unknown model parameters LUE_max = pm.TruncatedNormal('LUE_max', **self.prior['LUE_max'], **self.bounds['LUE_max']) # NOTE: All environmental scalars are fixed at their updated # MOD17 values tmin0 = self.params['tmin0'] tmin1 = self.params['tmin1'] vpd0 = self.params['vpd0'] vpd1 = self.params['vpd1'] # Convert model parameters to a tensor vector params_list = [LUE_max, tmin0, tmin1, vpd0, vpd1] params = at.as_tensor_variable(params_list) # Key step: Define the log-likelihood as an added potential pm.Potential('likelihood', log_likelihood(params)) return model def compile_npp_model( self, observed: Sequence, drivers: Sequence) -> pm.Model: ''' Creates a new NPP model based on the prior distribution. Model can be re-compiled multiple times, e.g., for cross validation. Parameters ---------- observed : Sequence Sequence of observed values that will be used to calibrate the model; i.e., model is scored by how close its predicted values are to the observed values drivers : list or tuple Sequence of driver datasets to be supplied, in order, to the model's run function Returns ------- pm.Model ''' # Define the objective/ likelihood function log_likelihood = BlackBoxLikelihood( self.model, observed, x = drivers, weights = self.weights) # With this context manager, "all PyMC3 objects introduced in the indented # code block...are added to the model behind the scenes." with pm.Model() as model: # Setting GPP parameters that are known LUE_max = self.params['LUE_max'] tmin0 = self.params['tmin0'] tmin1 = self.params['tmin1'] vpd0 = self.params['vpd0'] vpd1 = self.params['vpd1'] # SLA fixed at prior mean SLA = np.exp(self.prior['SLA']['mu']) # Allometry ratios prescribe narrow range around Collection 6.1 values froot_leaf_ratio = pm.Triangular( 'froot_leaf_ratio', **self.prior['froot_leaf_ratio']) Q10_froot = pm.TruncatedNormal( 'Q10_froot', **self.prior['Q10_froot'], **self.bounds['Q10']) leaf_mr_base = pm.LogNormal( 'leaf_mr_base', **self.prior['leaf_mr_base']) froot_mr_base = pm.LogNormal( 'froot_mr_base', **self.prior['froot_mr_base']) # For GRS and CRO, livewood mass and respiration are zero if list(self.prior['livewood_mr_base'].values()) == [0, 0]: livewood_leaf_ratio = 0 livewood_mr_base = 0 Q10_livewood = 0 else: livewood_leaf_ratio = pm.Triangular( 'livewood_leaf_ratio', **self.prior['livewood_leaf_ratio']) livewood_mr_base = pm.LogNormal( 'livewood_mr_base', **self.prior['livewood_mr_base']) Q10_livewood = pm.TruncatedNormal( 'Q10_livewood', **self.prior['Q10_livewood'], **self.bounds['Q10']) # Convert model parameters to a tensor vector params_list = [ LUE_max, tmin0, tmin1, vpd0, vpd1, SLA, Q10_livewood, Q10_froot, froot_leaf_ratio, livewood_leaf_ratio, leaf_mr_base, froot_mr_base, livewood_mr_base ] params = at.as_tensor_variable(params_list) # Key step: Define the log-likelihood as an added potential pm.Potential('likelihood', log_likelihood(params)) return model
Class variables
var required_drivers
var required_parameters
Inherited members