
Specialized scientific functions for biogeophysical variables and L4C model processes.


def arrhenius(tsoil, beta0: float, beta1: float = 66.02, beta2: float = 227.13)
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def arrhenius(
        tsoil, beta0: float, beta1: float = 66.02, beta2: float = 227.13):
    The Arrhenius equation for response of enzymes to (soil) temperature,
    constrained to lie on the closed interval [0, 1].

    f(T_{SOIL}) = \mathrm{exp}\left[\beta_0\left( \frac{1}{\beta_1} -
        \frac{1}{T_{SOIL} - \beta_2} \right) \right]

    tsoil : numpy.ndarray
        Array of soil temperature in degrees K
    beta0 : float
        Coefficient for soil temperature (deg K)
    beta1 : float
        Coefficient for ... (deg K)
    beta2 : float
        Coefficient for ... (deg K)

        Array of soil temperatures mapped through the Arrhenius function
    a = (1.0 / beta1)
    b = np.divide(1.0, np.subtract(tsoil, beta2))
    # This is the simple answer, but it takes on values >1
    y0 = np.exp(np.multiply(beta0, np.subtract(a, b)))
    # Constrain the output to the interval [0, 1]
    return np.where(y0 > 1, 1, np.where(y0 < 0, 0, y0))

The Arrhenius equation for response of enzymes to (soil) temperature, constrained to lie on the closed interval [0, 1].

f(T_{SOIL}) = \mathrm{exp}\left[\beta_0\left( \frac{1}{\beta_1} - \frac{1}{T_{SOIL} - \beta_2} \right) \right]


tsoil : numpy.ndarray
Array of soil temperature in degrees K
beta0 : float
Coefficient for soil temperature (deg K)
beta1 : float
Coefficient for … (deg K)
beta2 : float
Coefficient for … (deg K)


Array of soil temperatures mapped through the Arrhenius function
def bias_correction_parameters(series,
npoly: int = 1,
cutoff: float = 1,
var_cutoff: float = None,
add_intercept: bool = True)
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def bias_correction_parameters(
        series, npoly: int = 1, cutoff: float = 1, var_cutoff: float = None,
        add_intercept: bool = True):
    Calculate the bias correction parameters for two overlapping time series,
    nominally the Nature Run and L4C Operational products, of a given
    variable using quantile mapping. For example, can correct the bias in
    Nature Run (2000-2017) against the L4C Ops record (2015-Present) by
    fitting bias correction parameters for the overlap period 2015-2017.
    Model can be specified:

        y = alpha + X beta_0 + X^2 beta_1 + ...

    NOTE: Because Nature Run and L4C Ops compare very well in some locations,
    a degree-1 polynomial (straight line) is fit first (regardless of npoly);
    if this solution produces corrections that are <1 gC m^-2, the degree-1
    solution is used. In some areas, there is a strong linear correspondence
    between most measurements but a small number have a super-linear
    relationship that is poorly fit by a degree-2 polynomial; in these cases
    (where model variance of the degree-2 fit is > var_cutoff), the degree-1
    solution is used. Forcing the line of best fit through the origin (with
    intercept=False) is also not recommended.

    series : numpy.ndarray
        A (t x 2) NumPy array where t rows correspond to t time steps and
        each column is a product; the first column is the reference product
        or dependent variable in the linear bias correction.
    npoly : int
        Degree of the polynomial to use in bias correction (Default: 1)
    cutoff : float
        Cutoff for the degree-1 bias correction, in data units (e.g.,
        1 g C m-2 day-1); defaults to 1.0, i.e., the residual after correction
        must be greater than 1 g C m-2 day-1, which is the average impact of
        L4SM versus model-only observations. If this cutoff is exceeded, the
        degree-1 solution is returned.
    var_cutoff : float or None
        Cutoff in variance for higher-order solutions; if the residual model
        variance exceeds this threshold for the degree-N solution, then return
        the degree (N-1) solution (Default: None)
    add_intercept : bool
        True to add a the y-intercept term (Default: True)

        A vector of length N + 1 where N is the degree of the polynomial
        fit requested
    def xmat(x, npoly):
        # Creates the design/ model matrix for a polynomial series
        # Add a column for each power of the requested polynomial series
        x = np.repeat(x.reshape((t, 1)), npoly, axis = 1)
        for i in range(1, npoly):
            # Calculate X^n for n up to N powers
            x[:,i] = np.power(x[:,0], npoly + 1)
        return x

    def fit(x, y, npoly):
        # Fits the model using OLS
        # If all of the Y values are NaN
        if np.all(np.isnan(y)): return np.ones((npoly + 1,)) * np.nan
            return ols(xmat(x, npoly), y, add_intercept)
        except np.linalg.linalg.LinAlgError:
            return np.ones((npoly + 1,)) * np.nan

    # Sort the input series from low -> high
    t = series.shape[0]
    y = np.sort(series[:,0])
    x = np.sort(series[:,1])

    # For some pixels, the time series has zero variance, and this can produce
    #   unstable OLS estimates (e.g., zero slope)
    if np.var(y) == 0 or np.var(x) == 0:
        # Return coefficients: (0, 1, 0, ..., 0)
        return np.hstack(((0, 1), list(0 for i in range(1, npoly))))

    if np.var(y) == 0 and np.var(x) == 0:
        # Intercept (mean) is the only necessary predictor
        return np.hstack(((1, 0), list(0 for i in range(1, npoly))))

    fit1 = np.hstack(
        (fit(x, y, npoly = 1), list(0 for i in range(1, npoly))))
    if npoly == 1:
        return fit1

    # First, try a degree-1 polynomial (straight-line) fit; if the bias
    #   correction slope is such that the correction is < 1 gC/m^-2,
    #   which is similar to the average impact of L4SM vs. model-only
    #   observations, then use the degree-1 fit parameters
    if x.mean() - (fit1[1] * x.mean()) < cutoff:
        return fit1

    # Second, starting with the simpler model, check if progressively more
    #   complicated models (up to a maximum of npoly) really do fit the data
    #   better; if not, or if the model variance is above a cutoff, use the
    #   next most-complicated model (last_model)
    last_model = fit1 # Starting with the simplest model...
    for p in range(2, npoly + 1):
        model = fit(x, y, npoly = p)
        # Calculates unbiased estimate of model variance
        model_var = ols_variance(xmat(x, p), y, model, add_intercept)
        # Without a cutoff for guidance, if the model variance of the degree-1
        #   fit is lower than that of the degree-2 fit...
        if var_cutoff is None:
            if model_var > ols_variance(
                    xmat(x, 1), y, last_model[0:p], add_intercept):
                return last_model
            if model_var > var_cutoff:
                return last_model

        last_model = model

    # Unless a simpler model was better, return coefficients for the requested
    #   polynomial degree
    return model

Calculate the bias correction parameters for two overlapping time series, nominally the Nature Run and L4C Operational products, of a given variable using quantile mapping. For example, can correct the bias in Nature Run (2000-2017) against the L4C Ops record (2015-Present) by fitting bias correction parameters for the overlap period 2015-2017. Model can be specified:

y = alpha + X beta_0 + X^2 beta_1 + ...

NOTE: Because Nature Run and L4C Ops compare very well in some locations, a degree-1 polynomial (straight line) is fit first (regardless of npoly); if this solution produces corrections that are <1 gC m^-2, the degree-1 solution is used. In some areas, there is a strong linear correspondence between most measurements but a small number have a super-linear relationship that is poorly fit by a degree-2 polynomial; in these cases (where model variance of the degree-2 fit is > var_cutoff), the degree-1 solution is used. Forcing the line of best fit through the origin (with intercept=False) is also not recommended.


series : numpy.ndarray
A (t x 2) NumPy array where t rows correspond to t time steps and each column is a product; the first column is the reference product or dependent variable in the linear bias correction.
npoly : int
Degree of the polynomial to use in bias correction (Default: 1)
cutoff : float
Cutoff for the degree-1 bias correction, in data units (e.g., 1 g C m-2 day-1); defaults to 1.0, i.e., the residual after correction must be greater than 1 g C m-2 day-1, which is the average impact of L4SM versus model-only observations. If this cutoff is exceeded, the degree-1 solution is returned.
var_cutoff : float or None
Cutoff in variance for higher-order solutions; if the residual model variance exceeds this threshold for the degree-N solution, then return the degree (N-1) solution (Default: None)
add_intercept : bool
True to add a the y-intercept term (Default: True)


A vector of length N + 1 where N is the degree of the polynomial fit requested
def climatology365(series, dates, ignore_leap=True)
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def climatology365(series, dates, ignore_leap = True):
    Computes a 365-day climatology for different locations from a time series
    of length T. The climatology could then be indexed using ordinals
    generated by `ordinals365()`. Setting `ignore_leap = False` may be useful
    if the time series has regular dropouts; e.g., for MODIS 8-day composite
    data, there are only 46 days each year with valid data.

    series : numpy.ndarray
        (... x T) array of data (time should be the trailing axis)
    dates : list or tuple
        Sequence of datetime.datetime or instances
    ignore_leap : bool
        True to convert DOY to (DOY-1) in leap years, effectively ignoring
        Leap Day (Default); if False, DOY numbers are unchanged

        A (365 x ...) array: the 365-day climatology
    def calc_climatology(x):
        return np.array([
            np.nanmean(x[...,ordinal == day], axis = -1)
            for day in range(1, 366)
    # Get first and last day of the year (DOY)
    ordinal = np.array([
        # Finally, subtract 1 from each day in a leap year after Leap Day
        (doy - 1) if (
            ignore_leap and (dates[i].year % 4 == 0) and doy >= 60) else doy
        for i, doy in enumerate([
            # Next, fill in 0 wherever Leap Day occurs
            0 if (dates[i].year % 4 == 0 and doy == 60) else doy
            for i, doy in enumerate([
                # First, convert datetime.datetime to ordinal day-of-year (DOY)
                int(dt.strftime('%j')) for dt in dates
    return calc_climatology(series)

Computes a 365-day climatology for different locations from a time series of length T. The climatology could then be indexed using ordinals generated by ordinals365(). Setting ignore_leap = False may be useful if the time series has regular dropouts; e.g., for MODIS 8-day composite data, there are only 46 days each year with valid data.


series : numpy.ndarray
(… x T) array of data (time should be the trailing axis)
dates : list or tuple
Sequence of datetime.datetime or instances
ignore_leap : bool
True to convert DOY to (DOY-1) in leap years, effectively ignoring Leap Day (Default); if False, DOY numbers are unchanged


A (365 x …) array: the 365-day climatology
def daynight_partition(arr_24hr, updown, reducer='mean')
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def daynight_partition(arr_24hr, updown, reducer = 'mean'):
    Partitions a 24-hour time series array into daytime and nighttime values,
    then calculates the mean in each group. Daytime is defined as when the sun
    is above the horizon; nighttime is the complement.

    arr_24hr : numpy.ndarray
        A size (24 x ...) array; the first axis must have 24 elements
        corresponding to the measurement in each hour
    updown: numpy.ndarray
        A size (2 x ...) array, compatible with arr_24hr, where the first axis
        has the hour of sunrise and sunset, in that order, for each element
    reducer : str
        One of "mean" or "sum" indicating whether an average or a total of the
        daytime/ nighttime values should be calculated; e.g., for "mean", the
        hourly values from daytime hours are added up and divided by the
        length of the day (in hours).

        A size (2 x ...) array where the first axis enumerates the daytime and
        nighttime mean values, respectively
    assert reducer in ('mean', 'sum'),\
        'Argument "reducer" must be one of: "mean", "sum"'
    # Prepare single-valued output array
    arr_daytime = np.zeros(arr_24hr.shape[1:])
    arr_nighttime = arr_daytime.copy()
    daylight_hrs = arr_daytime.copy().astype(np.int16)
    # Do sunrise and sunset define an interval? (Sunset > Sunrise)?
    inside_interval = np.apply_along_axis(lambda x: x[1] > x[0], 0, updown)
    # Or is the sun never up?
    never_up = np.logical_and(updown[0,...] == -1, updown[1,...] == -1)
    # Iteratively sum daytime VPD and temperature values
    for hr in range(0, 24):
        # Given only hour of sunrise/set on a 24-hour clock...
        #   if sun rises and sets on same day: SUNRISE <= HOUR <= SUNSET;
        #   if sun sets on next day: either SUNRISE <= HOUR or HOUR <= SUNSET;
        sun_is_up = np.logical_or( # Either...
            np.logical_and(inside_interval, # ...Rises and sets same day
                np.logical_and(updown[0,...] <= hr, hr <= updown[1,...])),
            np.logical_and(~inside_interval, # ...Sets on next day
                np.logical_or(updown[0,...] <= hr, hr <= updown[1,...])))
        # For simplicity, compute a 24-hour mean even if the sun never rises;
        #   there's no way to know what the "correct" daytime value is
        mask = np.logical_or(never_up, sun_is_up)
            mask, arr_24hr[hr,...], 0), arr_daytime, out = arr_daytime)
            ~mask, arr_24hr[hr,...], 0), arr_nighttime, out = arr_nighttime)
        # Keep track of the denominator (hours) for calculating the mean;
        #   note that this over-estimates actual daylight hours by 1 hour
        #   but results in the correct denominator for the sums above
        np.add(np.where(mask, 1, 0), daylight_hrs, out = daylight_hrs)
    arr_24hr = None
    # Calculate mean quantities
    if reducer == 'mean':
        arr_daytime = np.divide(arr_daytime, daylight_hrs)
        arr_nighttime = np.divide(arr_nighttime, 24 - daylight_hrs)
        # For sites where the sun is always above/ below the horizon, set missing
        #   nighttime values to zero
        arr_nighttime[~np.isfinite(arr_nighttime)] = 0
    return np.stack((arr_daytime, arr_nighttime))

Partitions a 24-hour time series array into daytime and nighttime values, then calculates the mean in each group. Daytime is defined as when the sun is above the horizon; nighttime is the complement.


arr_24hr : numpy.ndarray
A size (24 x …) array; the first axis must have 24 elements corresponding to the measurement in each hour
updown : numpy.ndarray
A size (2 x …) array, compatible with arr_24hr, where the first axis has the hour of sunrise and sunset, in that order, for each element
reducer : str
One of "mean" or "sum" indicating whether an average or a total of the daytime/ nighttime values should be calculated; e.g., for "mean", the hourly values from daytime hours are added up and divided by the length of the day (in hours).


A size (2 x …) array where the first axis enumerates the daytime and nighttime mean values, respectively
def degree_lengths(phi, a=6378137, b=6356752.3142)
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def degree_lengths(phi, a = 6378137, b = 6356752.3142):
    Returns the approximate length of degrees of latitude and longitude.

    phi : Number
        Latitude, in degrees
    a : Number
        Radius of the Earth (major axis) in meters
    b : Number
        Length of minor axis of the Earth in meters

        Length of a degree of (longitude, latitude), respectively
    e2 = ((a**2) - (b**2)) / (a**2)
    # Approximate length of a degree of latitude
    lat_m = 111132.954 - (559.822 * np.cos(2 * np.deg2rad(phi))) +\
        (1.175 * np.cos(4 * np.deg2rad(phi)))
    lng_m = (np.pi * a * np.cos(np.deg2rad(phi))) / (
        180 * np.sqrt(1 - (e2 * np.sin(np.deg2rad(phi))**2)))
    return (lng_m, lat_m)

Returns the approximate length of degrees of latitude and longitude.


phi : Number Latitude, in degrees a : Number Radius of the Earth (major axis) in meters b : Number Length of minor axis of the Earth in meters


Length of a degree of (longitude, latitude), respectively
def e_mult(params, tmin, vpd, smrz, ft)
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def e_mult(params, tmin, vpd, smrz, ft):
    Calculate environmental constraint multiplier for gross primary
    productivity (GPP), E_mult, based on current model parameters. The
    expected parameter names are "LUE" for the maximum light-use
    efficiency; "smrz0" and "smrz1" for the lower and upper bounds on root-
    zone soil moisture; "vpd0" and "vpd1" for the lower and upper bounds on
    vapor pressure deficity (VPD); "tmin0" and "tmin1" for the lower and
    upper bounds on minimum temperature; and "ft0" for the multiplier during
    frozen ground conditions.

    params : dict
        A dict-like data structure with named model parameters
    tmin : numpy.ndarray
        (T x N) vector of minimum air temperature (deg K), where T is the
        number of time steps, N the number of sites
    vpd : numpy.ndarray
        (T x N) vector of vapor pressure deficit (Pa), where T is the number
        of time steps, N the number of sites
    smrz : numpy.ndarray
        (T x N) vector of root-zone soil moisture wetness (%), where T is the
        number of time steps, N the number of sites
    ft : numpy.ndarray
        (T x N) vector of the (binary) freeze-thaw status, where T is the
        number of time steps, N the number of sites (Frozen = 0, Thawed = 1)

    # Calculate E_mult based on current parameters
    f_tmin = linear_constraint(params['tmin0'], params['tmin1'])
    f_vpd  = linear_constraint(params['vpd0'], params['vpd1'], 'reversed')
    f_smrz = linear_constraint(params['smrz0'], params['smrz1'])
    f_ft   = linear_constraint(params['ft0'], 1.0, 'binary')
    return f_tmin(tmin) * f_vpd(vpd) * f_smrz(smrz) * f_ft(ft)

Calculate environmental constraint multiplier for gross primary productivity (GPP), E_mult, based on current model parameters. The expected parameter names are "LUE" for the maximum light-use efficiency; "smrz0" and "smrz1" for the lower and upper bounds on root- zone soil moisture; "vpd0" and "vpd1" for the lower and upper bounds on vapor pressure deficity (VPD); "tmin0" and "tmin1" for the lower and upper bounds on minimum temperature; and "ft0" for the multiplier during frozen ground conditions.


params : dict
A dict-like data structure with named model parameters
tmin : numpy.ndarray
(T x N) vector of minimum air temperature (deg K), where T is the number of time steps, N the number of sites
vpd : numpy.ndarray
(T x N) vector of vapor pressure deficit (Pa), where T is the number of time steps, N the number of sites
smrz : numpy.ndarray
(T x N) vector of root-zone soil moisture wetness (%), where T is the number of time steps, N the number of sites
ft : numpy.ndarray
(T x N) vector of the (binary) freeze-thaw status, where T is the number of time steps, N the number of sites (Frozen = 0, Thawed = 1)


def k_mult(params, tsoil, smsf)
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def k_mult(params, tsoil, smsf):
    Calculate environmental constraint multiplier for soil heterotrophic
    respiration (RH), K_mult, based on current model parameters. The expected
    parameter names are "tsoil" for the Arrhenius function of soil temperature
    and "smsf0" and "smsf1" for the lower and upper bounds of the ramp
    function on surface soil moisture.

    params : dict
        A dict-like data structure with named model parameters
    tsoil : numpy.ndarray
        (T x N) vector of soil temperature (deg K), where T is the number of
        time steps, N the number of sites
    smsf : numpy.ndarray
        (T x N) vector of surface soil wetness (%), where T is the number of
        time steps, N the number of sites

    f_tsoil = partial(arrhenius, beta0 = params['tsoil'])
    f_smsf  = linear_constraint(params['smsf0'], params['smsf1'])
    return f_tsoil(tsoil) * f_smsf(smsf)

Calculate environmental constraint multiplier for soil heterotrophic respiration (RH), K_mult, based on current model parameters. The expected parameter names are "tsoil" for the Arrhenius function of soil temperature and "smsf0" and "smsf1" for the lower and upper bounds of the ramp function on surface soil moisture.


params : dict
A dict-like data structure with named model parameters
tsoil : numpy.ndarray
(T x N) vector of soil temperature (deg K), where T is the number of time steps, N the number of sites
smsf : numpy.ndarray
(T x N) vector of surface soil wetness (%), where T is the number of time steps, N the number of sites


def litterfall_casa(lai, years, dt=0.0027397260273972603)
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def litterfall_casa(lai, years, dt = 1/365):
    Calculates daily litterfall fraction after the CASA model (Randerson et
    al. 1996). Computes the fraction of evergreen versus deciduous canopy and
    allocates a constant daily fraction (out of the year) for evergreen canopy
    but a varying daily fraction for deciduous, where the fraction varies with
    "leaf loss," a function of leaf area index (LAI). Canopies are assumed to
    be a mix of evergreen and deciduous, so the litterfall fraction is a sum
    of these two approaches.

    Randerson, J. T., Thompson, M. V, Malmstrom, C. M., Field, C. B., &
      Fung, I. Y. (1996). Substrate limitations for heterotrophs: Implications
      for models that estimate the seasonal cycle of atmospheric CO2.
      *Global Biogeochemical Cycles,* 10(4), 585–602.

    The approach here is a bit different from Randerson et al. (1996) because
    we re- calculate the evergreen fraction each year; however, this is a
    reasonable elaboration that, incidentally, accounts for potential changes
    in the evergreen-vs-deciduous mix of the canopy. The result is an array
    of daily litterfall fractions, i.e., the result multiplied by the annual
    NPP sum (for a given site and year) obtains the daily litterfall.

    lai : numpy.ndarray
        The (T x N) leaf-area index (LAI) array, for T time steps and N sites
    years : numpy.ndarray
        A length-T 1D array indexing the years, e.g., [2001, 2001, 2001, ...];
        used to identify which of T time steps belong to a year, so that
        litterfall fractions sum to one over a year
    dt : float
        The fraction of a year that each time step represents, e.g., for daily
        time steps, should be close to 1/365 (Default: 1/365)

        The fraction of available inputs (e.g., annual NPP) that should be
        allocated to litterfall at each time step
    def leaf_loss(lai):
        # Leaf loss function from CASA, a triangular averaging function
        #   centered on the current date, where the right limb of the
        #   triangle is subtracted from the left limb (leading minus
        #   lagged LAI is equated to leaf loss)
        ll = generic_filter(
            lai, lambda x: (0.5 * x[0] + x[1]) - (x[3] + 0.5 * x[4]),
            size = 5, mode = 'mirror')
        return np.where(ll < 0, 0, ll) # Leaf loss cannot be < 0

    # Get leaf loss at each site (column-wise)
    ll = np.apply_along_axis(leaf_loss, 0, lai)
    ll = np.where(np.isnan(ll), 0, ll) # Fill NaNs with zero leaf loss
    unique_years = np.unique(years).tolist()
    for each_year in unique_years:
        # For those dates in this year...
        idx = years == each_year
        # Calculate the evergreen fraction (ratio of min LAI to mean LAI over
        #   the course of a year)
        efrac = np.apply_along_axis(
            lambda x: np.nanmin(x) / np.nanmean(x), 0, lai[idx,:])
        # Calculate sum of 1/AnnualNPP (Evergreen input) plus daily leaf loss
        #   fraction (Deciduous input); Evergreen canopies have constant daily
        #   inputs
        ll[idx,:] = (efrac * dt) + (1 - efrac) * np.divide(
            ll[idx,:], ll[idx,:].sum(axis = 0))
    return ll

Calculates daily litterfall fraction after the CASA model (Randerson et al. 1996). Computes the fraction of evergreen versus deciduous canopy and allocates a constant daily fraction (out of the year) for evergreen canopy but a varying daily fraction for deciduous, where the fraction varies with "leaf loss," a function of leaf area index (LAI). Canopies are assumed to be a mix of evergreen and deciduous, so the litterfall fraction is a sum of these two approaches.

Randerson, J. T., Thompson, M. V, Malmstrom, C. M., Field, C. B., & Fung, I. Y. (1996). Substrate limitations for heterotrophs: Implications for models that estimate the seasonal cycle of atmospheric CO2. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 10(4), 585–602.

The approach here is a bit different from Randerson et al. (1996) because we re- calculate the evergreen fraction each year; however, this is a reasonable elaboration that, incidentally, accounts for potential changes in the evergreen-vs-deciduous mix of the canopy. The result is an array of daily litterfall fractions, i.e., the result multiplied by the annual NPP sum (for a given site and year) obtains the daily litterfall.


lai : numpy.ndarray
The (T x N) leaf-area index (LAI) array, for T time steps and N sites
years : numpy.ndarray
A length-T 1D array indexing the years, e.g., [2001, 2001, 2001, …]; used to identify which of T time steps belong to a year, so that litterfall fractions sum to one over a year
dt : float
The fraction of a year that each time step represents, e.g., for daily time steps, should be close to 1/365 (Default: 1/365)


The fraction of available inputs (e.g., annual NPP) that should be allocated to litterfall at each time step
def mean_residence_time(hdf, units='years', subset_id=None, nodata=-9999)
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def mean_residence_time(
        hdf, units = 'years', subset_id = None, nodata = -9999):
    Calculates the mean residence time (MRT) of soil organic carbon (SOC)
    pools as the quotient of SOC stock size and heterotrophic respiration
    (RH). Chen et al. (2013, Global and Planetary Change), provide a formal
    equation for mean residence time: (SOC/R_H).

    hdf : h5py.File
        The HDF5 file / h5py.File object
    units : str
        Either "years" (default) or "days"
    subset_id : str
        (Optional) Can provide keyword designating the desired subset area
    nodata : float
        (Optional) The NoData or Fill value (Default: -9999)

        Tuple of: subset array, xoff, yoff, i.e., (numpy.ndarray, Int, Int)
    assert units in ('days', 'years'), 'The units argument must be one of: "days" or "years"'
    soc_field = HDF_PATHS['SPL4CMDL']['4']['SOC']
    rh_field = HDF_PATHS['SPL4CMDL']['4']['RH']
    if subset_id is not None:
        # Get X- and Y-offsets while we're at it
        soc, xoff, yoff = subset(
            hdf, soc_field, None, None, subset_id = subset_id)
        rh, _, _ = subset(
            hdf, rh_field, None, None, subset_id = subset_id)
        xoff = yoff = 0
        soc = hdf[soc_field][:]
        rh = hdf[rh_field][:]

    # Find those areas of NoData in either array
    mask = np.logical_or(soc == nodata, rh == nodata)
    mrt = np.divide(soc, rh)
    if units == 'years':
        # NOTE: No need to guard against NaNs/ NoData here because of mask
        mrt = np.divide(mrt, 365.0), mask, nodata) # Put NoData values back in
    return (mrt, xoff, yoff)

Calculates the mean residence time (MRT) of soil organic carbon (SOC) pools as the quotient of SOC stock size and heterotrophic respiration (RH). Chen et al. (2013, Global and Planetary Change), provide a formal equation for mean residence time: (SOC/R_H).


hdf : h5py.File
The HDF5 file / h5py.File object
units : str
Either "years" (default) or "days"
subset_id : str
(Optional) Can provide keyword designating the desired subset area
nodata : float
(Optional) The NoData or Fill value (Default: -9999)


Tuple of: subset array, xoff, yoff, i.e., (numpy.ndarray, Int, Int)
def ordinals365(dates)
Expand source code
def ordinals365(dates):
    Returns a length-T sequence of ordinals on [1,365]. Can be used for
    indexing a 365-day climatology; see `climatology365()`.

    dates : list or tuple
        Sequence of datetime.datetime or instances

    return [
        t - 1 if (year % 4 == 0 and t >= 60) else t
        for t, year in [(int(t.strftime('%j')), t.year) for t in dates]

Returns a length-T sequence of ordinals on [1,365]. Can be used for indexing a 365-day climatology; see climatology365().


dates : list or tuple
Sequence of datetime.datetime or instances


def par(sw_rad, period_hrs=1)
Expand source code
def par(sw_rad, period_hrs = 1):
    Calculates daily total photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) from
    (hourly) incoming short-wave radiation (`sw_rad`). PAR is assumed to
    be 45% of `sw_rad`.

    I make a note here, because this is one place someone would come back to
    when looking for this information: `sw_rad` is a power (energy per unit
    time), so when working with sub-daily source data, we don't take, e.g., a
    24-hour sum but a 24-hour mean. An alternative approach might be to
    convert the hourly data to energy (Joules) first, but that is not what has
    historically been done. This was confirmed by comparing an official
    24-hour MERRA-2 granule with the (apparently averaged) MERRA-2 data used
    previously in L4C V4, as listed here:


    sw_rad : int or float or numpy.ndarray
        Incoming short-wave radiation (W m-2)
    period_hrs : int
        Period over which radiation is measured, in hours (Default: 1, i.e.,
        once-hourly measurements)

    int or float or numpy.ndarray
        Photosynthetically active radiation (MJ m-2)
    # Convert SW_rad from [W m-2] to [MJ m-2], then take 45%; because
    #   1 W == 1 J s-1, we multiply 3600 secs hr-1 times
    #   (1 MJ / 1e6 Joules) == 0.0036
    return 0.45 * (0.0036 * (24 / period_hrs) * sw_rad)

Calculates daily total photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) from (hourly) incoming short-wave radiation (sw_rad). PAR is assumed to be 45% of sw_rad.

I make a note here, because this is one place someone would come back to when looking for this information: sw_rad is a power (energy per unit time), so when working with sub-daily source data, we don't take, e.g., a 24-hour sum but a 24-hour mean. An alternative approach might be to convert the hourly data to energy (Joules) first, but that is not what has historically been done. This was confirmed by comparing an official 24-hour MERRA-2 granule with the (apparently averaged) MERRA-2 data used previously in L4C V4, as listed here:



sw_rad : int or float or numpy.ndarray
Incoming short-wave radiation (W m-2)
period_hrs : int
Period over which radiation is measured, in hours (Default: 1, i.e., once-hourly measurements)


int or float or numpy.ndarray
Photosynthetically active radiation (MJ m-2)
def rescale_smrz(smrz0, smrz_min, smrz_max=100)
Expand source code
def rescale_smrz(smrz0, smrz_min, smrz_max = 100):
    Rescales root-zone soil-moisture (SMRZ); original SMRZ is in percent
    saturation units. NOTE: Although Jones et al. (2017) write "SMRZ_wp is
    the plant wilting point moisture level determined by ancillary soil
    texture data provided by L4SM..." in actuality it is just `smrz_min`.

    smrz0 : numpy.ndarray
        (T x N) array of original SMRZ data, in percent (%) saturation units
        for N sites and T time steps
    smrz_min : numpy.ndarray or float
        Site-level long-term minimum SMRZ (percent saturation)
    smrz_max : numpy.ndarray or float
        Site-level long-term maximum SMRZ (percent saturation); can optionally
        provide a fixed upper-limit on SMRZ; useful for calculating SMRZ100.

    if smrz_min.ndim == 1:
        smrz_min = smrz_min[np.newaxis,:]
    assert smrz0.ndim == 2,\
        'Expected smrz0 to be a 2D array'
    assert smrz0.shape[1] == smrz_min.shape[1],\
        'smrz_min should have one value per site'
    # Clip input SMRZ to the lower, upper bounds
    smrz0 = np.where(smrz0 < smrz_min, smrz_min, smrz0)
    smrz0 = np.where(smrz0 > smrz_max, smrz_max, smrz0)
    smrz_norm = np.add(np.multiply(100, np.divide(
        np.subtract(smrz0, smrz_min),
        np.subtract(smrz_max, smrz_min))), 1)
    # Log-transform normalized data and rescale to range between
    #   5.0 and 100% saturation)
    return np.add(
        np.multiply(95, np.divide(np.log(smrz_norm), np.log(101))), 5)

Rescales root-zone soil-moisture (SMRZ); original SMRZ is in percent saturation units. NOTE: Although Jones et al. (2017) write "SMRZ_wp is the plant wilting point moisture level determined by ancillary soil texture data provided by L4SM…" in actuality it is just smrz_min.


smrz0 : numpy.ndarray
(T x N) array of original SMRZ data, in percent (%) saturation units for N sites and T time steps
smrz_min : numpy.ndarray or float
Site-level long-term minimum SMRZ (percent saturation)
smrz_max : numpy.ndarray or float
Site-level long-term maximum SMRZ (percent saturation); can optionally provide a fixed upper-limit on SMRZ; useful for calculating SMRZ100.


def soc_analytical_spinup(litterfall, k_mult, fmet, fstr, decay_rates)
Expand source code
def soc_analytical_spinup(litterfall, k_mult, fmet, fstr, decay_rates):
    Using the solution to the differential equations governing change in the
    soil organic carbon (SOC) pools, calculates the steady-state size of each
    SOC pool.

    The analytical steady-state value for the metabolic ("fast") pool is:
    C_{met} = \frac{f_{met} \sum NPP}{R_{opt} \sum K_{mult}}

    The analytical steady-state value for the structural ("medium") pool is:
    C_{str} = \frac{(1 - f_{met})\sum NPP}{R_{opt}\, k_{str} \sum K_{mult}}

    The analytical steady-state value for the recalcitrant ("slow") pool is:
    C_{rec} = \frac{f_{str}\, k_{str}\, C_{str}}{k_{rec}}

    litterfall : numpy.ndarray
        Average daily litterfall, a (N x ...) array
    k_mult : numpy.ndarray
        The K_mult climatology, i.e., a (365 x N x ...) array of the long-term
        average K_mult value at each of N sites (optionally, with 81 1-km
        subgrid sites, e.g., 365 x N x 81)
    fmet : numpy.ndarray
        The f_metabolic model parameter, as an (N x ...) array
    fstr : numpy.ndarray
        The f_structural model parameter, as an (N x ...) array
    decay_rates : numpy.ndarray
        The optimal decay rates for each SOC pool, as a (3 x N x ...) array

    NOTE: If a 3 or more axes are used, those axes must match for all arrays;
    i.e., if (x ...) is used, it must be the same for all.

        A 3-element tuple, each element the steady-state values for that pool,
        i.e., `(metabolic, structural, recalcitrant)`
    # NOTE: litterfall is average daily litterfall (see upstream where we
    #   divided by 365), so, to obtain annual sum, multiply by 365
    c0 = np.divide(
        fmet * (litterfall * 365),
        decay_rates[0,...] * np.sum(k_mult, axis = 0))
    c1 = np.divide(
        (1 - fmet) * (litterfall * 365),
        decay_rates[1,...] * np.sum(k_mult, axis = 0))
    # NOTE: k_mult disappears because it is in both the numerator and
    #   denominator
    c2 = np.divide(fstr * decay_rates[1,...] * c1, decay_rates[2,...])
    c0[~np.isfinite(c0)] = 0
    c1[~np.isfinite(c1)] = 0
    c2[~np.isfinite(c2)] = 0
    return (c0, c1, c2)

Using the solution to the differential equations governing change in the soil organic carbon (SOC) pools, calculates the steady-state size of each SOC pool.

The analytical steady-state value for the metabolic ("fast") pool is: C_{met} = \frac{f_{met} \sum NPP}{R_{opt} \sum K_{mult}}

The analytical steady-state value for the structural ("medium") pool is: C_{str} = \frac{(1 - f_{met})\sum NPP}{R_{opt}\, k_{str} \sum K_{mult}}

The analytical steady-state value for the recalcitrant ("slow") pool is: C_{rec} = \frac{f_{str}\, k_{str}\, C_{str}}{k_{rec}}


litterfall : numpy.ndarray
Average daily litterfall, a (N x …) array
k_mult : numpy.ndarray
The K_mult climatology, i.e., a (365 x N x …) array of the long-term average K_mult value at each of N sites (optionally, with 81 1-km subgrid sites, e.g., 365 x N x 81)
fmet : numpy.ndarray
The f_metabolic model parameter, as an (N x …) array
fstr : numpy.ndarray
The f_structural model parameter, as an (N x …) array
decay_rates : numpy.ndarray
The optimal decay rates for each SOC pool, as a (3 x N x …) array
NOTE : If a 3 or more axes are used, those axes must match for all arrays;

i.e., if (x …) is used, it must be the same for all.


A 3-element tuple, each element the steady-state values for that pool, i.e., (metabolic, structural, recalcitrant)
def soc_numerical_spinup(soc, litterfall, k_mult, fmet, fstr, decay_rates, threshold=0.1, verbose=False)
Expand source code
def soc_numerical_spinup(
        soc, litterfall, k_mult, fmet, fstr, decay_rates, threshold = 0.1,
        verbose = False):
    Numerical spin-up of C pools.

    soc : numpy.ndarray
        SOC in each pool in g C m-3 units, a (3 x N x ...) array
    litterfall : numpy.ndarray
        Daily litterfall in g C m-2 units, a (N x ...) array
    k_mult : numpy.ndarray
        The K_mult climatology, i.e., a (365 x N x ...) array of the long-term
        average K_mult value at each of N sites (with ... 1-km subgrid sites)
    fmet : numpy.ndarray
        The f_metabolic model parameter, as an (N x ...) array
    fstr : numpy.ndarray
        The f_structural model parameter, as an (N x ...) array
    decay_rates : numpy.ndarray
        The optimal decay rates for each SOC pool, as a (3 x N x ...) array
    threshold : float
        Goal for the NEE tolerance check; i.e., change in NEE between
        climatological years should be less than or equal to the threshold
        for all pixels (Default: 0.1 g C m-2 yr-1)
    verbose : bool
        True to print messages to the screen

        2-element tuple of `((soc0, soc1, soc2), tol)` where the first
        element is a 3-tuple of the SOC in each pool; second element is the
        final tolerance
    tsize = k_mult.shape[0] # Whether 365 (days) or T days
    tol = np.inf
    i = 0
    # Jones et al. (2017) write that goal is NEE tolerance <=
    #   1 g C m-2 year-1, but we can do better
    if verbose:
    while not np.all(abs(tol) <= threshold):
        diffs = np.zeros(k_mult.shape)
        for t in range(0, tsize):
            rh = k_mult[t,...] * decay_rates * soc
            # Calculate change in C pools (g C m-2 units)
            dc0 = np.subtract(np.multiply(litterfall, fmet), rh[0])
            dc1 = np.subtract(np.multiply(litterfall, 1 - fmet), rh[1])
            dc2 = np.subtract(np.multiply(fstr, rh[1]), rh[2])
            soc[0] += dc0
            soc[1] += dc1
            soc[2] += dc2
            diffs[t,:] += (dc0 + dc1 + dc2)
        # Calculate total annual change in NEE ("mean tolerance") at each
        #   site over the year
        if i > 0:
            # Tolerance goes to zero as each successive year brings fewer
            #   changes in NEE
            tol = last_year - np.nansum(diffs, axis = 0)
        last_year = np.nansum(diffs, axis = 0)
        tol = np.where(np.isnan(tol), 0, tol)
        # Calculate mean absolute tolerance across sites
        if verbose:
            print('[%d] Mean (Max) abs. tolerance: %.4f (%.4f)' % (
                i, np.abs(tol).mean(), np.abs(tol).max()))
        i += 1
    return ((soc[0], soc[1], soc[2]), tol)

Numerical spin-up of C pools.


soc : numpy.ndarray
SOC in each pool in g C m-3 units, a (3 x N x …) array
litterfall : numpy.ndarray
Daily litterfall in g C m-2 units, a (N x …) array
k_mult : numpy.ndarray
The K_mult climatology, i.e., a (365 x N x …) array of the long-term average K_mult value at each of N sites (with … 1-km subgrid sites)
fmet : numpy.ndarray
The f_metabolic model parameter, as an (N x …) array
fstr : numpy.ndarray
The f_structural model parameter, as an (N x …) array
decay_rates : numpy.ndarray
The optimal decay rates for each SOC pool, as a (3 x N x …) array
threshold : float
Goal for the NEE tolerance check; i.e., change in NEE between climatological years should be less than or equal to the threshold for all pixels (Default: 0.1 g C m-2 yr-1)
verbose : bool
True to print messages to the screen


2-element tuple of ((soc0, soc1, soc2), tol) where the first element is a 3-tuple of the SOC in each pool; second element is the final tolerance
def soc_numerical_spinup2(soc, litterfall, k_mult, fmet, fstr, decay_rates, cue, threshold=0.1, verbose=False)
Expand source code
def soc_numerical_spinup2(
        soc, litterfall, k_mult, fmet, fstr, decay_rates, cue,
        threshold = 0.1, verbose = False):
    Numerical spin-up of C pools; here, the "tolerance" of spin-up is equal
    the annual NEE sum.

    soc : numpy.ndarray
        SOC in each pool in g C m-3 units, a (3 x N x ...) array
    litterfall : numpy.ndarray
        Daily litterfall in g C m-2 units, a (N x ...) array
    k_mult : numpy.ndarray
        The K_mult climatology, i.e., a (365 x N x ...) array of the long-term
        average K_mult value at each of N sites (with ... 1-km subgrid sites)
    fmet : numpy.ndarray
        The f_metabolic model parameter, as an (N x ...) array
    fstr : numpy.ndarray
        The f_structural model parameter, as an (N x ...) array
    decay_rates : numpy.ndarray
        The optimal decay rates for each SOC pool, as a (3 x N x ...) array
    cue : numpy.ndarray
        The carbon use efficiency (CUE), a (N x ...) array
    threshold : float
        Goal for the NEE tolerance check; i.e., change in NEE between
        climatological years should be less than or equal to the threshold
        for all pixels (Default: 0.1 g C m-2 yr-1)
    verbose : bool
        True to print messages to the screen

        2-element tuple of `((soc0, soc1, soc2), tol)` where the first
        element is a 3-tuple of the SOC in each pool; second element is the
        final tolerance
    tsize = k_mult.shape[0] # Whether 365 (days) or T days
    tol = np.inf
    i = 0
    # Jones et al. (2017) write that goal is NEE tolerance <=
    #   1 g C m-2 year-1, but we can do better
    if verbose:
    while not np.all(abs(tol) <= threshold):
        nee = np.zeros(k_mult.shape)
        for t in range(0, tsize):
            rh = k_mult[t] * decay_rates[0] * soc
            # Calculate change in C pools (g C m-2 units)
            dc0 = np.subtract(np.multiply(litterfall, fmet), rh[0])
            dc1 = np.subtract(np.multiply(litterfall, 1 - fmet), rh[1])
            dc2 = np.subtract(np.multiply(fstr, rh[1]), rh[2])
            soc[0] += dc0
            soc[1] += dc1
            soc[2] += dc2
            # Adjust structural RH pool for material transferred to recalcitrant
            rh[1] = rh[2] * (1 - fstr)
            # Compute (mean daily) GPP as the (mean daily NPP):CUE ratio, then
            #   compute RA as (GPP - NPP)
            gpp = litterfall / cue
            # While it looks like we can optimize above+below, we'll need to
            #   re-use "gpp" later to calculate NEE ("diffs")
            ra = gpp - litterfall
            nee[t] = (ra + rh.sum(axis = 0)) - gpp
        if i > 0:
            # Tolerance goes to zero as each successive year brings fewer
            #   changes in NEE
            tol = last_year - np.nansum(nee, axis = 0)
        last_year = np.nansum(nee, axis = 0)
        tol = np.where(np.isnan(tol), 0, tol)
        # Calculate mean absolute tolerance across sites
        if verbose:
            print('[%d] Mean (Max) abs. tolerance: %.4f (%.4f)' % (
                i, np.abs(tol).mean(), np.abs(tol).max()))
        i += 1
    return ((soc[0], soc[1], soc[2]), tol)

Numerical spin-up of C pools; here, the "tolerance" of spin-up is equal the annual NEE sum.


soc : numpy.ndarray
SOC in each pool in g C m-3 units, a (3 x N x …) array
litterfall : numpy.ndarray
Daily litterfall in g C m-2 units, a (N x …) array
k_mult : numpy.ndarray
The K_mult climatology, i.e., a (365 x N x …) array of the long-term average K_mult value at each of N sites (with … 1-km subgrid sites)
fmet : numpy.ndarray
The f_metabolic model parameter, as an (N x …) array
fstr : numpy.ndarray
The f_structural model parameter, as an (N x …) array
decay_rates : numpy.ndarray
The optimal decay rates for each SOC pool, as a (3 x N x …) array
cue : numpy.ndarray
The carbon use efficiency (CUE), a (N x …) array
threshold : float
Goal for the NEE tolerance check; i.e., change in NEE between climatological years should be less than or equal to the threshold for all pixels (Default: 0.1 g C m-2 yr-1)
verbose : bool
True to print messages to the screen


2-element tuple of ((soc0, soc1, soc2), tol) where the first element is a 3-tuple of the SOC in each pool; second element is the final tolerance
def tridiag_solver(tri, r, kl=1, ku=1, banded=None)
Expand source code
def tridiag_solver(tri, r, kl = 1, ku = 1, banded = None):
    Solution to the tridiagonal equation by solving the system of equations
    in sparse form. Creates a banded matrix consisting of the diagonals,
    starting with the lowest diagonal and moving up, e.g., for matrix:

        A = [[10.,  2.,  0.,  0.],
             [ 3., 10.,  4.,  0.],
             [ 0.,  1.,  7.,  5.],
             [ 0.,  0.,  3.,  4.]]
        banded = [[ 3.,  1.,  3.,  0.],
                  [10., 10.,  7.,  4.],
                  [ 0.,  2.,  4.,  5.]]

    The banded matrix is what should be provided to the optional "banded"
    argument, which should be used if the banded matrix can be created faster
    than `scipy.sparse.dia_matrix()`.

    tri : numpy.ndarray
        A tridiagonal matrix (N x N)
    r : numpy.ndarray
        Vector of solutions to the system, Ax = r, where A is the tridiagonal
    kl : int
        Lower bandwidth (number of lower diagonals) (Default: 1)
    ku : int
        Upper bandwidth (number of upper diagonals) (Default: 1)
    banded : numpy.ndarray
        (Optional) Provide the banded matrix with diagonals along the rows;
        this can be faster than scipy.sparse.dia_matrix()

    assert tri.ndim == 2 and (tri.shape[0] == tri.shape[1]),\
        'Only supports 2-dimensional square matrices'
    if banded is None:
        banded = dia_matrix(tri).data
    # If it is necessary, in a future implementation, to extract diagonals;
    #   this is a starting point for problems where kl = ku = 1
    # n = tri.shape[0]
    # a, b, c = [ # (n-1, n, n-1) refer to the lengths of each vector
    #     sparse[(i+1),(max(0,i)):j]
    #     for i, j in zip(range(-1, 2), (n-1, n, n+1))
    # ]
    return solve_banded((kl, ku), np.flipud(banded), r)

Solution to the tridiagonal equation by solving the system of equations in sparse form. Creates a banded matrix consisting of the diagonals, starting with the lowest diagonal and moving up, e.g., for matrix:

A = [[10.,  2.,  0.,  0.],
     [ 3., 10.,  4.,  0.],
     [ 0.,  1.,  7.,  5.],
     [ 0.,  0.,  3.,  4.]]
banded = [[ 3.,  1.,  3.,  0.],
          [10., 10.,  7.,  4.],
          [ 0.,  2.,  4.,  5.]]

The banded matrix is what should be provided to the optional "banded" argument, which should be used if the banded matrix can be created faster than scipy.sparse.dia_matrix().


tri : numpy.ndarray
A tridiagonal matrix (N x N)
r : numpy.ndarray
Vector of solutions to the system, Ax = r, where A is the tridiagonal matrix
kl : int
Lower bandwidth (number of lower diagonals) (Default: 1)
ku : int
Upper bandwidth (number of upper diagonals) (Default: 1)
banded : numpy.ndarray
(Optional) Provide the banded matrix with diagonals along the rows; this can be faster than scipy.sparse.dia_matrix()


def vpd(qv2m, ps, temp_k)
Expand source code
def vpd(qv2m, ps, temp_k):
    Calculates vapor pressure deficit (VPD); unfortunately, the provenance
    of this formula cannot be properly attributed. It is taken from the
    SMAP L4C Science code base, so it is exactly how L4C calculates VPD.

    \mathrm{VPD} = 610.7 \times \mathrm{exp}\left(
    \frac{17.38 \times T_C}{239 + T_C}
    \right) - \frac{(P \times [\mathrm{QV2M}]}{0.622 + (0.378 \times [\mathrm{QV2M}])}

    Where P is the surface pressure (Pa), QV2M is the water vapor mixing
    ratio at 2-meter height, and T is the temperature in degrees C (though
    this function requires units of Kelvin when called).

    NOTE: A variation on this formula can be found in the text:

    Monteith, J. L. and M. H. Unsworth. 1990.
    Principles of Environmental Physics, 2nd. Ed. Edward Arnold Publisher.

    See also:

    qv2m : numpy.ndarray or float
        QV2M, the water vapor mixing ratio at 2-m height
    ps : numpy.ndarray or float
        The surface pressure, in Pascals
    temp_k : numpy.ndarray or float
        The temperature at 2-m height in degrees Kelvin

    numpy.ndarray or float
        VPD in Pascals
        temp_c = temp_k - 273.15 # Convert temperature to degrees C
        avp = np.divide(np.multiply(qv2m, ps), 0.622 + (0.378 * qv2m))
        x = np.divide(17.38 * temp_c, (239 + temp_c))
        esat = 610.7 * np.exp(x)
        return np.subtract(esat, avp)

Calculates vapor pressure deficit (VPD); unfortunately, the provenance of this formula cannot be properly attributed. It is taken from the SMAP L4C Science code base, so it is exactly how L4C calculates VPD.

\mathrm{VPD} = 610.7 \times \mathrm{exp}\left( \frac{17.38 \times T_C}{239 + T_C} \right) - \frac{(P \times [\mathrm{QV2M}]}{0.622 + (0.378 \times [\mathrm{QV2M}])}

Where P is the surface pressure (Pa), QV2M is the water vapor mixing ratio at 2-meter height, and T is the temperature in degrees C (though this function requires units of Kelvin when called).

NOTE: A variation on this formula can be found in the text:

Monteith, J. L. and M. H. Unsworth. 1990. Principles of Environmental Physics, 2nd. Ed. Edward Arnold Publisher.

See also:


qv2m : numpy.ndarray or float
QV2M, the water vapor mixing ratio at 2-m height
ps : numpy.ndarray or float
The surface pressure, in Pascals
temp_k : numpy.ndarray or float
The temperature at 2-m height in degrees Kelvin


numpy.ndarray or float
VPD in Pascals