Module pyl4c.spatial
Helper functions and data (EASE-Grid 2.0 parameters) for converting SMAP L4C
data from its native HDF5 format into or out of various GIS-friendly formats.
It may seem arbitrary that the subset() function is in the utils
module and
not here, but the main distinction is that spatial
module includes functions
that depend on the GDAL library (osgeo.gdal) but utils
does not and should
Corner coordinates for EASE-Grid 2.0 obtained from [1] and EPSG codes
obtained from [2]. The same proj4
string is used for all EASE2 grids; see [3].
# proj4 string
+proj=cea +lat_0=0 +lon_0=0 +lat_ts=30 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=m
Note also that array_to_raster()
, array_to_raster_clone()
, as_array()
and dump_raster()
are copied from my (MIT-licensed) unmixing
library [4].
def array_to_raster(a, gt, wkt, xoff=None, yoff=None, dtype=None, nodata=-9999)
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def array_to_raster( a, gt, wkt, xoff = None, yoff = None, dtype = None, nodata = -9999): ''' Creates a raster from a given array, with optional x- and y-offsets if the array was clipped. Parameters ---------- a : numpy.ndarray NumPy array to convert to a raster dataset gt : tuple A GDAL GeoTransform tuple wkt : str Spatial reference system (SRS) as Well-Known Text projection string xoff : int The offset in the x-direction; should be provided when clipped yoff : int The offset in the y-direction; should be provided when clipped dtype : type The data type to coerce on the array nodata : int or float The NoData or Fill value (Default: -9999) Returns ------- gdal.Dataset ''' if dtype is not None: a = a.astype(dtype) try: rast = gdal_array.OpenNumPyArray(a) except AttributeError: # For backwards compatibility with older version of GDAL rast = gdal.Open(gdal_array.GetArrayFilename(a)) except: rast = gdal_array.OpenArray(a) rast.SetGeoTransform(gt) rast.SetProjection(wkt) if nodata is not None: for band in range(1, rast.RasterCount + 1): rast.GetRasterBand(band).SetNoDataValue(nodata) if xoff is not None and yoff is not None: # Bit of a hack; essentially, re-create the raster but with the # correct X and Y offsets (don't know how to do this without the # use of CopyDatasetInfo()) return array_to_raster_clone(a, rast, xoff, yoff) return rast
Creates a raster from a given array, with optional x- and y-offsets if the array was clipped.
- NumPy array to convert to a raster dataset
- A GDAL GeoTransform tuple
- Spatial reference system (SRS) as Well-Known Text projection string
- The offset in the x-direction; should be provided when clipped
- The offset in the y-direction; should be provided when clipped
- The data type to coerce on the array
- The NoData or Fill value (Default: -9999)
def array_to_raster_clone(a, proto, xoff=None, yoff=None)
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def array_to_raster_clone(a, proto, xoff = None, yoff = None): ''' Creates a raster from a given array and a prototype raster dataset, with optional x- and y-offsets if the array was clipped. Parameters ---------- a : numpy.ndarray NumPy array to convert to a raster dataset proto : gdal.Dataset A prototype dataset xoff : int or None The offset in the x-direction; should be provided when clipped yoff : int or None The offset in the y-direction; should be provided when clipped Returns ------- gdal.Dataset ''' try: rast = gdal_array.OpenNumPyArray(a) except AttributeError: # For backwards compatibility with older version of GDAL rast = gdal.Open(gdal_array.GetArrayFilename(a)) except: rast = gdal_array.OpenArray(a) kwargs = dict() if xoff is not None and yoff is not None: kwargs = dict(xoff=xoff, yoff=yoff) # Copy the projection info and metadata from a prototype dataset if type(proto) == str: proto = gdal.Open(proto) gdal_array.CopyDatasetInfo(proto, rast, **kwargs) return rast
Creates a raster from a given array and a prototype raster dataset, with optional x- and y-offsets if the array was clipped.
- NumPy array to convert to a raster dataset
- A prototype dataset
- The offset in the x-direction; should be provided when clipped
- The offset in the y-direction; should be provided when clipped
def as_array(file_path, band_axis=True, subset_idx=None, nodata=None)
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def as_array(file_path, band_axis = True, subset_idx = None, nodata = None): ''' A convenience function for opening a raster as an array and accessing its spatial information; takes a single string argument. NOTE: subset_idx should be provided as either a flat sequence or nested tuples. For a flat sequence (GDAL format): (<xoff>, <yoff>, <xmax>, <ymax>) Where `<xoff>, <yoff>` are the offsets in the X- and Y-directions (column and row directions, starting from the top-left corner. The last two numbers indicate the ending column and row indices. For nested tuples (for backwards compatibility): ((<xoff>, <xmax>), (<yoff>, <ymax>)) For instance, if the offsets equal zero and the `<xmax>, <ymax>` terms are equal to the total number of columns and rows, respectively, then the entire raster array is read (i.e., might as well set `subset_idx = None`). Parameters ---------- file_path : str The path of the raster file to open as an array band_axis : bool True to include a band axis, even for single-band rasters subset_idx : tuple or list (Optional) Can provide any arbitrary bounding box sequence as row-column indices (not geographic coordinates) to get a spatial subset instead of the entire raster array. nodata : int or float (Optional) If not None, fills this value with NaN (numpy.nan) Returns ------- tuple Sequence of (numpy.ndarray, geotransform tuple, projection str) ''' ds = gdal.Open(file_path) if len(ds.GetSubDatasets()) > 0: raise ValueError( 'This dataset has multiple layers; you must specify a valid subdataset, for example: %s' % ds.GetSubDatasets()[0][0]) if subset_idx is not None: bb = subset_idx # If nested sequence is passed if hasattr(subset_idx[0], '__len__'): bb = [bb[0][0], bb[1][0], bb[0][1], bb[1][1]] # Default is for GDAL-style bounds (<xmin>, <ymin>, <xmax>, <ymax>) assert all(map(lambda x: x >= 0, bb)),\ 'Elements of subset_idx must be slice indices >/= 0' arr = ds.ReadAsArray( *map(int, (bb[0], bb[1], bb[2] - bb[0], bb[3] - bb[1]))) else: arr = ds.ReadAsArray() gt = ds.GetGeoTransform() wkt = ds.GetProjection() ds = None # Make sure that single-band rasters have a band axis if band_axis and len(arr.shape) < 3: shp = arr.shape arr = arr.reshape((1, shp[0], shp[1])) if nodata is not None: arr[arr == nodata] = np.nan return (arr, gt, wkt)
A convenience function for opening a raster as an array and accessing its spatial information; takes a single string argument.
NOTE: subset_idx should be provided as either a flat sequence or nested tuples. For a flat sequence (GDAL format):
(<xoff>, <yoff>, <xmax>, <ymax>)
<xoff>, <yoff>
are the offsets in the X- and Y-directions (column and row directions, starting from the top-left corner. The last two numbers indicate the ending column and row indices.For nested tuples (for backwards compatibility):
((<xoff>, <xmax>), (<yoff>, <ymax>))
For instance, if the offsets equal zero and the
<xmax>, <ymax>
terms are equal to the total number of columns and rows, respectively, then the entire raster array is read (i.e., might as well setsubset_idx = None
- The path of the raster file to open as an array
- True to include a band axis, even for single-band rasters
- (Optional) Can provide any arbitrary bounding box sequence as row-column indices (not geographic coordinates) to get a spatial subset instead of the entire raster array.
- (Optional) If not None, fills this value with NaN (numpy.nan)
- Sequence of (numpy.ndarray, geotransform tuple, projection str)
def as_raster(file_path, subset_bbox=None)
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def as_raster(file_path, subset_bbox = None): ''' A convenience function for opening a raster and accessing its spatial information; takes a single string argument. NOTE: subset_bbox should be provided as either a flat sequence or nested tuples. For a flat sequence (GDAL format): (<xmin>, <ymin>, <xmax>, <ymax>) For nested tuples (for backwards compatibility): ((<xmin>, <xmax>), (<ymin>, <ymax>)) Parameters ---------- file_path : str The path of the raster file to open as a gdal.Dataset subset_bbox : tuple or list (Optional) The bounding-box coordinates, as geographic coordinate pairs, to use in extracting a spatial subset Returns ------- tuple Tuple of: (gdal.Dataset, geotransform tuple, projection str) ''' ds = gdal.Open(file_path) gt = ds.GetGeoTransform() wkt = ds.GetProjection() if subset_bbox is not None: bb = subset_bbox # If nested sequence is passed if hasattr(subset_bbox[0], '__len__'): bb = [bb[0][0], bb[1][0], bb[0][1], bb[1][1]] # NOTE: Because SRS coordinate system is "flipped" vertically # w.r.t. pixel coordinate system, we flip ymax and ymin; # See: ymax, xmin = xy_to_pixel(bb[0:2], gt) ymin, xmax = xy_to_pixel(bb[2:4], gt) array, gt, wkt = as_array( # Read in as array file_path, band_axis, (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)) ds = array_to_raster(array, gt, wkt, xmin, ymin) # Get updated GeoTransform, with correct upper-left coordinate pair gt = ds.GetGeoTransform() return (ds, gt, wkt)
A convenience function for opening a raster and accessing its spatial information; takes a single string argument.
NOTE: subset_bbox should be provided as either a flat sequence or nested tuples. For a flat sequence (GDAL format):
(<xmin>, <ymin>, <xmax>, <ymax>)
For nested tuples (for backwards compatibility):
((<xmin>, <xmax>), (<ymin>, <ymax>))
- The path of the raster file to open as a gdal.Dataset
- (Optional) The bounding-box coordinates, as geographic coordinate pairs, to use in extracting a spatial subset
- Tuple of: (gdal.Dataset, geotransform tuple, projection str)
def binary_reclass(a, target_input=(0,), output=(0, 1))
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def binary_reclass(a, target_input = (0,), output = (0, 1)): ''' For an input raster array, produce a binary output array, replacing all cases of `target_input` values with outputs[0] and all other cases with output[1]. Parameters ---------- a : numpy.ndarray A NumPy array to reclassify target_input : tuple or list or numpy.ndarray Vector of input values to replace with output[0] output : tuple or list or numpy.ndarray 2-element vector of values which will replace input values Returns ------- numpy.ndarray ''' assert len(output) == 2, 'Only two output values should be provided' return np.where(np.isin(a, target_input), output[0], output[1])
For an input raster array, produce a binary output array, replacing all cases of
values with outputs[0] and all other cases with output[1].Parameters
- A NumPy array to reclassify
- Vector of input values to replace with output[0]
- 2-element vector of values which will replace input values
def bounds(rast)
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def bounds(rast): ''' Returns the minimum and maximum coordinate values in the sequence expected by, e.g., the `-te` switch in various GDAL utiltiies: `(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)`. Copied from my MIT-licensed library ``. Parameters ---------- rast : gdal.Dataset Returns ------- tuple The bounds of the raster, i.e., `(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)` ''' gt = rast.GetGeoTransform() xsize = rast.RasterXSize # Size in the x-direction ysize = rast.RasterYSize # Size in the y-direction xr = abs(gt[1]) # Resolution in the x-direction yr = abs(gt[-1]) # Resolution in the y-direction return (gt[0], gt[3] - (ysize * yr), gt[0] + (xsize * xr), gt[3])
Returns the minimum and maximum coordinate values in the sequence expected by, e.g., the
switch in various GDAL utiltiies:(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)
. Copied from my MIT-licensed
- The bounds of the raster, i.e.,
(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)
def crs_transform(from_epsg, to_epsg)
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def crs_transform(from_epsg, to_epsg): ''' Creates a coordinate reference system (CRS) transformation. The resulting `CoordinateTransformation` instance should be used, e.g.: crs_transform(4326, 6933).TransformPoint(latitude, longitude) Parameters ---------- from_epsg : int The EPSG code for the originating CRS to_epsg : int The EPSG code for the target (output) CRS Returns ------- gdal.osr.CoordinateTransformation ''' source = osr.SpatialReference() target = osr.SpatialReference() source.ImportFromEPSG(from_epsg) target.ImportFromEPSG(to_epsg) return osr.CoordinateTransformation(source, target)
Creates a coordinate reference system (CRS) transformation. The resulting
instance should be used, e.g.:crs_transform(4326, 6933).TransformPoint(latitude, longitude)
- The EPSG code for the originating CRS
- The EPSG code for the target (output) CRS
def dump_raster(rast, rast_path, driver='GTiff', gdt=None, nodata=None, compress=False)
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def dump_raster( rast, rast_path, driver = 'GTiff', gdt = None, nodata = None, compress = False): ''' Creates a raster file from a given `gdal.Dataset` instance. Parameters ---------- rast : gdal.Dataset A gdal.Dataset; does NOT accept NumPy array rast_path : str The path of the output raster file driver : str The name of the GDAL driver to use, which determines output file type (Default: "GTiff") gdt : int The GDAL data type to use, e.g., see gdal.GDT_Float32 nodata : int or float The NoData value; defaults to -9999. compress : bool True to apply lossless compression to the output; requires that the "GTiff" driver is used (GeoTIFF output) ''' if gdt is None: gdt = rast.GetRasterBand(1).DataType driver = gdal.GetDriverByName(driver) if compress and driver.ShortName == 'GTiff': _rast_path = rast_path tmp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() rast_path = sink = driver.Create( rast_path, rast.RasterXSize, rast.RasterYSize, rast.RasterCount, int(gdt)) assert sink is not None,\ 'Cannot create dataset; there may be a problem with the output path you specified' sink.SetGeoTransform(rast.GetGeoTransform()) sink.SetProjection(rast.GetProjection()) for b in range(1, rast.RasterCount + 1): dat = rast.GetRasterBand(b).ReadAsArray() sink.GetRasterBand(b).WriteArray(dat) sink.GetRasterBand(b).SetStatistics(*map(np.float64, [dat.min(), dat.max(), dat.mean(), dat.std()])) if nodata is None: nodata = rast.GetRasterBand(b).GetNoDataValue() if nodata is None: nodata = -9999 sink.GetRasterBand(b).SetNoDataValue(np.float64(nodata)) sink.FlushCache() if not compress or driver.ShortName != 'GTiff': return # Done # Optionally, compress the output file opts = gdal.TranslateOptions( format = 'GTiff', creationOptions = ['COMPRESS=LZW']) # Note that "_rast_path" is the true output path, "rast_path" just temp gdal.Translate(_rast_path, rast_path, options = opts)
Creates a raster file from a given
- A gdal.Dataset; does NOT accept NumPy array
- The path of the output raster file
- The name of the GDAL driver to use, which determines output file type (Default: "GTiff")
- The GDAL data type to use, e.g., see gdal.GDT_Float32
- The NoData value; defaults to -9999.
- True to apply lossless compression to the output; requires that the "GTiff" driver is used (GeoTIFF output)
def ease2_coords_approx(grid, in_1d=True, srs_epsg=4326, precision=8)
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def ease2_coords_approx(grid, in_1d = True, srs_epsg = 4326, precision = 8): ''' Returns approximate EASE-Grid 2.0 coordinate arrays. They are "approximate" because, although they are calculated correctly using affine transformations, they do not correspond to the coordinate arrays provided in typical EASE-Grid 2.0 products, namely SMAP L4C. They only correspond with these arrays to 2nd or 3rd decimal place in geographic coordinates (i.e., with `srs_epsg = 4326`). Parameters ---------- grid : str Output grid size: "M01" or "M09" in_1d : bool True to produce 1D arrays (Default: True) srs_epsg : int The EPSG code of the desired output SRS (Default: 4326) precision : int The decimal precision of output coordinates (Default: 8) Returns ------- tuple Two coordinate arrays, X and Y: (numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray) ''' srs0 = osr.SpatialReference() srs0.ImportFromWkt(EPSG[EASE2_GRID_PARAMS[grid]['epsg']]) srs = osr.SpatialReference() srs.ImportFromEPSG(srs_epsg) native = Affine.from_gdal(*EASE2_GRID_PARAMS[grid]['geotransform']) target = osr.CoordinateTransformation(srs0, srs) shp = EASE2_GRID_PARAMS[grid]['shape'] rows = np.arange(0, shp[0]) + 0.5 # To get center of a pixel cols = np.arange(0, shp[1]) + 0.5 l1, l2 = (1, 0) if gdal.VersionInfo()[0] == '3' else (0, 1) x_coords = np.array([ tuple(map( # Convert from (row, column) to (easting, northing)... # Then to (latitude, longitude) lambda x: round(x, precision), target.TransformPoint(*np.array(native * (i, 0)))))[l1] for i in cols ]) y_coords = np.array([ tuple(map( lambda x: round(x, precision), target.TransformPoint(*np.array(native * (0, i)))))[l2] for i in rows ]) if in_1d: return (x_coords, y_coords) return ( np.repeat(x_coords.reshape((1, shp[1])), shp[0], axis = 0), np.repeat(y_coords.reshape((shp[0], 1)), shp[1], axis = 1))
Returns approximate EASE-Grid 2.0 coordinate arrays. They are "approximate" because, although they are calculated correctly using affine transformations, they do not correspond to the coordinate arrays provided in typical EASE-Grid 2.0 products, namely SMAP L4C. They only correspond with these arrays to 2nd or 3rd decimal place in geographic coordinates (i.e., with
srs_epsg = 4326
- Output grid size: "M01" or "M09"
- True to produce 1D arrays (Default: True)
- The EPSG code of the desired output SRS (Default: 4326)
- The decimal precision of output coordinates (Default: 8)
- Two coordinate arrays, X and Y: (numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray)
def ease2_hdf_to_geotiff(hdf, field, output_path, grid='M09', dtype=None, nodata=None)
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def ease2_hdf_to_geotiff( hdf, field, output_path, grid = 'M09', dtype = None, nodata = None): ''' Dumps a single field from an HDF5 file into a GeoTIFF file. The grid argument refers to which EASE-Grid 2.0 is used: - M01: 1-km Global grid - M09: 9-km Global grid Parameters ---------- hdf : h5py.File The HDF5 file / h5py File object field : str The hierarchical path to the variable of interest output_path : str The output file path grid : str EASE-Grid 2.0 type: "M01", "M09", ... dtype : type The NumPy data type to coerce on the array nodata : int or float The NoData value or "fill" value ''' gt = EASE2_GRID_PARAMS[grid]['geotransform'] wkt = EPSG[EASE2_GRID_PARAMS[grid]['epsg']] # Get the NoData value from the dataset description, if possible if nodata is None and '_FillValue' in hdf[field].attrs: nodata = hdf[field].attrs['_FillValue'] ease2_to_geotiff(hdf[field][:], output_path, grid, dtype, nodata)
Dumps a single field from an HDF5 file into a GeoTIFF file. The grid argument refers to which EASE-Grid 2.0 is used:
- M01: 1-km Global grid
- M09: 9-km Global grid
- The HDF5 file / h5py File object
- The hierarchical path to the variable of interest
- The output file path
- EASE-Grid 2.0 type: "M01", "M09", …
- The NumPy data type to coerce on the array
- The NoData value or "fill" value
def ease2_to_geotiff(array, output_path, grid, xoff=None, yoff=None, dtype=None, nodata=-9999, compress=False)
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def ease2_to_geotiff( array, output_path, grid, xoff = None, yoff = None, dtype = None, nodata = -9999, compress = False): ''' Convenience function for writing an EASE-Grid 2.0 data array to a GeoTIFF raster file. Parameters ---------- array : numpy.ndarray A NumPy data array output_path : str The output GeoTIFF raster file path grid : str One of: "M09", "M01" xoff : int The offset in the x-direction; should be provided when clipped yoff : int The offset in the y-direction; should be provided when clipped dtype : type The NumPy data type to enforce, e.g., np.int32 nodata : int or float The NoData or Fill value compress : bool True to apply lossless compression to the output (Default: False) ''' # Check that the provided array size/shape makes sense expected = EASE2_GRID_PARAMS[grid]['shape'] if xoff is None and yoff is None: assert (array.ndim == 2 and expected == array.shape) or (array.ndim == 3 and expected == array.shape[1:3]),\ 'Array shape (%d, %d) does not matched expected shape (%d, %d); set xoff and yoff if this array is clipped' % (*array.shape[1:3], *expected) gt = EASE2_GRID_PARAMS[grid]['geotransform'] wkt = EPSG[EASE2_GRID_PARAMS[grid]['epsg']] rast = array_to_raster(array, gt, wkt, xoff, yoff, dtype = dtype) dump_raster( rast, output_path, driver = 'GTiff', nodata = nodata, compress = compress)
Convenience function for writing an EASE-Grid 2.0 data array to a GeoTIFF raster file.
- A NumPy data array
- The output GeoTIFF raster file path
- One of: "M09", "M01"
- The offset in the x-direction; should be provided when clipped
- The offset in the y-direction; should be provided when clipped
- The NumPy data type to enforce, e.g., np.int32
- The NoData or Fill value
- True to apply lossless compression to the output (Default: False)
def intersect_rasters(ref_raster, src_raster, nodata=-9999, nudge=(0, 0), method=1, gdt=6)
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def intersect_rasters( ref_raster, src_raster, nodata = -9999, nudge = (0, 0), method = gdalconst.GRA_Bilinear, gdt = gdalconst.GDT_Float32): ''' Projects the source raster so that its top-left corner is aligned with the reference raster. Then, clips or pads the source raster so that it has the same number of rows and columns (covers the same extent at the same grid resolution) as the reference raster. Can also "nudge" a raster in one or both directions, which can help fix small differences in alignment. NOTE: If the reference raster's top-left corner is far left and/or above that of the source raster, the intersected raster may contain no data from the original raster, i.e., an empty raster will result. NOTE: If the `ref_raster` and `src_raster` have different projections, the result may contain no data (i.e., all `NoData`). Not sure why, as here we are projecting the data to match the reference raster. This method should be used with rasters that are "close" but not an exact match for SRS, resolution, and extent. Parameters ---------- ref_raster : gdal.Dataset The reference raster src_raster : gdal.Dataset The source raster; the raster to be changed nodata : int or float The NoData value to fill in where the reference raster is larger nudge : tuple or list Sequence of two integers, the number of pixels to push a raster array in the X and Y directions, respectively method : int gdal.GRA_Bilinear or gdal.GRA_NearestNeighbour are recommended (Default: gdal.GRA_Bilinear) gdt : int The GDAL data type to use for the output raster (Default: gdalconst.GDT_Float32) Returns ------- gdal.Dataset ''' msg = '%s is not a gdal.Dataset!' assert hasattr(ref_raster, 'GetGeoTransform'), msg % '"ref_raster"' assert hasattr(src_raster, 'GetGeoTransform'), msg % '"src_raster"' # Check that raster has spatial projection information msg = '%s has no defined spatial reference!' assert ref_raster.GetProjection() != '', msg % '"ref_raster"' assert src_raster.GetProjection() != '', msg % '"src_raster"' gt = ref_raster.GetGeoTransform() wkt = ref_raster.GetProjection() gt0 = src_raster.GetGeoTransform() wkt0 = src_raster.GetProjection() # Create a new raster with the desired attributes width, height = (ref_raster.RasterXSize, ref_raster.RasterYSize) width0, height0 = (src_raster.RasterXSize, src_raster.RasterYSize) out_raster = gdal.GetDriverByName('MEM').Create('temp.file', width, height, src_raster.RasterCount, gdt) # Initialize and set the NoData value for i in range(1, src_raster.RasterCount + 1): b = out_raster.GetRasterBand(i) b.Fill(nodata) b.SetNoDataValue(nodata) # Set the desired geotransform, and projection out_raster.SetGeoTransform(gt) out_raster.SetProjection(wkt) # Re-project the source image; now the top-left corners are aligned gdal.ReprojectImage(src_raster, out_raster, wkt0, wkt, method) arr0 = out_raster.ReadAsArray() del src_raster # Delete original raster references del ref_raster del out_raster # Clip the extent of the src image if ref is smaller if arr0.ndim > 2: ch, cw = arr0.shape[1:] else: ch, cw = arr0.shape if (width <= width0): cw = width # Clip src to ref extents if (height <= height0): ch = height # Read rows, columns out to the extent of the output array if arr0.ndim > 2: arr = arr0[:,0:ch,0:cw] else: arr = arr0[0:ch,0:cw] # Finally, "nudge" rows and columns over and down, as needed nx, ny = nudge # Nudge rows in the y-direction if ny > 0: arr = np.vstack((np.ones(arr.shape)[:ny,:] * np.nan, arr)) elif ny < 0: arr = np.vstack((arr, np.ones(arr.shape)[:abs(ny),:] * np.nan)) # Nudge columns in the x-direction if nx > 0: arr = np.hstack((np.ones(arr.shape)[:,:nx] * np.nan, arr)) elif ny < 0: arr = np.hstack((arr, np.ones(arr.shape)[:,:abs(nx)] * np.nan)) return array_to_raster(arr, gt, wkt)
Projects the source raster so that its top-left corner is aligned with the reference raster. Then, clips or pads the source raster so that it has the same number of rows and columns (covers the same extent at the same grid resolution) as the reference raster. Can also "nudge" a raster in one or both directions, which can help fix small differences in alignment.
NOTE: If the reference raster's top-left corner is far left and/or above that of the source raster, the intersected raster may contain no data from the original raster, i.e., an empty raster will result.
NOTE: If the
have different projections, the result may contain no data (i.e., allNoData
). Not sure why, as here we are projecting the data to match the reference raster. This method should be used with rasters that are "close" but not an exact match for SRS, resolution, and extent.Parameters
- The reference raster
- The source raster; the raster to be changed
- The NoData value to fill in where the reference raster is larger
- Sequence of two integers, the number of pixels to push a raster array in the X and Y directions, respectively
- gdal.GRA_Bilinear or gdal.GRA_NearestNeighbour are recommended (Default: gdal.GRA_Bilinear)
- The GDAL data type to use for the output raster (Default: gdalconst.GDT_Float32)
def intersect_rasters2(ref_raster, src_raster, nodata=-9999, method=1, gdt=6)
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def intersect_rasters2( ref_raster, src_raster, nodata = -9999, method = gdalconst.GRA_Bilinear, gdt = gdalconst.GDT_Float32): ''' Improvement upon `intersect_rasters()`, perhaps? This function is considerably shorter as it uses a wrapper for the command-line `gdalwarp`. Will need to test performance. NOTE: If the reference raster's top-left corner is far left and/or above that of the source raster, the intersected raster may contain no data from the original raster, i.e., an empty raster will result. NOTE: If the `ref_raster` and `src_raster` have different projections, the result may contain no data (i.e., all `NoData`). Not sure why, as here we are projecting the data to match the reference raster. Parameters ---------- ref_raster : gdal.Dataset The reference raster src_raster : gdal.Dataset The source raster; the raster to be changed nodata : int or float The NoData value to fill in where the reference raster is larger method : int gdal.GRA_Bilinear or gdal.GRA_NearestNeighbour are recommended (Default: gdal.GRA_Bilinear) gdt : int The GDAL data type to use for the output raster (Default: gdalconst.GDT_Float32) Returns ------- gdal.Dataset ''' msg = '%s is not a gdal.Dataset!' assert hasattr(ref_raster, 'GetGeoTransform'), msg % '"ref_raster"' assert hasattr(src_raster, 'GetGeoTransform'), msg % '"src_raster"' # Check that raster has spatial projection information msg = '%s has no defined spatial reference!' assert ref_raster.GetProjection() != '', msg % '"ref_raster"' assert src_raster.GetProjection() != '', msg % '"src_raster"' gt = ref_raster.GetGeoTransform() x_res = y_res = np.abs(gt[1]) wkt_proj4 = pyproj.CRS.from_wkt(ref_raster.GetProjectionRef()).to_proj4() return gdal.Warp( 'temp.file', src_raster, format = 'MEM', xRes = x_res, yRes = y_res, dstSRS = wkt_proj4, outputBounds = bounds(ref_raster))
Improvement upon
, perhaps? This function is considerably shorter as it uses a wrapper for the command-linegdalwarp
. Will need to test performance.NOTE: If the reference raster's top-left corner is far left and/or above that of the source raster, the intersected raster may contain no data from the original raster, i.e., an empty raster will result.
NOTE: If the
have different projections, the result may contain no data (i.e., allNoData
). Not sure why, as here we are projecting the data to match the reference raster.Parameters
- The reference raster
- The source raster; the raster to be changed
- The NoData value to fill in where the reference raster is larger
- gdal.GRA_Bilinear or gdal.GRA_NearestNeighbour are recommended (Default: gdal.GRA_Bilinear)
- The GDAL data type to use for the output raster (Default: gdalconst.GDT_Float32)
def project_equirectangular(src_raster, size_degrees, method=1, nodata=-9999, gdt=6, nrows=None, ncols=None)
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def project_equirectangular( src_raster, size_degrees, method = gdal.GRA_Bilinear, nodata = -9999, gdt = gdalconst.GDT_Float32, nrows = None, ncols = None): ''' Projects a raster into an equirectangular geographic coordinate system (GCS) based on the WGS84 datum. Thanks to J. Gómez-Dans for the more general solution to calculating output raster size [1]. NOTE: This will not work well for very small cell sizes, around 0.1 degress on a side or less. It should generally be used for down-sampling (scaling up) only. 1. Parameters ---------- src_raster : gdal.Dataset Raster to be projected to a GCS size_degrees : int or float Output cell size (spatial resolution) in degrees method : int gdal.GRA_Bilinear or gdal.GRA_NearestNeighbour are recommended (Default: gdal.GRA_Bilinear) gdt : int Output GDAL data type (Default: 32-bit floating point) Returns ------- gdal.Dataset ''' assert src_raster.RasterCount == 1, 'Can only work with 1-band raster arrays' gt0 = src_raster.GetGeoTransform() wkt0 = osr.SpatialReference() wkt0.ImportFromWkt(src_raster.GetProjection()) # Equirectangular (target) spatial reference system wkt = osr.SpatialReference() wkt.ImportFromEPSG(4326) # NOTE: God forbid, if this transformation stops working, note that as of # GDAL 3.0+, TransformPoint() expects coordinates to be provided in # the order that the CRS expects, which is not necessarily X,Y,Z order transform = osr.CoordinateTransformation(wkt0, wkt) # Work out the boundaries of the new dataset in the target projection (uly, ulx, ulz) = transform.TransformPoint(gt0[0], gt0[3]) (lry, lrx, lrz) = transform.TransformPoint( gt0[0] + gt0[1]*src_raster.RasterXSize, gt0[3] + gt0[5]*src_raster.RasterYSize) # Prior to GDAL 3.x, WGS84 projection defined coordinates in (X,Y), i.e., # (longitude, latitude) order; now they are (latitude, longitude) order if gdal.__version__[0] == '2': # So, for older versions, just swap coordinate order uly, ulx = (ulx, uly) lry, lrx = (lrx, lry) if ncols is None: ncols = abs(int((lrx - ulx) / size_degrees)) # Get NEW raster width # For lat-long projections, this is a sign there may be a problem if wkt.IsGeographic() and ncols <= 1: # Need to consider West longitude a possibility ncols = abs(int((-lrx - ulx) / size_degrees)) if nrows is None: # Neat math fact: Not an issue for southern latitude nrows = int(abs((uly - lry) / size_degrees)) # Get NEW raster height assert ncols != 0 and nrows != 0,\ 'Rows and/or columns are zero; check that size_degrees is appropriate' gt = gdal.AutoCreateWarpedVRT(src_raster, str(wkt0), str(wkt), method)\ .GetGeoTransform() gt = (gt[0], size_degrees, gt[2], gt[3], gt[4], -size_degrees) # Alternatively, we can guess some of the parameters (geog. CRS example): # gt = (-ulx, size_degrees, gt0[2], uly, gt0[4], -size_degrees) rast_projected = gdal.GetDriverByName('MEM')\ .Create('', ncols, nrows, 1, gdt) # 1 refers to the number of bands # Set the NoData value so this is ignored in reprojecting src_raster.GetRasterBand(1).SetNoDataValue(nodata) output_band = rast_projected.GetRasterBand(1) output_band.SetNoDataValue(nodata) output_band.Fill(nodata) # This is necessary to place NoData in the output # Set the output image SRS and warp warp! rast_projected.SetGeoTransform(gt) rast_projected.SetProjection(str(wkt)) gdal.ReprojectImage( src_raster, rast_projected, str(wkt0), str(wkt), method) return rast_projected
Projects a raster into an equirectangular geographic coordinate system (GCS) based on the WGS84 datum. Thanks to J. Gómez-Dans for the more general solution to calculating output raster size [1].
NOTE: This will not work well for very small cell sizes, around 0.1 degress on a side or less. It should generally be used for down-sampling (scaling up) only.
- Raster to be projected to a GCS
- Output cell size (spatial resolution) in degrees
- gdal.GRA_Bilinear or gdal.GRA_NearestNeighbour are recommended (Default: gdal.GRA_Bilinear)
- Output GDAL data type (Default: 32-bit floating point)
def resample_ease2(src_raster, grid, nodata=-9999, method=1, gdt=6)
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def resample_ease2( src_raster, grid, nodata = -9999, method = gdalconst.GRA_Bilinear, gdt = gdalconst.GDT_Float32): ''' Resamples an input raster from one nested EASE-Grid 2.0 to another; e.g., from a 1-km grid to a 9-km grid or vice-versa. Uses GDAL for resampling, which is expected to produce the same result as a matrix operations that exploit grid nesting. Parameters ---------- src_raster : gdal.Dataset The source raster to be resampled grid : str Desired output EASE-Grid 2.0 specification, e.g., "M09" nodata : int or float The NoData value to fill in where the reference raster is larger method : int gdal.GRA_Bilinear or gdal.GRA_NearestNeighbour are recommended (Default: gdal.GRA_Bilinear) gdt : int The GDAL data type to use for the output raster (Default: gdalconst.GDT_Float32) Returns ------- gdal.Dataset ''' assert hasattr(src_raster, 'GetGeoTransform'), '"src_raster" is not a gdal.Dataset!' assert src_raster.GetProjection() != '', '"src_raster" has no defined spatial reference!' # Get attributes of the original (input) raster gt0 = src_raster.GetGeoTransform() wkt0 = src_raster.GetProjection() # Get attributes of the output raster res = EASE2_GRID_PARAMS[grid]['geotransform'][1] height, width = EASE2_GRID_PARAMS[grid]['shape'] gt = list(gt0) gt[1] = res gt[-1] = -res # Create the output raster as an in-memory raster file out_raster = gdal.GetDriverByName('MEM').Create('temp.file', width, height, src_raster.RasterCount, gdt) # Set the desired geotransform, and projection out_raster.SetGeoTransform(tuple(gt)) out_raster.SetProjection(wkt0) # We're using this empty raster as a reference for projecting the source return intersect_rasters(out_raster, src_raster, nodata, method, gdt)
Resamples an input raster from one nested EASE-Grid 2.0 to another; e.g., from a 1-km grid to a 9-km grid or vice-versa. Uses GDAL for resampling, which is expected to produce the same result as a matrix operations that exploit grid nesting.
- The source raster to be resampled
- Desired output EASE-Grid 2.0 specification, e.g., "M09"
- The NoData value to fill in where the reference raster is larger
- gdal.GRA_Bilinear or gdal.GRA_NearestNeighbour are recommended (Default: gdal.GRA_Bilinear)
- The GDAL data type to use for the output raster (Default: gdalconst.GDT_Float32)
def sample_points(data, points, gt=None, ignore_srs_mismatch=False)
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def sample_points(data, points, gt = None, ignore_srs_mismatch = False): ''' Samples the value in a raster array at each location in a sequence of geographic coordinate pairs. Parameters ---------- data : numpy.ndarray or gdal.Dataset points : tuple or list Sequence of (X, Y) coordinate pairs gt : tuple (Optional) GeoTransform tuple ignore_srs_mismatch : bool True to ignore any apparent differences in the SRS between "points" and raster GeoTransform Returns ------- list A list of sampled raster values ''' if hasattr(data, 'GetGeoTransform'): if gt is not None and not np.all(np.equal(gt, rast.GetGeoTransform())): raise ValueError('Input raster GeoTransform and user-provided "gt" argument do not match (should drop "gt" argument)') gt = rast.GetGeoTransform() transform = Affine.from_gdal(*gt) else: if gt is None: raise ValueError('Must specify a geotransform, gt, unless a gdal.Dataset is provided') transform = Affine.from_gdal(*gt) # Check that the point X coordinate is not too many orders of magnitude # different from the minimum X coordinate of the input raster SRS; if # so, there is likely a mismatch in SRS if abs(np.log10(abs(gt[0])) - np.log10(abs(points[0][0]))) >= 2: if not ignore_srs_mismatch: raise ValueError('Coordinate system of "points" and input data do not match') # If points are given as a sequence of pairs, transformation to # row-column indices is straightforward if hasattr(points, '__len__'): indices = [ # And make sure to reverse to obtain row, column order tuple(reversed(tuple( map(int, ~transform * pair)))) for pair in points ] else: raise NotImplementedError('Argument "points" must be a sequence type') if hasattr(data, 'GetGeoTransform'): return sample(data.ReadAsArray(), indices) return sample(data, indices)
Samples the value in a raster array at each location in a sequence of geographic coordinate pairs.
- Sequence of (X, Y) coordinate pairs
- (Optional) GeoTransform tuple
- True to ignore any apparent differences in the SRS between "points" and raster GeoTransform
- A list of sampled raster values
def xy_to_pixel(coords, gt, coords_srs_epsg=None, raster_srs_epsg=None)
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def xy_to_pixel(coords, gt, coords_srs_epsg = None, raster_srs_epsg = None): ''' Translates a generic X-Y coordinate pair associated with a point into pixel coordinates, i.e., the row-column indices in a raster that contains that contains that point. Parameters ---------- coords : tuple or list Coordinate pair, as a 2-element sequence gt : tuple GeoTransform for the associated raster coords_srs_epsg : int (Optional) EPSG code for the coordinate pair's SRS raster_srs_epsg : int (Optional) EPSG code for the associated raster Returns ------- tuple A 2-element tuple; the row, column indices for the coordinate pair ''' # Get an affine transformation to translate geographic coordinates to # raster coordinates affine_transform = Affine.from_gdal(*gt) x, y = coords # Optionally, transform the geographic coordinates if needed if coords_srs_epsg is not None and raster_srs_epsg is not None: coords_srs = osr.SpatialReference() coords_srs.ImportFromEPSG(coords_srs_epsg) # Create a coordinate reference system transformation to translate # latitude-longitude coordinates into EASE-Grid 2.0 coordinates if coords_srs.IsGeographic() == 1: coords = reversed(coords) x, y = crs_transform(coords_srs_epsg, raster_srs_epsg)\ .TransformPoint(*coords, 0)[:-1] # Drop Z coordinate return tuple(map(int, reversed(~affine_transform * (x, y))))
Translates a generic X-Y coordinate pair associated with a point into pixel coordinates, i.e., the row-column indices in a raster that contains that contains that point.
- Coordinate pair, as a 2-element sequence
- GeoTransform for the associated raster
- (Optional) EPSG code for the coordinate pair's SRS
- (Optional) EPSG code for the associated raster
- A 2-element tuple; the row, column indices for the coordinate pair