Package mod17
The MOD17 Daily GPP and Annual GPP algorithm. See MOD17
for a discussion
of the required model parameters. The required input driver datasets are:
- Daily mean air temperature at 10-meter height (deg C),
e.g., from MERRA-2
- Daily minimum air temperature at 10-m height (deg C),
e.g., from MERRA-2
- Incident photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) [MJ m-2 day-1),
e.g., from MERRA-2
; see alsoMOD17.par()
- Vapor pressure deficit (VPD) (Pa), e.g., from MERRA-2
; see alsoMOD17.vpd()
Note that there are two hidden methods of the MOD17 class:
These are streamlined implementations of MOD17.daily_gpp()
, respectively, and were designed for use in calibration,
where repeated function calls can make function overhead a real issue. These
streamlined functions expect a vectorized parameters array as the first
argument and subsequent arguments are driver datasets, e.g.:
MOD17._gpp(params, fpar, tmin, vpd, par)
MOD17._npp(params, fpar, tmin, vpd, par, lai, tmean, years)
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The MOD17 Daily GPP and Annual GPP algorithm. See `MOD17` for a discussion
of the required model parameters. The required input driver datasets are:
- Daily mean air temperature at 10-meter height (deg C),
e.g., from MERRA-2 `T10M`
- Daily minimum air temperature at 10-m height (deg C),
e.g., from MERRA-2 `T10M`
- Incident photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) [MJ m-2 day-1),
e.g., from MERRA-2 `SWGDN`; see also `MOD17.par()`
- Vapor pressure deficit (VPD) (Pa), e.g., from MERRA-2 `QV10M`, `T10M`, `PS`;
see also `MOD17.vpd()`
Note that there are two hidden methods of the MOD17 class:
- `MOD17._gpp()`
- `MOD17._npp()`
These are streamlined implementations of `MOD17.daily_gpp()` and
`MOD17.annual_npp()`, respectively, and were designed for use in calibration,
where repeated function calls can make function overhead a real issue. These
streamlined functions expect a vectorized parameters array as the first
argument and subsequent arguments are driver datasets, e.g.:
MOD17._gpp(params, fpar, tmin, vpd, par)
MOD17._npp(params, fpar, tmin, vpd, par, lai, tmean, years)
import warnings
import numpy as np
from typing import Callable, Sequence, Tuple, Union, Iterable
from numbers import Number
PFT_VALID = (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,12)
class MOD17(object):
The MODIS MxD17 Gross Primary Productivity and Net Photosynthesis model.
The required model parameters are:
- `LUE_max`: Maximum light-use efficiency (kg C MJ-1)
- `tmin0` and `tmin1`: The lower and upper bounds on the temperature
response of photosynthesis (deg C); i.e., temperature at which stomata
are fully closed and fully open, respectively
- `vpd0` and `vpd0`: The lower and upper bounds on the response to VPD
of photosynthesis (Pa); i.e., VPD at which stomata are full open and
fully closed, respectively
- `SLA`: Specific leaf area, or projected leaf area per kilogram of C
[LAI kg C-1]
- `q10`: Exponent shape parameter controlling respiration as a function of
temperature (in degrees C) (unitless)
- `froot_leaf_ratio`: The ratio of fine root C to leaf C (unitless).
- `livewood_leaf_ratio`: Ratio of live wood carbon to annual maximum leaf
- `leaf_mr_base`: Maintenance respiration per unit leaf carbon per day at
a reference temperature of 20 degrees C [kg C (kg C)-1 day-1]
- `froot_mr_base`: Maintenance respiration per unit fine root carbon per
day at a reference temperature of 20 degrees C [kg C (kg C)-1 day-1]
- `livewood_mr_base`: Maintenance respiration per unit live wood carbon
per day at a reference temperature of 20 degrees C [kg C (kg C)-1 d-1]
NOTE: This class includes private class methods `MOD17._gpp()` and
`MOD17._gpp()`, that avoid the overhead associated with creating a model
instance; it should be used, e.g., for model calibration because it is faster
and produces the same results as `MOD17.daily_gpp()`.
NOTE: For multiple PFTs, vectorized parameters array can be passed; i.e.,
a dictionary where each value is an (N,) array for N sites.
params : dict
Dictionary of model parameters
required_parameters = [
'LUE_max', 'tmin0', 'tmin1', 'vpd0', 'vpd1', 'SLA',
'Q10_livewood', 'Q10_froot', 'froot_leaf_ratio',
'livewood_leaf_ratio', 'leaf_mr_base', 'froot_mr_base',
def __init__(self, params: dict):
self.params = params
for key in self.required_parameters:
setattr(self, key, params[key])
def _gpp(params, fpar, tmin, vpd, par):
'Daily GPP as static method, avoids overhead of class instantiation'
# "params" argument should be a Sequence of atomic parameter values
# in the order prescribed by "required_parameters"
tmin_scalar = linear_constraint(params[1], params[2])(tmin)
vpd_scalar = linear_constraint(
params[3], params[4], form = 'reversed')(vpd)
lue = params[0] * tmin_scalar * vpd_scalar
return 1e3 * lue * fpar * par
def _npp(params, fpar, tmin, vpd, par, lai, tmean, years):
Annual NPP as static method, avoids overhead of class instantiation.
NOTE: It's assumed that the elements of `years` are in chronological
order on the first axis (time axis).
# "params" argument should be a Sequence of atomic parameter values
# in the order prescribed by "required_parameters"
gpp = MOD17._gpp(params, fpar, tmin, vpd, par)
# Daily respiration
leaf_mass = lai / params[5] # LAI divided by SLA -> leaf mass [kg m-2]
froot_mass = leaf_mass * params[8] # Leaf mass times `froot_leaf_ratio`
# NOTE: Q10 calculated differently depending on the component
_exp = (tmean - 20) / 10
q10_leaf = np.power(3.22 - 0.046 * tmean, _exp)
q10_froot = np.power(params[7], _exp)
# Convert leaf, froot mass from [kg C m-2] to [g C m-2], then...
r_leaf = 1e3 * leaf_mass * params[10] * q10_leaf
r_froot = 1e3 * froot_mass * params[11] * q10_froot
# Accumulate respiration over each year
all_years = np.unique(years).tolist()
# Pre-allocate arrays
mr_leaf = np.full((len(all_years), *lai.shape[1:],), np.nan)
mr_froot = np.full((len(all_years), *lai.shape[1:],), np.nan)
mr_livewood = np.full((len(all_years), *lai.shape[1:],), np.nan)
diff = np.full((len(all_years), *lai.shape[1:],), np.nan)
for i, each_year in enumerate(all_years):
# Sum respiration for each tissue in each year
mr_leaf[i] = np.nansum(
np.where(years == each_year, r_leaf, 0), axis = 0)
mr_froot[i] = np.nansum(
np.where(years == each_year, r_froot, 0), axis = 0)
livewood_mass = (np.nanmax(
np.where(years == each_year, lai, np.nan), axis = 0
) / params[5]
) * params[9]
# For consistency with other respiration components, livewood
# respiration should be zero, not NaN, when no respiration
mrl = 1e3 * livewood_mass * params[12] *\
np.power(params[6], (tmean - 20) / 10).sum(axis = 0)
mr_livewood[i] = np.where(np.isnan(mrl), 0, mrl)
# Total plant maintenance respiration
r_m = mr_leaf[i] + mr_froot[i] + mr_livewood[i]
# GPP - R_M
diff[i] = np.where(years == each_year, gpp, 0).sum(axis = 0) - r_m
# Annual growth respiration is assumed to be 25% of (GPP - R_M); see
# Figure 1 of MOD17 User Guide; the User Guide is TOO CUTE about
# derivation; 0.8 == (1/1.25), hence the "25%" figure
return np.where(diff < 0, 0, 0.8 * diff)
def par(sw_rad: Number, period_hrs: Number = 1) -> Number:
Calculates daily total photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) from
(hourly) incoming short-wave radiation (SW_rad). PAR is assumed to
be 45% of SW_rad.
swrad : int or float or numpy.ndarray
Incoming short-wave radiation (W m-2)
period_hrs : int
Period over which radiation is measured, in hours (Default: 1)
int or float or numpy.ndarray
# Convert SW_rad from [W m-2] to [MJ m-2], then take 45%;
# 3600 secs hr-1 times (1 MJ / 1e6 Joules) == 0.0036
return 0.45 * (0.0036 * (24 / period_hrs) * sw_rad)
def vpd(qv10m: Number, pressure: Number, tmean: Number) -> Number:
Computes vapor pressure deficit (VPD) from surface meteorology.
qv10m : int or float or numpy.ndarray
Water vapor mixing ratio at 10-meter height (Pa)
pressure : int or float or numpy.ndarray
Atmospheric pressure (Pa)
tmean : int or float or numpy.ndarray
Mean daytime temperature (degrees C)
int or float or numpy.ndarray
# Actual vapor pressure (Gates 1980, Biophysical Ecology, p.311)
avp = (qv10m * pressure) / (0.622 + (0.379 * qv10m))
# Saturation vapor pressure (similar to FAO formula)
svp = 610.7 * np.exp((17.38 * tmean) / (239 + tmean))
return svp - avp
def annual_npp(
self, fpar: Sequence, tmin: Sequence, vpd: Sequence,
par: Sequence, lai: Sequence, tmean: Sequence, years: Sequence
) -> np.ndarray:
Annual net primary productivity (NPP).
fpar : Sequence
Fraction of PAR intercepted by the canopy [0, 1], a (T x ...)
array for T number of days
tmin : Sequence
Daily minimum temperature (degrees C), a (T x ...) array for T
number of days
vpd : Sequence
Daytime vapor pressure deficit (Pa), a (T x ...) array for T
number of days
par : Sequence
Daily photosynthetically active radation (MJ m-2 day-1)
lai : Sequence
Leaf area index, daily, a (T x ...) array for T number of days
tmean : Sequence
Mean daily temperature (degrees C), a (T x ...) array for T number
of days
years : Sequence
Sequence of integers indicating the year of each daily
measurement, in order (e.g., [2015, 2015, ..., 2017]); a (T x ...)
array for T number of days
Total annual NPP [g C m-2 year-1]
r_leaf, r_froot, r_livewood = self.annual_respiration(
lai, tmean, years)
r_m = r_leaf + r_froot + r_livewood
gpp = self.daily_gpp(fpar, tmin, vpd, par)
diff = np.empty(r_m.shape)
all_years = np.unique(years).tolist()
for i, each_year in enumerate(all_years):
# GPP - R_M
diff[i] = np.where(years == each_year, gpp, 0).sum(axis = 0) - r_m[i]
return np.where(diff < 0, 0, 0.8 * diff)
def annual_respiration(
self, lai: Sequence, tmean: Sequence, years: Sequence
) -> Iterable[Tuple[Sequence, Sequence, Sequence]]:
Annual total maintenance respiration. Input datasets should have daily
denominations and extend over one or more years.
lai : Sequence
Leaf area index, daily, a (T x ...) array for T number of days
tmean : Sequence
Mean daily temperature (degrees C), a (T x ...) array for T number
of days
years : Sequence
Sequence of integers indicating the year of each daily
measurement, in order (e.g., [2015, 2015, ..., 2017]); a (T x ...)
array for T number of days
A 3-tuple of total annual (leaf, fine root, livewood) respiration
with units of [g C m-2 year-1]
assert lai.shape == years.shape,\
'LAI array should conform with "years" array'
assert tmean.shape == years.shape,\
'Mean temperature array should conform with "years" array'
r_leaf_daily, r_froot_daily = self.daily_respiration(lai, tmean)
r_leaf, r_froot, r_livewood = [], [], []
all_years = np.unique(years).tolist()
for i, each_year in enumerate(all_years):
np.nansum(np.where(years == each_year, r_leaf_daily, 0),
axis = 0))
np.nansum(np.where(years == each_year, r_froot_daily, 0),
axis = 0))
# Annual maximum leaf mass (kg C) converted to livewood mass
# by allometric relation (livewood_leaf_ratio)
livewood_mass = (np.nanmax(
np.where(years == each_year, lai, np.nan), axis = 0
) / self.SLA) * self.livewood_leaf_ratio
# Livewood maintenance respiration (g C day-1), converted from
# (kg C day-1), as the product of livewood_mass, base
# respiration rate (livewood_mr_base), and annual sum of the
# maint. respiration term (Q10), see Equation 1.10, User's Guide
# NOTE: "livewood_mr_base" is denominated in days
# (kg C kg C-1 day-1) but that's okay because we took the annual
# sum of the Q10 respiration, essentially multipling by ~365
rl = 1e3 * livewood_mass * self.livewood_mr_base *\
np.power(self.Q10_livewood, (tmean - 20) / 10).sum(axis = 0)
# For consistency with other respiration components, livewood
# respiration should be zero, not NaN, when no respiration
r_livewood.append(np.where(np.isnan(rl), 0, rl))
return (np.stack(r_leaf), np.stack(r_froot), np.vstack(r_livewood))
def daily_gpp(
self, fpar: Number, tmin: Number, vpd: Number,
par: Number) -> Number:
Daily gross primary productivity (GPP).
\mathrm{GPP} = \varepsilon\times f(T_{min})\times f(V)\times
[\mathrm{PAR}]\times [\mathrm{fPAR}]
Where \(T_{min}\) is the minimum daily temperature, \(V\) is the
daytime vapor pressure deficit (VPD), PAR is daily photosynthetically
active radiation, fPAR is the fraction of PAR absorbed by the canopy,
and \(\varepsilon\) is the intrinsic (or maximum) light-use efficiency.
fpar : int or float or numpy.ndarray
Fraction of PAR intercepted by the canopy [0, 1]
tmin : int or float or numpy.ndarray
Daily minimum temperature (degrees C)
vpd : int or float or numpy.ndarray
Daytime vapor pressure deficit (Pa)
par : int or float or numpy.ndarray
Daily photosynthetically active radation (MJ m-2 day-1)
int or float or numpy.ndarray
Daily GPP flux in [g C m-2 day-1]
return 1e3 * self.lue(tmin, vpd) * fpar * par
def daily_respiration(
self, lai: Number, tmean: Number
) -> Iterable[Tuple[Number, Number]]:
Daily maintenance respiration for leaves and fine roots.
Maintenance respiration, \(r_m\), for leaves or fine roots is given:
r_m = m \times r_0 \times q^{\frac{T - 20}{10}}
Where \(m\) is either the leaf mass or fine root mass; \(r_0\) is the rate
of maintenance respiration per unit leaf carbon (per day, at 20
degrees C); and \(q\) is the Q10 factor.
NOTE: For fine roots and live wood, Q10 is a constant value of 2.0.
For leaves, the temperature-acclimated Q10 equation of Tjoelker et al.
(2001, Global Change Biology) is used:
Q_{10} = 3.22 - 0.046 * T_{avg}
The "net photosynthesis" quantity in MOD17, even though it is a bit
misleading (it does not account for growth respiration and livewood
\(r_m\) can then be calculated as GPP less the maintenance respiration
of leaves and fine roots:
P_{net} = [\mathrm{GPP}] - r_{leaf} - r_{root}
lai : float or numpy.ndarray
Leaf area index, daily
tmean : float or numpy.ndarray
Mean daily temperature (degrees C)
2-element tuple of (leaf respiration, fine root respiration) in
units of [g C m-2 day-1]
# Leaf mass, fine root mass (Eq 1.4, 1.5 in MOD17 User Guide)
leaf_mass = lai / self.SLA
froot_mass = leaf_mass * self.froot_leaf_ratio
# NOTE: Q10 calculated differently depending on the component
_exp = (tmean - 20) / 10 # Equations 1.6 and 1.7
q10_leaf = np.power(3.22 - 0.046 * tmean, _exp) # Equation 1.11
q10_froot = np.power(self.Q10_froot, _exp)
# NOTE: Converting from [kg C] to [g C] via *1e3
r_leaf = 1e3 * leaf_mass * self.leaf_mr_base * q10_leaf
r_froot = 1e3 * froot_mass * self.froot_mr_base * q10_froot
return (r_leaf, r_froot)
def daily_net_photosynthesis(
self, fpar: Number, tmin: Number, vpd: Number, par: Number,
lai: Number, tmean: Number) -> Number:
Daily net photosynthesis ("PSNet"). See:
- `MOD17.daily_gpp()`
- `MOD17.daily_respiration()`
fpar : int or float or numpy.ndarray
Fraction of PAR intercepted by the canopy [0, 1]
tmin : int or float or numpy.ndarray
Daily minimum temperature (degrees C)
vpd : int or float or numpy.ndarray
Daytime vapor pressure deficit (Pa)
par : int or float or numpy.ndarray
Daily photosynthetically active radation (MJ m-2 day-1)
lai : float or numpy.ndarray
Leaf area index, daily
tmean : float or numpy.ndarray
Mean daily temperature (degrees C)
gpp = self.daily_gpp(fpar, tmin, vpd, par)
r_leaf, r_froot = self.daily_respiration(lai, tmean)
# See MOD17 User Gudie, Equation 1.8
return gpp - r_leaf - r_froot
def lue(self, tmin: Number, vpd: Number) -> Number:
The instantaneous light-use efficiency (LUE), reduced by environmental
stressors (low minimum temperature, high VPD) from the maximum LUE.
tmin : int or float or numpy.ndarray
vpd : int or float or numpy.ndarray
float or numpy.ndarray
return self.LUE_max * self.tmin_scalar(tmin) * self.vpd_scalar(vpd)
def tmin_scalar(self, x: Number) -> Number:
x : int or float or numpy.ndarray
Minimum temperature (deg C)
int or float or numpy.ndarray
return linear_constraint(self.tmin0, self.tmin1)(x)
def vpd_scalar(self, x: Number) -> Number:
The environmental scalar for vapor pressure deficit (VPD).
x : int or float or numpy.ndarray
Vapor pressure deficit (Pa)
int or float or numpy.ndarray
return linear_constraint(self.vpd0, self.vpd1, form = 'reversed')(x)
def linear_constraint(
xmin: Number, xmax: Number, form: str = None) -> Callable:
Returns a linear ramp function, for deriving a value on [0, 1] from
an input value `x`:
if x >= xmax:
return 1
if x <= xmin:
return 0
return (x - xmin) / (xmax - xmin)
xmin : int or float
Lower bound of the linear ramp function
xmax : int or float
Upper bound of the linear ramp function
form : str
Type of ramp function: "reversed" decreases as x increases;
"binary" returns xmax when x == 1; default (None) is increasing
as x increases.
assert form is None or form in ('reversed', 'binary'),\
'Argument "form" must be None or one of: "reversed", "binary"'
assert form == 'binary' or np.any(xmax >= xmin),\
'xmax must be greater than/ equal to xmin'
if form == 'reversed':
return lambda x: np.where(x >= xmax, 0,
np.where(x < xmin, 1, 1 - np.divide(
np.subtract(x, xmin), xmax - xmin)))
if form == 'binary':
return lambda x: np.where(x == 1, xmax, xmin)
return lambda x: np.where(x >= xmax, 1,
np.where(x < xmin, 0,
np.divide(np.subtract(x, xmin), xmax - xmin)))
def suppress_warnings(func):
'Decorator to suppress NumPy warnings'
def inner(*args, **kwargs):
with warnings.catch_warnings():
return func(*args, **kwargs)
return inner
Calibration of MOD17 against a representative, global eddy covariance (EC) flux tower network. The model calibration is based on Markov-Chain Monte …
Performs the Sobol' sensitivity analysis for the MOD17 GPP and NPP models …
MODIS sinusoidal projection forward and backward coordinate transformations, courtesy of Giglio et al. (2018), Collection 6 MODIS Burned Area Product …
Utilities related to the MOD17 algorithm.
Calibration of MOD17 against a representative, global eddy covariance (EC) flux tower network. The model calibration is based on Markov-Chain Monte …
def linear_constraint(xmin: numbers.Number, xmax: numbers.Number, form: str = None) ‑> Callable
Returns a linear ramp function, for deriving a value on [0, 1] from an input value
:if x >= xmax: return 1 if x <= xmin: return 0 return (x - xmin) / (xmax - xmin)
- Lower bound of the linear ramp function
- Upper bound of the linear ramp function
- Type of ramp function: "reversed" decreases as x increases; "binary" returns xmax when x == 1; default (None) is increasing as x increases.
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def linear_constraint( xmin: Number, xmax: Number, form: str = None) -> Callable: ''' Returns a linear ramp function, for deriving a value on [0, 1] from an input value `x`: if x >= xmax: return 1 if x <= xmin: return 0 return (x - xmin) / (xmax - xmin) Parameters ---------- xmin : int or float Lower bound of the linear ramp function xmax : int or float Upper bound of the linear ramp function form : str Type of ramp function: "reversed" decreases as x increases; "binary" returns xmax when x == 1; default (None) is increasing as x increases. Returns ------- function ''' assert form is None or form in ('reversed', 'binary'),\ 'Argument "form" must be None or one of: "reversed", "binary"' assert form == 'binary' or np.any(xmax >= xmin),\ 'xmax must be greater than/ equal to xmin' if form == 'reversed': return lambda x: np.where(x >= xmax, 0, np.where(x < xmin, 1, 1 - np.divide( np.subtract(x, xmin), xmax - xmin))) if form == 'binary': return lambda x: np.where(x == 1, xmax, xmin) return lambda x: np.where(x >= xmax, 1, np.where(x < xmin, 0, np.divide(np.subtract(x, xmin), xmax - xmin)))
def suppress_warnings(func)
Decorator to suppress NumPy warnings
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def suppress_warnings(func): 'Decorator to suppress NumPy warnings' def inner(*args, **kwargs): with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore') return func(*args, **kwargs) return inner
class MOD17 (params: dict)
The MODIS MxD17 Gross Primary Productivity and Net Photosynthesis model. The required model parameters are:
: Maximum light-use efficiency (kg C MJ-1)tmin0
: The lower and upper bounds on the temperature response of photosynthesis (deg C); i.e., temperature at which stomata are fully closed and fully open, respectivelyvpd0
: The lower and upper bounds on the response to VPD of photosynthesis (Pa); i.e., VPD at which stomata are full open and fully closed, respectivelySLA
: Specific leaf area, or projected leaf area per kilogram of C [LAI kg C-1]q10
: Exponent shape parameter controlling respiration as a function of temperature (in degrees C) (unitless)froot_leaf_ratio
: The ratio of fine root C to leaf C (unitless).livewood_leaf_ratio
: Ratio of live wood carbon to annual maximum leaf carbonleaf_mr_base
: Maintenance respiration per unit leaf carbon per day at a reference temperature of 20 degrees C [kg C (kg C)-1 day-1]froot_mr_base
: Maintenance respiration per unit fine root carbon per day at a reference temperature of 20 degrees C [kg C (kg C)-1 day-1]livewood_mr_base
: Maintenance respiration per unit live wood carbon per day at a reference temperature of 20 degrees C [kg C (kg C)-1 d-1]
NOTE: This class includes private class methods
, that avoid the overhead associated with creating a model instance; it should be used, e.g., for model calibration because it is faster and produces the same results asMOD17.daily_gpp()
.NOTE: For multiple PFTs, vectorized parameters array can be passed; i.e., a dictionary where each value is an (N,) array for N sites.
- Dictionary of model parameters
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class MOD17(object): ''' The MODIS MxD17 Gross Primary Productivity and Net Photosynthesis model. The required model parameters are: - `LUE_max`: Maximum light-use efficiency (kg C MJ-1) - `tmin0` and `tmin1`: The lower and upper bounds on the temperature response of photosynthesis (deg C); i.e., temperature at which stomata are fully closed and fully open, respectively - `vpd0` and `vpd0`: The lower and upper bounds on the response to VPD of photosynthesis (Pa); i.e., VPD at which stomata are full open and fully closed, respectively - `SLA`: Specific leaf area, or projected leaf area per kilogram of C [LAI kg C-1] - `q10`: Exponent shape parameter controlling respiration as a function of temperature (in degrees C) (unitless) - `froot_leaf_ratio`: The ratio of fine root C to leaf C (unitless). - `livewood_leaf_ratio`: Ratio of live wood carbon to annual maximum leaf carbon - `leaf_mr_base`: Maintenance respiration per unit leaf carbon per day at a reference temperature of 20 degrees C [kg C (kg C)-1 day-1] - `froot_mr_base`: Maintenance respiration per unit fine root carbon per day at a reference temperature of 20 degrees C [kg C (kg C)-1 day-1] - `livewood_mr_base`: Maintenance respiration per unit live wood carbon per day at a reference temperature of 20 degrees C [kg C (kg C)-1 d-1] NOTE: This class includes private class methods `MOD17._gpp()` and `MOD17._gpp()`, that avoid the overhead associated with creating a model instance; it should be used, e.g., for model calibration because it is faster and produces the same results as `MOD17.daily_gpp()`. NOTE: For multiple PFTs, vectorized parameters array can be passed; i.e., a dictionary where each value is an (N,) array for N sites. Parameters ---------- params : dict Dictionary of model parameters ''' required_parameters = [ 'LUE_max', 'tmin0', 'tmin1', 'vpd0', 'vpd1', 'SLA', 'Q10_livewood', 'Q10_froot', 'froot_leaf_ratio', 'livewood_leaf_ratio', 'leaf_mr_base', 'froot_mr_base', 'livewood_mr_base' ] def __init__(self, params: dict): self.params = params for key in self.required_parameters: setattr(self, key, params[key]) @staticmethod def _gpp(params, fpar, tmin, vpd, par): 'Daily GPP as static method, avoids overhead of class instantiation' # "params" argument should be a Sequence of atomic parameter values # in the order prescribed by "required_parameters" tmin_scalar = linear_constraint(params[1], params[2])(tmin) vpd_scalar = linear_constraint( params[3], params[4], form = 'reversed')(vpd) lue = params[0] * tmin_scalar * vpd_scalar return 1e3 * lue * fpar * par @staticmethod def _npp(params, fpar, tmin, vpd, par, lai, tmean, years): ''' Annual NPP as static method, avoids overhead of class instantiation. NOTE: It's assumed that the elements of `years` are in chronological order on the first axis (time axis). ''' # "params" argument should be a Sequence of atomic parameter values # in the order prescribed by "required_parameters" gpp = MOD17._gpp(params, fpar, tmin, vpd, par) # Daily respiration leaf_mass = lai / params[5] # LAI divided by SLA -> leaf mass [kg m-2] froot_mass = leaf_mass * params[8] # Leaf mass times `froot_leaf_ratio` # NOTE: Q10 calculated differently depending on the component _exp = (tmean - 20) / 10 q10_leaf = np.power(3.22 - 0.046 * tmean, _exp) q10_froot = np.power(params[7], _exp) # Convert leaf, froot mass from [kg C m-2] to [g C m-2], then... r_leaf = 1e3 * leaf_mass * params[10] * q10_leaf r_froot = 1e3 * froot_mass * params[11] * q10_froot # Accumulate respiration over each year all_years = np.unique(years).tolist() # Pre-allocate arrays mr_leaf = np.full((len(all_years), *lai.shape[1:],), np.nan) mr_froot = np.full((len(all_years), *lai.shape[1:],), np.nan) mr_livewood = np.full((len(all_years), *lai.shape[1:],), np.nan) diff = np.full((len(all_years), *lai.shape[1:],), np.nan) for i, each_year in enumerate(all_years): # Sum respiration for each tissue in each year mr_leaf[i] = np.nansum( np.where(years == each_year, r_leaf, 0), axis = 0) mr_froot[i] = np.nansum( np.where(years == each_year, r_froot, 0), axis = 0) livewood_mass = (np.nanmax( np.where(years == each_year, lai, np.nan), axis = 0 ) / params[5] ) * params[9] # For consistency with other respiration components, livewood # respiration should be zero, not NaN, when no respiration mrl = 1e3 * livewood_mass * params[12] *\ np.power(params[6], (tmean - 20) / 10).sum(axis = 0) mr_livewood[i] = np.where(np.isnan(mrl), 0, mrl) # Total plant maintenance respiration r_m = mr_leaf[i] + mr_froot[i] + mr_livewood[i] # GPP - R_M diff[i] = np.where(years == each_year, gpp, 0).sum(axis = 0) - r_m # Annual growth respiration is assumed to be 25% of (GPP - R_M); see # Figure 1 of MOD17 User Guide; the User Guide is TOO CUTE about # derivation; 0.8 == (1/1.25), hence the "25%" figure return np.where(diff < 0, 0, 0.8 * diff) @staticmethod def par(sw_rad: Number, period_hrs: Number = 1) -> Number: ''' Calculates daily total photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) from (hourly) incoming short-wave radiation (SW_rad). PAR is assumed to be 45% of SW_rad. Parameters ---------- swrad : int or float or numpy.ndarray Incoming short-wave radiation (W m-2) period_hrs : int Period over which radiation is measured, in hours (Default: 1) Returns ------- int or float or numpy.ndarray ''' # Convert SW_rad from [W m-2] to [MJ m-2], then take 45%; # 3600 secs hr-1 times (1 MJ / 1e6 Joules) == 0.0036 return 0.45 * (0.0036 * (24 / period_hrs) * sw_rad) @staticmethod def vpd(qv10m: Number, pressure: Number, tmean: Number) -> Number: ''' Computes vapor pressure deficit (VPD) from surface meteorology. Parameters ---------- qv10m : int or float or numpy.ndarray Water vapor mixing ratio at 10-meter height (Pa) pressure : int or float or numpy.ndarray Atmospheric pressure (Pa) tmean : int or float or numpy.ndarray Mean daytime temperature (degrees C) Returns ------- int or float or numpy.ndarray ''' # Actual vapor pressure (Gates 1980, Biophysical Ecology, p.311) avp = (qv10m * pressure) / (0.622 + (0.379 * qv10m)) # Saturation vapor pressure (similar to FAO formula) svp = 610.7 * np.exp((17.38 * tmean) / (239 + tmean)) return svp - avp def annual_npp( self, fpar: Sequence, tmin: Sequence, vpd: Sequence, par: Sequence, lai: Sequence, tmean: Sequence, years: Sequence ) -> np.ndarray: ''' Annual net primary productivity (NPP). Parameters ---------- fpar : Sequence Fraction of PAR intercepted by the canopy [0, 1], a (T x ...) array for T number of days tmin : Sequence Daily minimum temperature (degrees C), a (T x ...) array for T number of days vpd : Sequence Daytime vapor pressure deficit (Pa), a (T x ...) array for T number of days par : Sequence Daily photosynthetically active radation (MJ m-2 day-1) lai : Sequence Leaf area index, daily, a (T x ...) array for T number of days tmean : Sequence Mean daily temperature (degrees C), a (T x ...) array for T number of days years : Sequence Sequence of integers indicating the year of each daily measurement, in order (e.g., [2015, 2015, ..., 2017]); a (T x ...) array for T number of days Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Total annual NPP [g C m-2 year-1] ''' r_leaf, r_froot, r_livewood = self.annual_respiration( lai, tmean, years) r_m = r_leaf + r_froot + r_livewood gpp = self.daily_gpp(fpar, tmin, vpd, par) diff = np.empty(r_m.shape) all_years = np.unique(years).tolist() for i, each_year in enumerate(all_years): # GPP - R_M diff[i] = np.where(years == each_year, gpp, 0).sum(axis = 0) - r_m[i] return np.where(diff < 0, 0, 0.8 * diff) def annual_respiration( self, lai: Sequence, tmean: Sequence, years: Sequence ) -> Iterable[Tuple[Sequence, Sequence, Sequence]]: ''' Annual total maintenance respiration. Input datasets should have daily denominations and extend over one or more years. Parameters ---------- lai : Sequence Leaf area index, daily, a (T x ...) array for T number of days tmean : Sequence Mean daily temperature (degrees C), a (T x ...) array for T number of days years : Sequence Sequence of integers indicating the year of each daily measurement, in order (e.g., [2015, 2015, ..., 2017]); a (T x ...) array for T number of days Returns ------- tuple A 3-tuple of total annual (leaf, fine root, livewood) respiration with units of [g C m-2 year-1] ''' assert lai.shape == years.shape,\ 'LAI array should conform with "years" array' assert tmean.shape == years.shape,\ 'Mean temperature array should conform with "years" array' r_leaf_daily, r_froot_daily = self.daily_respiration(lai, tmean) r_leaf, r_froot, r_livewood = [], [], [] all_years = np.unique(years).tolist() all_years.sort() for i, each_year in enumerate(all_years): r_leaf.append( np.nansum(np.where(years == each_year, r_leaf_daily, 0), axis = 0)) r_froot.append( np.nansum(np.where(years == each_year, r_froot_daily, 0), axis = 0)) # Annual maximum leaf mass (kg C) converted to livewood mass # by allometric relation (livewood_leaf_ratio) livewood_mass = (np.nanmax( np.where(years == each_year, lai, np.nan), axis = 0 ) / self.SLA) * self.livewood_leaf_ratio # Livewood maintenance respiration (g C day-1), converted from # (kg C day-1), as the product of livewood_mass, base # respiration rate (livewood_mr_base), and annual sum of the # maint. respiration term (Q10), see Equation 1.10, User's Guide # NOTE: "livewood_mr_base" is denominated in days # (kg C kg C-1 day-1) but that's okay because we took the annual # sum of the Q10 respiration, essentially multipling by ~365 rl = 1e3 * livewood_mass * self.livewood_mr_base *\ np.power(self.Q10_livewood, (tmean - 20) / 10).sum(axis = 0) # For consistency with other respiration components, livewood # respiration should be zero, not NaN, when no respiration r_livewood.append(np.where(np.isnan(rl), 0, rl)) return (np.stack(r_leaf), np.stack(r_froot), np.vstack(r_livewood)) def daily_gpp( self, fpar: Number, tmin: Number, vpd: Number, par: Number) -> Number: r''' Daily gross primary productivity (GPP). $$ \mathrm{GPP} = \varepsilon\times f(T_{min})\times f(V)\times [\mathrm{PAR}]\times [\mathrm{fPAR}] $$ Where \(T_{min}\) is the minimum daily temperature, \(V\) is the daytime vapor pressure deficit (VPD), PAR is daily photosynthetically active radiation, fPAR is the fraction of PAR absorbed by the canopy, and \(\varepsilon\) is the intrinsic (or maximum) light-use efficiency. Parameters ---------- fpar : int or float or numpy.ndarray Fraction of PAR intercepted by the canopy [0, 1] tmin : int or float or numpy.ndarray Daily minimum temperature (degrees C) vpd : int or float or numpy.ndarray Daytime vapor pressure deficit (Pa) par : int or float or numpy.ndarray Daily photosynthetically active radation (MJ m-2 day-1) Returns ------- int or float or numpy.ndarray Daily GPP flux in [g C m-2 day-1] ''' return 1e3 * self.lue(tmin, vpd) * fpar * par def daily_respiration( self, lai: Number, tmean: Number ) -> Iterable[Tuple[Number, Number]]: r''' Daily maintenance respiration for leaves and fine roots. Maintenance respiration, \(r_m\), for leaves or fine roots is given: $$ r_m = m \times r_0 \times q^{\frac{T - 20}{10}} $$ Where \(m\) is either the leaf mass or fine root mass; \(r_0\) is the rate of maintenance respiration per unit leaf carbon (per day, at 20 degrees C); and \(q\) is the Q10 factor. NOTE: For fine roots and live wood, Q10 is a constant value of 2.0. For leaves, the temperature-acclimated Q10 equation of Tjoelker et al. (2001, Global Change Biology) is used: $$ Q_{10} = 3.22 - 0.046 * T_{avg} $$ The "net photosynthesis" quantity in MOD17, even though it is a bit misleading (it does not account for growth respiration and livewood \(r_m\) can then be calculated as GPP less the maintenance respiration of leaves and fine roots: $$ P_{net} = [\mathrm{GPP}] - r_{leaf} - r_{root} $$ Parameters ---------- lai : float or numpy.ndarray Leaf area index, daily tmean : float or numpy.ndarray Mean daily temperature (degrees C) Returns ------- tuple 2-element tuple of (leaf respiration, fine root respiration) in units of [g C m-2 day-1] ''' # Leaf mass, fine root mass (Eq 1.4, 1.5 in MOD17 User Guide) leaf_mass = lai / self.SLA froot_mass = leaf_mass * self.froot_leaf_ratio # NOTE: Q10 calculated differently depending on the component _exp = (tmean - 20) / 10 # Equations 1.6 and 1.7 q10_leaf = np.power(3.22 - 0.046 * tmean, _exp) # Equation 1.11 q10_froot = np.power(self.Q10_froot, _exp) # NOTE: Converting from [kg C] to [g C] via *1e3 r_leaf = 1e3 * leaf_mass * self.leaf_mr_base * q10_leaf r_froot = 1e3 * froot_mass * self.froot_mr_base * q10_froot return (r_leaf, r_froot) def daily_net_photosynthesis( self, fpar: Number, tmin: Number, vpd: Number, par: Number, lai: Number, tmean: Number) -> Number: ''' Daily net photosynthesis ("PSNet"). See: - `MOD17.daily_gpp()` - `MOD17.daily_respiration()` Parameters ---------- fpar : int or float or numpy.ndarray Fraction of PAR intercepted by the canopy [0, 1] tmin : int or float or numpy.ndarray Daily minimum temperature (degrees C) vpd : int or float or numpy.ndarray Daytime vapor pressure deficit (Pa) par : int or float or numpy.ndarray Daily photosynthetically active radation (MJ m-2 day-1) lai : float or numpy.ndarray Leaf area index, daily tmean : float or numpy.ndarray Mean daily temperature (degrees C) ''' gpp = self.daily_gpp(fpar, tmin, vpd, par) r_leaf, r_froot = self.daily_respiration(lai, tmean) # See MOD17 User Gudie, Equation 1.8 return gpp - r_leaf - r_froot def lue(self, tmin: Number, vpd: Number) -> Number: ''' The instantaneous light-use efficiency (LUE), reduced by environmental stressors (low minimum temperature, high VPD) from the maximum LUE. Parameters ---------- tmin : int or float or numpy.ndarray vpd : int or float or numpy.ndarray Returns ------- float or numpy.ndarray ''' return self.LUE_max * self.tmin_scalar(tmin) * self.vpd_scalar(vpd) def tmin_scalar(self, x: Number) -> Number: ''' Parameters ---------- x : int or float or numpy.ndarray Minimum temperature (deg C) Returns ------- int or float or numpy.ndarray ''' return linear_constraint(self.tmin0, self.tmin1)(x) def vpd_scalar(self, x: Number) -> Number: ''' The environmental scalar for vapor pressure deficit (VPD). Parameters ---------- x : int or float or numpy.ndarray Vapor pressure deficit (Pa) Returns ------- int or float or numpy.ndarray ''' return linear_constraint(self.vpd0, self.vpd1, form = 'reversed')(x)
Class variables
var required_parameters
Static methods
def par(sw_rad: numbers.Number, period_hrs: numbers.Number = 1) ‑> numbers.Number
Calculates daily total photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) from (hourly) incoming short-wave radiation (SW_rad). PAR is assumed to be 45% of SW_rad.
- Incoming short-wave radiation (W m-2)
- Period over which radiation is measured, in hours (Default: 1)
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@staticmethod def par(sw_rad: Number, period_hrs: Number = 1) -> Number: ''' Calculates daily total photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) from (hourly) incoming short-wave radiation (SW_rad). PAR is assumed to be 45% of SW_rad. Parameters ---------- swrad : int or float or numpy.ndarray Incoming short-wave radiation (W m-2) period_hrs : int Period over which radiation is measured, in hours (Default: 1) Returns ------- int or float or numpy.ndarray ''' # Convert SW_rad from [W m-2] to [MJ m-2], then take 45%; # 3600 secs hr-1 times (1 MJ / 1e6 Joules) == 0.0036 return 0.45 * (0.0036 * (24 / period_hrs) * sw_rad)
def vpd(qv10m: numbers.Number, pressure: numbers.Number, tmean: numbers.Number) ‑> numbers.Number
Computes vapor pressure deficit (VPD) from surface meteorology.
- Water vapor mixing ratio at 10-meter height (Pa)
- Atmospheric pressure (Pa)
- Mean daytime temperature (degrees C)
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@staticmethod def vpd(qv10m: Number, pressure: Number, tmean: Number) -> Number: ''' Computes vapor pressure deficit (VPD) from surface meteorology. Parameters ---------- qv10m : int or float or numpy.ndarray Water vapor mixing ratio at 10-meter height (Pa) pressure : int or float or numpy.ndarray Atmospheric pressure (Pa) tmean : int or float or numpy.ndarray Mean daytime temperature (degrees C) Returns ------- int or float or numpy.ndarray ''' # Actual vapor pressure (Gates 1980, Biophysical Ecology, p.311) avp = (qv10m * pressure) / (0.622 + (0.379 * qv10m)) # Saturation vapor pressure (similar to FAO formula) svp = 610.7 * np.exp((17.38 * tmean) / (239 + tmean)) return svp - avp
def annual_npp(self, fpar: Sequence[+T_co], tmin: Sequence[+T_co], vpd: Sequence[+T_co], par: Sequence[+T_co], lai: Sequence[+T_co], tmean: Sequence[+T_co], years: Sequence[+T_co]) ‑> numpy.ndarray
Annual net primary productivity (NPP).
- Fraction of PAR intercepted by the canopy [0, 1], a (T x …) array for T number of days
- Daily minimum temperature (degrees C), a (T x …) array for T number of days
- Daytime vapor pressure deficit (Pa), a (T x …) array for T number of days
- Daily photosynthetically active radation (MJ m-2 day-1)
- Leaf area index, daily, a (T x …) array for T number of days
- Mean daily temperature (degrees C), a (T x …) array for T number of days
- Sequence of integers indicating the year of each daily measurement, in order (e.g., [2015, 2015, …, 2017]); a (T x …) array for T number of days
- Total annual NPP [g C m-2 year-1]
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def annual_npp( self, fpar: Sequence, tmin: Sequence, vpd: Sequence, par: Sequence, lai: Sequence, tmean: Sequence, years: Sequence ) -> np.ndarray: ''' Annual net primary productivity (NPP). Parameters ---------- fpar : Sequence Fraction of PAR intercepted by the canopy [0, 1], a (T x ...) array for T number of days tmin : Sequence Daily minimum temperature (degrees C), a (T x ...) array for T number of days vpd : Sequence Daytime vapor pressure deficit (Pa), a (T x ...) array for T number of days par : Sequence Daily photosynthetically active radation (MJ m-2 day-1) lai : Sequence Leaf area index, daily, a (T x ...) array for T number of days tmean : Sequence Mean daily temperature (degrees C), a (T x ...) array for T number of days years : Sequence Sequence of integers indicating the year of each daily measurement, in order (e.g., [2015, 2015, ..., 2017]); a (T x ...) array for T number of days Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Total annual NPP [g C m-2 year-1] ''' r_leaf, r_froot, r_livewood = self.annual_respiration( lai, tmean, years) r_m = r_leaf + r_froot + r_livewood gpp = self.daily_gpp(fpar, tmin, vpd, par) diff = np.empty(r_m.shape) all_years = np.unique(years).tolist() for i, each_year in enumerate(all_years): # GPP - R_M diff[i] = np.where(years == each_year, gpp, 0).sum(axis = 0) - r_m[i] return np.where(diff < 0, 0, 0.8 * diff)
def annual_respiration(self, lai: Sequence[+T_co], tmean: Sequence[+T_co], years: Sequence[+T_co]) ‑> Iterable[Tuple[Sequence[+T_co], Sequence[+T_co], Sequence[+T_co]]]
Annual total maintenance respiration. Input datasets should have daily denominations and extend over one or more years.
- Leaf area index, daily, a (T x …) array for T number of days
- Mean daily temperature (degrees C), a (T x …) array for T number of days
- Sequence of integers indicating the year of each daily measurement, in order (e.g., [2015, 2015, …, 2017]); a (T x …) array for T number of days
- A 3-tuple of total annual (leaf, fine root, livewood) respiration with units of [g C m-2 year-1]
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def annual_respiration( self, lai: Sequence, tmean: Sequence, years: Sequence ) -> Iterable[Tuple[Sequence, Sequence, Sequence]]: ''' Annual total maintenance respiration. Input datasets should have daily denominations and extend over one or more years. Parameters ---------- lai : Sequence Leaf area index, daily, a (T x ...) array for T number of days tmean : Sequence Mean daily temperature (degrees C), a (T x ...) array for T number of days years : Sequence Sequence of integers indicating the year of each daily measurement, in order (e.g., [2015, 2015, ..., 2017]); a (T x ...) array for T number of days Returns ------- tuple A 3-tuple of total annual (leaf, fine root, livewood) respiration with units of [g C m-2 year-1] ''' assert lai.shape == years.shape,\ 'LAI array should conform with "years" array' assert tmean.shape == years.shape,\ 'Mean temperature array should conform with "years" array' r_leaf_daily, r_froot_daily = self.daily_respiration(lai, tmean) r_leaf, r_froot, r_livewood = [], [], [] all_years = np.unique(years).tolist() all_years.sort() for i, each_year in enumerate(all_years): r_leaf.append( np.nansum(np.where(years == each_year, r_leaf_daily, 0), axis = 0)) r_froot.append( np.nansum(np.where(years == each_year, r_froot_daily, 0), axis = 0)) # Annual maximum leaf mass (kg C) converted to livewood mass # by allometric relation (livewood_leaf_ratio) livewood_mass = (np.nanmax( np.where(years == each_year, lai, np.nan), axis = 0 ) / self.SLA) * self.livewood_leaf_ratio # Livewood maintenance respiration (g C day-1), converted from # (kg C day-1), as the product of livewood_mass, base # respiration rate (livewood_mr_base), and annual sum of the # maint. respiration term (Q10), see Equation 1.10, User's Guide # NOTE: "livewood_mr_base" is denominated in days # (kg C kg C-1 day-1) but that's okay because we took the annual # sum of the Q10 respiration, essentially multipling by ~365 rl = 1e3 * livewood_mass * self.livewood_mr_base *\ np.power(self.Q10_livewood, (tmean - 20) / 10).sum(axis = 0) # For consistency with other respiration components, livewood # respiration should be zero, not NaN, when no respiration r_livewood.append(np.where(np.isnan(rl), 0, rl)) return (np.stack(r_leaf), np.stack(r_froot), np.vstack(r_livewood))
def daily_gpp(self, fpar: numbers.Number, tmin: numbers.Number, vpd: numbers.Number, par: numbers.Number) ‑> numbers.Number
Daily gross primary productivity (GPP).
\mathrm{GPP} = \varepsilon\times f(T_{min})\times f(V)\times [\mathrm{PAR}]\times [\mathrm{fPAR}]
Where T_{min} is the minimum daily temperature, V is the daytime vapor pressure deficit (VPD), PAR is daily photosynthetically active radiation, fPAR is the fraction of PAR absorbed by the canopy, and \varepsilon is the intrinsic (or maximum) light-use efficiency.
- Fraction of PAR intercepted by the canopy [0, 1]
- Daily minimum temperature (degrees C)
- Daytime vapor pressure deficit (Pa)
- Daily photosynthetically active radation (MJ m-2 day-1)
- Daily GPP flux in [g C m-2 day-1]
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def daily_gpp( self, fpar: Number, tmin: Number, vpd: Number, par: Number) -> Number: r''' Daily gross primary productivity (GPP). $$ \mathrm{GPP} = \varepsilon\times f(T_{min})\times f(V)\times [\mathrm{PAR}]\times [\mathrm{fPAR}] $$ Where \(T_{min}\) is the minimum daily temperature, \(V\) is the daytime vapor pressure deficit (VPD), PAR is daily photosynthetically active radiation, fPAR is the fraction of PAR absorbed by the canopy, and \(\varepsilon\) is the intrinsic (or maximum) light-use efficiency. Parameters ---------- fpar : int or float or numpy.ndarray Fraction of PAR intercepted by the canopy [0, 1] tmin : int or float or numpy.ndarray Daily minimum temperature (degrees C) vpd : int or float or numpy.ndarray Daytime vapor pressure deficit (Pa) par : int or float or numpy.ndarray Daily photosynthetically active radation (MJ m-2 day-1) Returns ------- int or float or numpy.ndarray Daily GPP flux in [g C m-2 day-1] ''' return 1e3 * self.lue(tmin, vpd) * fpar * par
def daily_net_photosynthesis(self, fpar: numbers.Number, tmin: numbers.Number, vpd: numbers.Number, par: numbers.Number, lai: numbers.Number, tmean: numbers.Number) ‑> numbers.Number
Daily net photosynthesis ("PSNet"). See:
- Fraction of PAR intercepted by the canopy [0, 1]
- Daily minimum temperature (degrees C)
- Daytime vapor pressure deficit (Pa)
- Daily photosynthetically active radation (MJ m-2 day-1)
- Leaf area index, daily
- Mean daily temperature (degrees C)
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def daily_net_photosynthesis( self, fpar: Number, tmin: Number, vpd: Number, par: Number, lai: Number, tmean: Number) -> Number: ''' Daily net photosynthesis ("PSNet"). See: - `MOD17.daily_gpp()` - `MOD17.daily_respiration()` Parameters ---------- fpar : int or float or numpy.ndarray Fraction of PAR intercepted by the canopy [0, 1] tmin : int or float or numpy.ndarray Daily minimum temperature (degrees C) vpd : int or float or numpy.ndarray Daytime vapor pressure deficit (Pa) par : int or float or numpy.ndarray Daily photosynthetically active radation (MJ m-2 day-1) lai : float or numpy.ndarray Leaf area index, daily tmean : float or numpy.ndarray Mean daily temperature (degrees C) ''' gpp = self.daily_gpp(fpar, tmin, vpd, par) r_leaf, r_froot = self.daily_respiration(lai, tmean) # See MOD17 User Gudie, Equation 1.8 return gpp - r_leaf - r_froot
def daily_respiration(self, lai: numbers.Number, tmean: numbers.Number) ‑> Iterable[Tuple[numbers.Number, numbers.Number]]
Daily maintenance respiration for leaves and fine roots.
Maintenance respiration, r_m, for leaves or fine roots is given:
r_m = m \times r_0 \times q^{\frac{T - 20}{10}}
Where m is either the leaf mass or fine root mass; r_0 is the rate of maintenance respiration per unit leaf carbon (per day, at 20 degrees C); and q is the Q10 factor.
NOTE: For fine roots and live wood, Q10 is a constant value of 2.0. For leaves, the temperature-acclimated Q10 equation of Tjoelker et al. (2001, Global Change Biology) is used:
Q_{10} = 3.22 - 0.046 * T_{avg}
The "net photosynthesis" quantity in MOD17, even though it is a bit misleading (it does not account for growth respiration and livewood r_m can then be calculated as GPP less the maintenance respiration of leaves and fine roots:
P_{net} = [\mathrm{GPP}] - r_{leaf} - r_{root}
- Leaf area index, daily
- Mean daily temperature (degrees C)
- 2-element tuple of (leaf respiration, fine root respiration) in units of [g C m-2 day-1]
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def daily_respiration( self, lai: Number, tmean: Number ) -> Iterable[Tuple[Number, Number]]: r''' Daily maintenance respiration for leaves and fine roots. Maintenance respiration, \(r_m\), for leaves or fine roots is given: $$ r_m = m \times r_0 \times q^{\frac{T - 20}{10}} $$ Where \(m\) is either the leaf mass or fine root mass; \(r_0\) is the rate of maintenance respiration per unit leaf carbon (per day, at 20 degrees C); and \(q\) is the Q10 factor. NOTE: For fine roots and live wood, Q10 is a constant value of 2.0. For leaves, the temperature-acclimated Q10 equation of Tjoelker et al. (2001, Global Change Biology) is used: $$ Q_{10} = 3.22 - 0.046 * T_{avg} $$ The "net photosynthesis" quantity in MOD17, even though it is a bit misleading (it does not account for growth respiration and livewood \(r_m\) can then be calculated as GPP less the maintenance respiration of leaves and fine roots: $$ P_{net} = [\mathrm{GPP}] - r_{leaf} - r_{root} $$ Parameters ---------- lai : float or numpy.ndarray Leaf area index, daily tmean : float or numpy.ndarray Mean daily temperature (degrees C) Returns ------- tuple 2-element tuple of (leaf respiration, fine root respiration) in units of [g C m-2 day-1] ''' # Leaf mass, fine root mass (Eq 1.4, 1.5 in MOD17 User Guide) leaf_mass = lai / self.SLA froot_mass = leaf_mass * self.froot_leaf_ratio # NOTE: Q10 calculated differently depending on the component _exp = (tmean - 20) / 10 # Equations 1.6 and 1.7 q10_leaf = np.power(3.22 - 0.046 * tmean, _exp) # Equation 1.11 q10_froot = np.power(self.Q10_froot, _exp) # NOTE: Converting from [kg C] to [g C] via *1e3 r_leaf = 1e3 * leaf_mass * self.leaf_mr_base * q10_leaf r_froot = 1e3 * froot_mass * self.froot_mr_base * q10_froot return (r_leaf, r_froot)
def lue(self, tmin: numbers.Number, vpd: numbers.Number) ‑> numbers.Number
The instantaneous light-use efficiency (LUE), reduced by environmental stressors (low minimum temperature, high VPD) from the maximum LUE.
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def lue(self, tmin: Number, vpd: Number) -> Number: ''' The instantaneous light-use efficiency (LUE), reduced by environmental stressors (low minimum temperature, high VPD) from the maximum LUE. Parameters ---------- tmin : int or float or numpy.ndarray vpd : int or float or numpy.ndarray Returns ------- float or numpy.ndarray ''' return self.LUE_max * self.tmin_scalar(tmin) * self.vpd_scalar(vpd)
def tmin_scalar(self, x: numbers.Number) ‑> numbers.Number
- Minimum temperature (deg C)
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def tmin_scalar(self, x: Number) -> Number: ''' Parameters ---------- x : int or float or numpy.ndarray Minimum temperature (deg C) Returns ------- int or float or numpy.ndarray ''' return linear_constraint(self.tmin0, self.tmin1)(x)
def vpd_scalar(self, x: numbers.Number) ‑> numbers.Number
The environmental scalar for vapor pressure deficit (VPD).
- Vapor pressure deficit (Pa)
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def vpd_scalar(self, x: Number) -> Number: ''' The environmental scalar for vapor pressure deficit (VPD). Parameters ---------- x : int or float or numpy.ndarray Vapor pressure deficit (Pa) Returns ------- int or float or numpy.ndarray ''' return linear_constraint(self.vpd0, self.vpd1, form = 'reversed')(x)