Module pyl4c.lib.transpiration
Functions related to calculating (evapo)transpiration. These are largely taken from the MODIS MOD16 framework, but the goal is not to reproduce MOD16; rather, they facilitate the calculation of transpiration as one of the three components of evapotranspiration. Various primary sources are cited in the MOD16 code:
- Monteith, J. L., and M. Unsworth. 2001. "Principles of Environmental Physics", Second Ed.
- Mu, Q., Zhao, M., & Running, S. W. (2011). Improvements to a MODIS global terrestrial evapotranspiration algorithm. Remote Sensing of Environment, 115(8), 1781–1800.
NOTE: Currently, canopy evaporation and potential transpiration are denominated in seconds (i.e., kg m-2 sec-1) instead of in days, as in MOD16. This is for compatibility with soil water infiltration models that run in with sub-daily time steps. As such, net radiation to the land surface or canopy should be in units of J m-2 s-1.
def canopy_evaporation(pressure, temp_k, rhumidity, vpd, lai, fpar, rad_canopy, f_wet=None, g_h=0.01, g_e=0.01)
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def canopy_evaporation( pressure, temp_k, rhumidity, vpd, lai, fpar, rad_canopy, f_wet = None, g_h = 0.01, g_e = 0.01): r''' Wet canopy evaporation calculated according to the MODIS MOD16 framework, with air density calculation from the [ National Physical Laboratory (2021), "Buoyancy Correction and Air Density Measurement." ]( clubs_groups/instmc_weighing_panel/buoycornote.pdf) $$ \lambda E = \frac{(s\, A_c\, F_c + \rho\, C_p\, D\, (F_c / r_a))F_{wet}}{s + (P_a\, C_p\, r_c)(\lambda\, \varepsilon\, r_a)^{-1}} $$ Parameters ---------- pressure : float or numpy.ndarray The air pressure in Pascals temp_k : float or numpy.ndarray The air temperature in degrees K rhumidity : float or numpy.ndarray Relative humidity, as a proportion on [0,1] vpd : float or numpy.ndarray The vapor pressure deficit in Pascals lai : float or numpy.ndarray The leaf area index (LAI) fpar : float or numpy.ndarray Fraction of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) absorbed by the vegetation canopy rad_canopy : float or numpy.ndarray Net radiation to the canopy (J m-2 s-1) f_wet : float or numpy.ndarray or None (Optional) Fraction of the land surface that is saturated/ covered with standing water; if None, calculates this fraction like MOD16, based on the relative humidity g_h : float Leaf conductance to sensible heat per unit LAI (Default: 0.01 m s-1 LAI-1) g_e : float Leaf conductance to evaporated water per unit LAI (Default: 0.01 m s-1 LAI-1) Returns ------- float or numpy.ndarray Evaporation from the wet canopy surface (kg m-2 s-1) ''' assert np.logical_and(0 <= rhumidity, rhumidity <= 1),\ 'Relative humidity (rhumidity) must be on the interval [0,1]' if f_wet is None: f_wet = np.where(rhumidity < 0.7, 0, np.power(rhumidity, 4)) # NIST simplified air density formula with buoyancy correction (NPL 2021) rho = np.divide( # Convert Pa to mbar, RH to RH% (percentage) 0.348444 * (pressure / 100) - (rhumidity * 100) *\ (0.00252 * temp_k - 273.15 - 0.020582), temp_k) # kg m-3 # Wet canopy resistance to sensible heat ("rhc") r_h = 1 / (g_h * lai * f_wet) # Wet canopy resistance to evaporated water on the surface ("rvc") r_c = 1 / (g_e * lai * f_wet) # Resistance to radiative heat transfer through air ("rrc") r_r = np.divide( rho * SPECIFIC_HEAT_CAPACITY_AIR, 4 * STEFAN_BOLTZMANN * np.power(temp_k, 3)) # Aerodynamic resistance to evaporated water on the wet canopy surface r_a = np.divide(r_h * r_r, r_h + r_r) # (s m-1) # Slope of saturation vapor pressure curve s = svp_slope(temp_k) # Latent heat of vaporization (J kg-1) lhv = latent_heat_vapor(temp_k) # Mu et al. (2011), Equation 17; PET (J m-2 s-1) is divided by the latent # heat of vaporization (J kg-1) to obtain mass flux (kg m-2 s-1) return np.divide( f_wet * ((s * rad_canopy) +\ (rho * SPECIFIC_HEAT_CAPACITY_AIR * vpd * (fpar * 1/r_a))), s + ((pressure * SPECIFIC_HEAT_CAPACITY_AIR * r_c) *\ 1/(lhv * MOL_WEIGHT_WET_DRY_RATIO_AIR * r_a))) / lhv
Wet canopy evaporation calculated according to the MODIS MOD16 framework, with air density calculation from the National Physical Laboratory (2021), "Buoyancy Correction and Air Density Measurement."
\lambda E = \frac{(s\, A_c\, F_c + \rho\, C_p\, D\, (F_c / r_a))F_{wet}}{s + (P_a\, C_p\, r_c)(\lambda\, \varepsilon\, r_a)^{-1}}
- The air pressure in Pascals
- The air temperature in degrees K
- Relative humidity, as a proportion on [0,1]
- The vapor pressure deficit in Pascals
- The leaf area index (LAI)
- Fraction of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) absorbed by the vegetation canopy
- Net radiation to the canopy (J m-2 s-1)
- (Optional) Fraction of the land surface that is saturated/ covered with standing water; if None, calculates this fraction like MOD16, based on the relative humidity
- Leaf conductance to sensible heat per unit LAI (Default: 0.01 m s-1 LAI-1)
- Leaf conductance to evaporated water per unit LAI (Default: 0.01 m s-1 LAI-1)
- Evaporation from the wet canopy surface (kg m-2 s-1)
def latent_heat_vapor(temp_k)
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latent_heat_vapor = lambda temp_k: (2.501 - 0.002361 * (temp_k - 273.15)) * 1e6
def psychrometric_constant(pressure, temp_k)
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def psychrometric_constant(pressure, temp_k): r''' The psychrometric constant, which relates the vapor pressure to the air temperature. Calculation derives from the "Handbook of Hydrology" by D.R. Maidment, Section 4.2.28. $$ \gamma = \frac{C_p \times P}{\lambda\times 0.622} $$ Where `C_p` is the specific heat capacity of air, `P` is air pressure, and `lambda` is the latent heat of vaporization. Parameters ---------- pressure : float or numpy.ndarray The air pressure in Pascals temp_k : float or numpy.ndarray The air temperature in degrees K Returns ------- float or numpy.ndarray The psychrometric constant at this pressure, temperature (Pa K-1) ''' lhv = latent_heat_vapor(temp_k) # Latent heat of vaporization (J kg-1) return (SPECIFIC_HEAT_CAPACITY_AIR * pressure) /\ (lhv * MOL_WEIGHT_WET_DRY_RATIO_AIR)
The psychrometric constant, which relates the vapor pressure to the air temperature. Calculation derives from the "Handbook of Hydrology" by D.R. Maidment, Section 4.2.28.
\gamma = \frac{C_p \times P}{\lambda\times 0.622}
is the specific heat capacity of air,P
is air pressure, andlambda
is the latent heat of vaporization.Parameters
- The air pressure in Pascals
- The air temperature in degrees K
- The psychrometric constant at this pressure, temperature (Pa K-1)
def radiation_net(sw_rad, sw_albedo, temp_k)
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def radiation_net(sw_rad, sw_albedo, temp_k): r''' Net incoming radiation to the land surface, calculated according to the MOD16 algorithm and Cleugh et al. (2007); see Equation 7 in the MODIS MOD16 Collection 6.1 User's Guide. - Cleugh, H. A., Leuning, R., Mu, Q., & Running, S. W. (2007). Regional evaporation estimates from flux tower and MODIS satellite data. *Remote Sensing of Environment*, 106(3), 285–304. $$ R_{net} = (1 - \alpha)\times R_{S\downarrow} + (\varepsilon_a - \varepsilon_s) \times \sigma \times T^4 \quad\mbox{where}\quad \varepsilon_s = 0.97 $$ Where `alpha` is the MODIS albedo, `R_S` is down-welling short-wave radiation, `sigma` is the Stefan-Boltzmann constant, and: $$ \varepsilon_a = 1 - 0.26\,\mathrm{exp}\left( -7.77\times 10^{-4}\times (T - 273.15)^2 \right) $$ Parameters ---------- sw_rad : float or numpy.ndarray Incoming short-wave radiation (W m-2) sw_albedo : float or numpy.ndarray White-sky albedo, e.g., from MODIS MCD43A3 temp_k : float or numpy.ndarray Air temperature in degrees K Returns ------- float or numpy.ndarray Net incoming radiation to the land surface (W m-2) ''' # Mu et al. (2011), Equation 5 emis_surface = 0.97 emis_atmos = 1 - 0.26 * np.exp(-7.77e-4 * np.power(temp_k - 273.15, 2)) return sw_rad * (1 - sw_albedo) +\ STEFAN_BOLTZMANN * (emis_atmos - emis_surface) * np.power(temp_k, 4)
Net incoming radiation to the land surface, calculated according to the MOD16 algorithm and Cleugh et al. (2007); see Equation 7 in the MODIS MOD16 Collection 6.1 User's Guide.
- Cleugh, H. A., Leuning, R., Mu, Q., & Running, S. W. (2007). Regional evaporation estimates from flux tower and MODIS satellite data. Remote Sensing of Environment, 106(3), 285–304.
R_{net} = (1 - \alpha)\times R_{S\downarrow} + (\varepsilon_a - \varepsilon_s) \times \sigma \times T^4 \quad\mbox{where}\quad \varepsilon_s = 0.97
is the MODIS albedo,R_S
is down-welling short-wave radiation,sigma
is the Stefan-Boltzmann constant, and:\varepsilon_a = 1 - 0.26\,\mathrm{exp}\left( -7.77\times 10^{-4}\times (T - 273.15)^2 \right)
- Incoming short-wave radiation (W m-2)
- White-sky albedo, e.g., from MODIS MCD43A3
- Air temperature in degrees K
- Net incoming radiation to the land surface (W m-2)
def svp(temp_k)
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def svp(temp_k): r''' The saturation vapor pressure, based on [ the Food and Agriculture Organization's (FAO) formula, Equation 13 ]( $$ \mathrm{SVP} = 1\times 10^3\left( 0.6108\,\mathrm{exp}\left( \frac{17.27 (T - 273.15)}{T - 273.15 + 237.3} \right) \right) $$ Parameters ---------- temp_k : float or numpy.ndarray The air temperature in degrees K Returns ------- float or numpy.ndarray ''' temp_c = temp_k - 273.15 # And convert from kPa to Pa return 1e3 * 0.6108 * np.exp((17.27 * temp_c) / (temp_c + 237.3))
The saturation vapor pressure, based on the Food and Agriculture Organization's (FAO) formula, Equation 13 .
\mathrm{SVP} = 1\times 10^3\left( 0.6108\,\mathrm{exp}\left( \frac{17.27 (T - 273.15)}{T - 273.15 + 237.3} \right) \right)
- The air temperature in degrees K
def svp_slope(temp_k)
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def svp_slope(temp_k): r''' The slope of the saturation vapour pressure curve, which describes the relationship between saturation vapor pressure and temperature. Based on [ the Food and Agriculture Organization's (FAO) formula, Equation 13 ]( $$ \Delta = 4098\times [\mathrm{SVP}]\times (T - 273.15 + 237.3)^{-2} $$ Parameters ---------- temp_k : float or numpy.ndarray The air temperature in degrees K Returns ------- float or numpy.ndarray The slope of the saturation vapor pressure curve in Pascals per degree K (Pa degK-1) ''' temp_c = temp_k - 273.15 svp = 0.6108 * np.exp((17.27 * temp_c) / (temp_c + 237.3)) # With conversion of SVP from kPa to Pa return (4098 * (svp * 1e3)) / np.power(temp_c + 237.3, 2)
The slope of the saturation vapour pressure curve, which describes the relationship between saturation vapor pressure and temperature. Based on the Food and Agriculture Organization's (FAO) formula, Equation 13 .
\Delta = 4098\times [\mathrm{SVP}]\times (T - 273.15 + 237.3)^{-2}
- The air temperature in degrees K
- The slope of the saturation vapor pressure curve in Pascals per degree K (Pa degK-1)
def transpiration_potential(air_temp_k, pressure, fpar, sw_rad, sw_albedo, rhumidity=None, f_wet=None)
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def transpiration_potential( air_temp_k, pressure, fpar, sw_rad, sw_albedo, rhumidity = None, f_wet = None): r''' Estimates potential transpiration in each soil layer. Transpiration is calculated using the Priestly-Taylor method for "potential transpiration," as described in the MODIS MOD16 framework. $$ \lambda T = \frac{\alpha\, s\, A_c\, (1 - F_{wet})}{\gamma\, s} $$ Where `alpha` is the MODIS albedo, `s` is the slope of the saturation vapor pressure curve or `svp_slope()`, `A_c` is the net radiation intercepted by the canopy, `F_wet` is the fraction of the land surface that is saturated, and `gamma` is the `psychrometric_constant()`. Parameters ---------- air_temp_k : numpy.ndarray Air temperature (deg K) pressure : numpy.ndarray Air pressure (Pa) fpar : numpy.ndarray Fraction of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) absorbed by the vegetation canopy sw_rad : numpy.ndarray Incoming short-wave radiation, (W m-2) or (J s-1 m-2) sw_albedo : numpy.ndarray White-sky albedo for short-wave radiation rhumidity: numpy.ndarray or None (Optional) The relative humidity, expressed as a proportion on the interval [0,1]; if not provided, f_wet must be provided. f_wet : numpy.ndarray or None (Optional) Fraction of the land surface that is saturated/ covered with standing water; if None, calculates this fraction like MOD16, based on the relative humidity (rhumidity). Returns ------- numpy.ndarray A (Z x 1) array of transpiration in each soil layer (kg m-2 s-1) ''' assert rhumidity is not None or f_wet is not None,\ 'One must be provided: "rhumidity" or "f_wet"' if rhumidity is not None: assert np.logical_or(np.isnan(rhumidity), np.logical_and(0 <= rhumidity, rhumidity <= 1)).all(),\ 'Relative humidity (rhumidity) must be on the interval [0,1]' if f_wet is None: f_wet = np.where(rhumidity < 0.7, 0, np.power(rhumidity, 4)) alpha = 1.26 # Equation 18, MOD16 Collection 6.1 User's Guide s = svp_slope(air_temp_k) # Slope of saturation vapor pressure curve gamma = psychrometric_constant(pressure, air_temp_k) # Net radiation to the land surface net_rad = radiation_net(sw_rad, sw_albedo, air_temp_k) # Net radiation to the canopy canopy_rad = np.multiply(fpar, net_rad) pt = np.divide(alpha * s * canopy_rad * (1 - f_wet), s + gamma) # Divide by latent heat of vaporization to convert to a mass flux return pt / latent_heat_vapor(air_temp_k)
Estimates potential transpiration in each soil layer. Transpiration is calculated using the Priestly-Taylor method for "potential transpiration," as described in the MODIS MOD16 framework.
\lambda T = \frac{\alpha\, s\, A_c\, (1 - F_{wet})}{\gamma\, s}
is the MODIS albedo,s
is the slope of the saturation vapor pressure curve orsvp_slope()
is the net radiation intercepted by the canopy,F_wet
is the fraction of the land surface that is saturated, andgamma
is thepsychrometric_constant()
- Air temperature (deg K)
- Air pressure (Pa)
- Fraction of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) absorbed by the vegetation canopy
- Incoming short-wave radiation, (W m-2) or (J s-1 m-2)
- White-sky albedo for short-wave radiation
- (Optional) The relative humidity, expressed as a proportion on the interval [0,1]; if not provided, f_wet must be provided.
- (Optional) Fraction of the land surface that is saturated/ covered with standing water; if None, calculates this fraction like MOD16, based on the relative humidity (rhumidity).
- A (Z x 1) array of transpiration in each soil layer (kg m-2 s-1)