Module pyl4c.apps.resample

Tools for down-scaling L4C 9-km data to 1-km scale, using the PFT means.

nested = NestedGrid(subset_id = "CONUS")
arr = nested.pft_mask(8) # 1-km map of PFT 8
with h5py.File("something.h5", "r") as hdf:
    nested.downscale_hdf_by_pft(hdf, "GPP/gpp_pft%d_mean")

The following attribute will provide the offsets

The above example assumes that you have official SPL4CMDL HDF5 granules from NSIDC or EarthData Search. It's also possible to downscale netCDF4 granules from NASA AppEEARS, including granules that represent spatial subsets:

nc = netCDF4.Dataset('')

# Read the EASE-Grid 2.0 coordinate arrays, get bounds
xmin, xmax = min(nc['fakedim1'][:]), max(nc['fakedim1'][:])
ymin, ymax = min(nc['fakedim0'][:]), max(nc['fakedim0'][:])

AOI = (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)
# It may be necessary to provide a "shape" argument to ensure that
#   the land-cover/ PFT data are forced to the shape of the netCDF4 data
nested = NestedGrid(
    subset_bbox = AOI, shape = nc.variables['SOC_soc_mean'][0].shape)
result = nested.downscale_netcdf_by_pft(
    nc, field = 'SOC_soc_pft%d_mean', dtype = np.float32)

All of the SMAP Level 4 Carbon (L4C) flux and soil organic carbon (SOC) state variables are computed on a global, 1-km equal-area grid. We spatially average the data to 9-km to meet operational constraints on data storage. However, within each 9-km cell, we save the mean values for each Plant Functional Type (PFT); e.g., the mean SOC density at all the "Evergreen Needleleaf" pixels in a 9-km cell (between 0 and 81 pixels) is recorded, along with the means of up to eight other PFTs. This allows a reconstruction of finer-scale detail, using the 1-km map of PFT and assigning the mean values within each 9-km cell. The 9-km and 1-km grids are designed to nest perfectly [1]. Therefore, it is possible to generate a down-scaled 1-km map of SOC density (and of RH, NEE, and GPP).



class CLI (output_path,
pft=range(1, 9),
Expand source code
class CLI(CommandLineInterface):
    Command-line interface for running the downscaling procedure.

        python run <hdf5_granule> --field="GPP/gpp_pft%d_mean"

    output_path : str
        The output file path
    pft : list or tuple
        The PFT codes to use in down-scaling; should probably be `range(1, 9)`
    field : str
        A Python formatting string representing the SPL4CMDL HDF5 data field
        name to be down-scaled, e.g., `"SOC/soc_pft%d_mean"` (Default) where
        `"%d"` will be filled-in with the numeric PFT code
    subset_id : str
        The name of a well-known geographic subset, see:
    scale : int or float
        A number to multiply pixels values against, e.g., `1e6` (1,000 square
        kilometers) to convert (g C m-2 day-1) to (g C day-1)
    nodata : int or float
        The NoData value (Default: -9999)
    dtype : str
        The NumPy data type (Default: `"float32"`)
    verbose : bool
        True to print information about the progress

    def __init__(
            self, output_path, pft = range(1, 9),
            field = 'SOC/soc_pft%d_mean', subset_id = None, scale = 1,
            nodata = -9999, dtype = 'float32', verbose = True):
        self._dtype = self.lookup_dtype(dtype)
        self._field_tpl = field
        self._nodata = nodata
        self._output_path = output_path
        self._pft = pft
        self._scale = scale
        self._subset_id = subset_id
        self._verbose = verbose

    def run(self, hdf5_path, compress = True):
        Downscales an L4C variable from the given HDF5 granule.

        hdf5_path : str
            File path to an HDF5 granule
        compress : bool
            True to compress the output file (Default: True)
        nested = NestedGrid(self._pft, self._subset_id)
        with h5py.File(hdf5_path, 'r') as hdf:
            arr = nested.downscale_hdf5_by_pft(
                hdf, self._field_tpl, self._scale)
            if self._verbose:
        xoff, yoff = nested.offsets
        output_path = self._output_path
        if compress:
            tmp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
            output_path =
        # Write initial file
        ease2_to_geotiff(arr, output_path, 'M01', xoff = xoff, yoff = yoff)
        if not compress:
            return # Done
        # Optionally, compress the output file
        opts = gdal.TranslateOptions(
            format = 'GTiff', creationOptions = ['COMPRESS=LZW'])
        # Note that "output_path" is the temporary file
        gdal.Translate(self._output_path, output_path, options = opts)

Command-line interface for running the downscaling procedure.

python run <hdf5_granule> --field="GPP/gpp_pft%d_mean"


output_path : str
The output file path
pft : list or tuple
The PFT codes to use in down-scaling; should probably be range(1, 9) (Default)
field : str
A Python formatting string representing the SPL4CMDL HDF5 data field name to be down-scaled, e.g., "SOC/soc_pft%d_mean" (Default) where "%d" will be filled-in with the numeric PFT code
subset_id : str
The name of a well-known geographic subset, see:
scale : int or float
A number to multiply pixels values against, e.g., 1e6 (1,000 square kilometers) to convert (g C m-2 day-1) to (g C day-1)
nodata : int or float
The NoData value (Default: -9999)
dtype : str
The NumPy data type (Default: "float32")
verbose : bool
True to print information about the progress



def run(self, hdf5_path, compress=True)
Expand source code
def run(self, hdf5_path, compress = True):
    Downscales an L4C variable from the given HDF5 granule.

    hdf5_path : str
        File path to an HDF5 granule
    compress : bool
        True to compress the output file (Default: True)
    nested = NestedGrid(self._pft, self._subset_id)
    with h5py.File(hdf5_path, 'r') as hdf:
        arr = nested.downscale_hdf5_by_pft(
            hdf, self._field_tpl, self._scale)
        if self._verbose:
    xoff, yoff = nested.offsets
    output_path = self._output_path
    if compress:
        tmp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
        output_path =
    # Write initial file
    ease2_to_geotiff(arr, output_path, 'M01', xoff = xoff, yoff = yoff)
    if not compress:
        return # Done
    # Optionally, compress the output file
    opts = gdal.TranslateOptions(
        format = 'GTiff', creationOptions = ['COMPRESS=LZW'])
    # Note that "output_path" is the temporary file
    gdal.Translate(self._output_path, output_path, options = opts)

Downscales an L4C variable from the given HDF5 granule.


hdf5_path : str
File path to an HDF5 granule
compress : bool
True to compress the output file (Default: True)

Inherited members

class NestedGrid (pft=range(1, 9), shape=None, subset_id=None, subset_bbox=None)
Expand source code
class NestedGrid(object):
    Represents a nested L4C data structure, where each grid cell has a mean
    value for each sub-grid PFT class. This allows the reconstruction of a
    finer scale grid by applying the PFT mean values to the subgrid. The
    arguments `subset_id` and `subset_bbox` are mutually exclusive.

    pft : tuple
        PFT values to use in downscaling
    shape : Sequence
        (Optional) The intended shape (at 9-km resolution) of the L4C data
        that will be downscaled. If not provided, should the shape of the
        data not match the PFT map, an error will be raised.
    subset_id : str
        (Optional) A string name that codes for a bounding box, e.g., "CONUS";
        if `subset_id` and `subset_bbox` are both provided, `subset_bbox` will
        be ignored.
    subset_bbox : Sequence
        (Optional) An optional bounding box, `(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)`,
        specifying a spatial subset that will be downscaled
    offsets = (0, 0)

    def __init__(
            self, pft = range(1, 9), shape = None, subset_id = None, 
            subset_bbox = None):
        self._pft_codes = pft
        self._shp_1km = EASE2_GRID_PARAMS['M01']['shape']
        self._shp_9km = EASE2_GRID_PARAMS['M09']['shape']
        self._slice_idx_1km = None
        self._slice_idx_9km = None
        self._subset_bbox = subset_bbox
        # If a well-known geographic subset is requested
        if subset_id is not None:
            assert subset_id in SUBSETS_BBOX.keys(), 'Unknown subset_id'
            # Look-up the bounding box of the well-known subset, translate
            #    from WGS84 to EASE-2.0 coordinates
            bbox = SUBSETS_BBOX[subset_id]
            bb_ul = translate_row_col_to_ease2(ease2_from_wgs84(bbox[0:2]))
            bb_lr = translate_row_col_to_ease2(ease2_from_wgs84(bbox[2:]))
            self._subset_bbox = list(bb_ul)
        # If any subset is requested...
        if self._subset_bbox is not None:
            self._ul_coords = (self._subset_bbox[0], self._subset_bbox[-1]) # Upper-left coordinates
            self._lr_coords = (self._subset_bbox[-2], self._subset_bbox[1]) # Lower-right coordinates
        # This is the "global" affine transformation
        self._transform_1km = Affine.from_gdal(*EASE2_GRID_PARAMS['M01']['geotransform'])
        self._transform_9km = Affine.from_gdal(*EASE2_GRID_PARAMS['M09']['geotransform'])
        # This is the "output" (1-km) affine transformation
        self._transform = self._transform_1km * self._transform_1km.scale(1)
        if self._subset_bbox is not None:
            # Need to calculate "local" transformation
            gt = list(self._transform_9km.to_gdal())
            gt[0] = self._ul_coords[0]
            gt[3] = self._ul_coords[1]
            transform_9km = Affine.from_gdal(*gt)
            transform_1km = transform_9km * transform_9km.scale(1/9)
            # Figure out row-column coordinates of upper-left corner and
            #   the 9-km extent
            x0, y0 = list(map(int, ~self._transform_9km * self._ul_coords))
            x1, y1 = list(map(int, ~transform_9km * self._lr_coords))
            self._shp_9km = (y1, x1)
            self._slice_idx_9km = [(y0, y0 + y1), (x0, x0 + x1)]
            # Same for the 1-km extent
            x2, y2 = list(map(int, ~self._transform_1km * self._ul_coords))
            x3, y3 = list(map(int, ~transform_1km * self._lr_coords))
            self._shp_1km = (y3, x3)
            # Check that this is the expected shape; because of coordinate
            #   transformations with different libraries, we may need to
            #   fudge things a big
            if shape is not None:
                if self._shp_9km != shape:
                    print(f'WARNING: Expected shape {str(shape)} did not match actual shape {str(self._shp_9km)}; using expected shape')
                    # Adjust the width and height at the bottom-right corner
                    deltas = np.array(shape) - np.array(self._shp_9km)
                    self._shp_9km = shape
                    self._shp_1km = tuple(np.array(self._shp_9km) * 9)
                    self._slice_idx_9km = [
                        (y0, y0 + y1 + deltas[0]),
                        (x0, x0 + x1 + deltas[1])
            self._slice_idx_1km = (np.array(self._slice_idx_9km) * 9).tolist()
            # Update the output 1-km transformation
            self._transform = transform_1km

    def offsets(self):
        'The offset (in pixels) along each axis for an output, cropped image'
        return list(map(int, ~self._transform_1km * self._ul_coords))

    def pft(self):
        'The 1-km PFT map'
        # shp = self._shp_1km
        _pft = get_pft_array(
            'M01', slice_idx = self._slice_idx_1km).astype(np.uint8)
        # if _pft.size < shp[0]*shp[1]:
        #     _pft = np.add(np.zeros(shp)[:_pft.shape[0],:_pft.shape[1]], _pft)
        return _pft[np.newaxis,...]

    def _downscale(self, downscaled, scale = 1, dtype = np.float32, nodata = -9999):
        # Where the PFT map is in the valid range, return data, else NoData
        return np.where(
                np.in1d(self.pft.ravel(), self._pft_codes),
                downscaled.ravel() != nodata),
            np.multiply(downscaled.ravel(), scale), nodata)\

    def pft_mask(self, p):
        An (M x N) mask for selecting pixels matching specified PFT class.

        p : int
            The numeric code for the PFT of interest

        return np.where(self.pft == p, 1, 0)

    def downscale_hdf5_by_pft(self, *args, **kwargs):
        DEPRECATED. Use `NestedGrid.downscale_hdf_by_pft()` instead.
        self.downscale_hdf_by_pft(self, *args, **kwargs)

    def downscale_hdf_by_pft(
            self, hdf, field, scale = 1, dtype = np.float32, nodata = -9999):
        Resamples 9-km L4C data to 1-km scale by repeating the spatial mean
        values for each PFT on the 1-km land-cover grid.

        Will subset the *arrays if they are not the expected shape of the
        subset at 9-km scale. This function assumes that the grouped dataset,
        `hdf`, is either an official SPL4CMDL HDF5 granule or a netCDF4 file
        generated by NASA AppEEARS.

        NOTE: Use scale = 1e6 if a total flux (e.g., total GPP) is required;
        `1e6` is the number of square meters in a 1-km L4C pixel.

        hdf : h5py.File or netCDF4.Dataset
        field : str
            Template for PFT-mean field in the HDF5 granule, e.g.,
        scale : int or float
        dtype : numpy.dtype
        nodata : int or float

        if nodata < 0:
            assert dtype not in (np.uint0, np.uint8, np.uint16, np.uint32, np.uint64),\
                "Can't use an unsigned data type with a negative NoData value"
        opts = { # Options to zoom()
            'order': 0, 'zoom': 9, 'mode': 'grid-constant', 'grid_mode': True
        if self._subset_bbox is not None:
            y_idx, x_idx = self._slice_idx_9km
            ymin, ymax = y_idx
            xmin, xmax = x_idx

        downscaled = np.zeros(self.pft.shape, dtype = dtype)
        for p in self._pft_codes:
            # Allow for the possibility of either netCDF4 or h5py datasets
            if hasattr(hdf, 'variables'):
                source = hdf.variables[field % p]
                source = hdf[field % p]
            # If needed, subset the 9-km arrays, then down-scale to 1-km
            if self._subset_bbox is None:
                arr = source[:]
                arr = source[ymin:ymax, xmin:xmax]
            # Resize, multiply by PFT mask, then add to output where != NoData
            mask = self.pft_mask(p)
            if mask.shape[0] == 1:
                mask = mask[0]
            downscaled = np.add(
                downscaled, np.multiply(mask, zoom(arr, **opts)))
        return self._downscale(downscaled, scale, dtype, nodata)

    def downscale_netcdf_by_pft(
            self, hdf, field, scale = 1, dtype = np.float32, nodata = -9999):
        Resamples 9-km L4C data to 1-km scale by repeating the spatial mean
        values for each PFT on the 1-km land-cover grid.

        This function assumes that the grouped dataset, `hdf`, is a netCDF4
        dataset from a file granule generated by NASA AppEEARS. If the granule
        is a spatial subset, that subset matches the bounds defined by the
        `subset_bbox` to `NestedGrid`. It allows for the netCDF4 granule to
        represent multiple time steps; i.e., arrays can be of the shape
        `(T, M, N)` where `T` is one or more time steps.

        NOTE: Use scale = 1e6 if a total flux (e.g., total GPP) is required;
        `1e6` is the number of square meters in a 1-km L4C pixel.

        hdf : netCDF4.Dataset
        field : str
            Template for PFT-mean field in the HDF5 granule, e.g.,
        scale : int or float
        dtype : numpy.dtype
        nodata : int or float

        if nodata < 0:
            assert dtype not in (np.uint0, np.uint8, np.uint16, np.uint32, np.uint64),\
                "Can't use an unsigned data type with a negative NoData value"
        opts = { # Options to zoom()
            'order': 0, 'zoom': 9, 'mode': 'grid-constant', 'grid_mode': True
        # Get the shape of the input 9-km arrays
        shp = hdf.variables[field % self._pft_codes[0]].shape
        # In NASA AppEEARS, it is possible to request multiple dates of data,
        #   in which case the resulting netCDF4 granule has 3D arrays where
        #   the first is the time axis
        if len(shp) > 2:
            if len(shp) > 3:
                raise ValueError(f'Too many dimensions in "{field % self._pft_codes[0]}" array; expected 2 or 3')
            # Assumes the first axis is a time axis
            dates = shp[0]
            dates = 1

        result = np.zeros((dates, *self._shp_1km), dtype = dtype)
        with ProgressBar(dates, 'Downscaling...') as progress:
            for t in range(0, dates):
                downscaled = np.zeros(self._shp_1km, dtype = dtype)
                for p in self._pft_codes:
                    # Allow for the possibility of either netCDF4 or h5py datasets
                    if hasattr(hdf, 'variables'):
                        source = hdf.variables[field % p]
                        source = hdf[field % p]
                    if dates > 1:
                        arr = source[t,:]
                        arr = source[:]
                    # Resize, multiply by PFT mask, then add to output where != NoData
                    downscaled = np.add(
                        downscaled, np.multiply(self.pft_mask(p), zoom(arr, **opts)))
                result[t] = self._downscale(downscaled, scale, dtype, nodata)
        return result

Represents a nested L4C data structure, where each grid cell has a mean value for each sub-grid PFT class. This allows the reconstruction of a finer scale grid by applying the PFT mean values to the subgrid. The arguments subset_id and subset_bbox are mutually exclusive.


pft : tuple
PFT values to use in downscaling
shape : Sequence
(Optional) The intended shape (at 9-km resolution) of the L4C data that will be downscaled. If not provided, should the shape of the data not match the PFT map, an error will be raised.
subset_id : str
(Optional) A string name that codes for a bounding box, e.g., "CONUS"; if subset_id and subset_bbox are both provided, subset_bbox will be ignored.
subset_bbox : Sequence
(Optional) An optional bounding box, (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax), specifying a spatial subset that will be downscaled

Instance variables

prop offsets
Expand source code
def offsets(self):
    'The offset (in pixels) along each axis for an output, cropped image'
    return list(map(int, ~self._transform_1km * self._ul_coords))

The offset (in pixels) along each axis for an output, cropped image

var pft
Expand source code
def __get__(self, obj, cls):
    if obj is None:
        return self

    if asyncio and asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(self.func):
        return self._wrap_in_coroutine(obj)

    value = obj.__dict__[self.func.__name__] = self.func(obj)
    return value

The 1-km PFT map


def downscale_hdf5_by_pft(self, *args, **kwargs)
Expand source code
def downscale_hdf5_by_pft(self, *args, **kwargs):
    DEPRECATED. Use `NestedGrid.downscale_hdf_by_pft()` instead.
    self.downscale_hdf_by_pft(self, *args, **kwargs)

DEPRECATED. Use NestedGrid.downscale_hdf_by_pft() instead.

def downscale_hdf_by_pft(self, hdf, field, scale=1, dtype=numpy.float32, nodata=-9999)
Expand source code
def downscale_hdf_by_pft(
        self, hdf, field, scale = 1, dtype = np.float32, nodata = -9999):
    Resamples 9-km L4C data to 1-km scale by repeating the spatial mean
    values for each PFT on the 1-km land-cover grid.

    Will subset the *arrays if they are not the expected shape of the
    subset at 9-km scale. This function assumes that the grouped dataset,
    `hdf`, is either an official SPL4CMDL HDF5 granule or a netCDF4 file
    generated by NASA AppEEARS.

    NOTE: Use scale = 1e6 if a total flux (e.g., total GPP) is required;
    `1e6` is the number of square meters in a 1-km L4C pixel.

    hdf : h5py.File or netCDF4.Dataset
    field : str
        Template for PFT-mean field in the HDF5 granule, e.g.,
    scale : int or float
    dtype : numpy.dtype
    nodata : int or float

    if nodata < 0:
        assert dtype not in (np.uint0, np.uint8, np.uint16, np.uint32, np.uint64),\
            "Can't use an unsigned data type with a negative NoData value"
    opts = { # Options to zoom()
        'order': 0, 'zoom': 9, 'mode': 'grid-constant', 'grid_mode': True
    if self._subset_bbox is not None:
        y_idx, x_idx = self._slice_idx_9km
        ymin, ymax = y_idx
        xmin, xmax = x_idx

    downscaled = np.zeros(self.pft.shape, dtype = dtype)
    for p in self._pft_codes:
        # Allow for the possibility of either netCDF4 or h5py datasets
        if hasattr(hdf, 'variables'):
            source = hdf.variables[field % p]
            source = hdf[field % p]
        # If needed, subset the 9-km arrays, then down-scale to 1-km
        if self._subset_bbox is None:
            arr = source[:]
            arr = source[ymin:ymax, xmin:xmax]
        # Resize, multiply by PFT mask, then add to output where != NoData
        mask = self.pft_mask(p)
        if mask.shape[0] == 1:
            mask = mask[0]
        downscaled = np.add(
            downscaled, np.multiply(mask, zoom(arr, **opts)))
    return self._downscale(downscaled, scale, dtype, nodata)

Resamples 9-km L4C data to 1-km scale by repeating the spatial mean values for each PFT on the 1-km land-cover grid.

Will subset the *arrays if they are not the expected shape of the subset at 9-km scale. This function assumes that the grouped dataset, hdf, is either an official SPL4CMDL HDF5 granule or a netCDF4 file generated by NASA AppEEARS.

NOTE: Use scale = 1e6 if a total flux (e.g., total GPP) is required; 1e6 is the number of square meters in a 1-km L4C pixel.


hdf : h5py.File or netCDF4.Dataset
field : str
Template for PFT-mean field in the HDF5 granule, e.g., "GPP/gpp_pft%d_mean"
scale : int or float
dtype : numpy.dtype
nodata : int or float


def downscale_netcdf_by_pft(self, hdf, field, scale=1, dtype=numpy.float32, nodata=-9999)
Expand source code
def downscale_netcdf_by_pft(
        self, hdf, field, scale = 1, dtype = np.float32, nodata = -9999):
    Resamples 9-km L4C data to 1-km scale by repeating the spatial mean
    values for each PFT on the 1-km land-cover grid.

    This function assumes that the grouped dataset, `hdf`, is a netCDF4
    dataset from a file granule generated by NASA AppEEARS. If the granule
    is a spatial subset, that subset matches the bounds defined by the
    `subset_bbox` to `NestedGrid`. It allows for the netCDF4 granule to
    represent multiple time steps; i.e., arrays can be of the shape
    `(T, M, N)` where `T` is one or more time steps.

    NOTE: Use scale = 1e6 if a total flux (e.g., total GPP) is required;
    `1e6` is the number of square meters in a 1-km L4C pixel.

    hdf : netCDF4.Dataset
    field : str
        Template for PFT-mean field in the HDF5 granule, e.g.,
    scale : int or float
    dtype : numpy.dtype
    nodata : int or float

    if nodata < 0:
        assert dtype not in (np.uint0, np.uint8, np.uint16, np.uint32, np.uint64),\
            "Can't use an unsigned data type with a negative NoData value"
    opts = { # Options to zoom()
        'order': 0, 'zoom': 9, 'mode': 'grid-constant', 'grid_mode': True
    # Get the shape of the input 9-km arrays
    shp = hdf.variables[field % self._pft_codes[0]].shape
    # In NASA AppEEARS, it is possible to request multiple dates of data,
    #   in which case the resulting netCDF4 granule has 3D arrays where
    #   the first is the time axis
    if len(shp) > 2:
        if len(shp) > 3:
            raise ValueError(f'Too many dimensions in "{field % self._pft_codes[0]}" array; expected 2 or 3')
        # Assumes the first axis is a time axis
        dates = shp[0]
        dates = 1

    result = np.zeros((dates, *self._shp_1km), dtype = dtype)
    with ProgressBar(dates, 'Downscaling...') as progress:
        for t in range(0, dates):
            downscaled = np.zeros(self._shp_1km, dtype = dtype)
            for p in self._pft_codes:
                # Allow for the possibility of either netCDF4 or h5py datasets
                if hasattr(hdf, 'variables'):
                    source = hdf.variables[field % p]
                    source = hdf[field % p]
                if dates > 1:
                    arr = source[t,:]
                    arr = source[:]
                # Resize, multiply by PFT mask, then add to output where != NoData
                downscaled = np.add(
                    downscaled, np.multiply(self.pft_mask(p), zoom(arr, **opts)))
            result[t] = self._downscale(downscaled, scale, dtype, nodata)
    return result

Resamples 9-km L4C data to 1-km scale by repeating the spatial mean values for each PFT on the 1-km land-cover grid.

This function assumes that the grouped dataset, hdf, is a netCDF4 dataset from a file granule generated by NASA AppEEARS. If the granule is a spatial subset, that subset matches the bounds defined by the subset_bbox to NestedGrid. It allows for the netCDF4 granule to represent multiple time steps; i.e., arrays can be of the shape (T, M, N) where T is one or more time steps.

NOTE: Use scale = 1e6 if a total flux (e.g., total GPP) is required; 1e6 is the number of square meters in a 1-km L4C pixel.


hdf : netCDF4.Dataset
field : str
Template for PFT-mean field in the HDF5 granule, e.g., "GPP/gpp_pft%d_mean"
scale : int or float
dtype : numpy.dtype
nodata : int or float


def pft_mask(self, p)
Expand source code
def pft_mask(self, p):
    An (M x N) mask for selecting pixels matching specified PFT class.

    p : int
        The numeric code for the PFT of interest

    return np.where(self.pft == p, 1, 0)

An (M x N) mask for selecting pixels matching specified PFT class.


p : int
The numeric code for the PFT of interest

