Module pyl4c.apps.calibration.optimize

To calibrate the GPP or RECO model for a specific PFT:

python pft <pft> tune-gpp
python pft <pft> tune-reco

To plot a specific PFT's (optimized) response to a driver:

python pft <pft> plot-gpp <driver>
python pft <pft> plot-reco <driver>


  • For plot-gpp, <driver> is one of: smrz, vpd, tmin.
  • For plot-reco, <driver> is one of: smsf, tsoil.

It's important to specify a configuration file, otherwise the default, pyl4c/data/files/config_L4C_calibration.yaml, will be used:

python pft <pft> tune-gpp --config=my_config.yaml
python pft <pft> tune-soc --config=my_config.yaml
python pft <pft> tune-reco --config=my_config.yaml

To plot the steady-state SOC versus IGBP SOC pit measurements, and then select potential new decay rates:

python pft <pft> tune-soc

To get the goodness-of-fit statistics for the updated parameters:

python pft <pft> score GPP
python pft <pft> score RECO

To view the current (potentially updated) BPLUT:

python bplut show

# View parameter values for <param> across ALL PFTs
python bplut show None <param>

# View a PFT's values across ALL parameters
python bplut show <param> None


class CalibrationAPI (config: str = None, pft: int = None)
Expand source code
class CalibrationAPI(object):
    Convenience class for calibrating the L4C GPP and RECO models. Meant to
    be used with `fire.Fire()`. Uses:

        # Run the calibration for a specific PFT
        python tune-gpp --pft=<pft>

        # Get access to the sampler (and debugger), after calibration is run
        python tune-gpp --pft=<pft> --ipdb
    _driver_bounds = {'apar': (2, np.inf)}
    _metadata = {
        'tmin': {'units': 'deg K'},
        'vpd': {'units': 'Pa'},
        'smrz': {'units': '%'},
        'smsf': {'units': '%'},
        'tsoil': {'units': 'deg K'},
    _required_parameters = {
        'GPP':  ['LUE', 'tmin0', 'tmin1', 'vpd0', 'vpd1', 'smrz0', 'smrz1', 'ft0'],
        'RECO': ['CUE', 'tsoil', 'smsf0', 'smsf1'],
        'SOC':  ['decay_rates0', 'decay_rates1', 'decay_rates2']
    _required_drivers = {
        # Tsurf = Surface skin temperature; Tmin = Minimum daily temperature
        'GPP':  ['fPAR', 'PAR', 'Tmin', 'VPD', 'SMRZ', 'FT'],
        'RECO': ['Tsoil', 'SMSF']

    def __init__(self, config: str = None, pft: int = None):
        config_file = config
        if config_file is None:
            config_file = os.path.join(
                L4C_DIR, 'data/files/config_L4C_calibration.yaml')
        print(f'Using configuration file: {config_file}')
        with open(config_file, 'r') as file:
            self.config = yaml.safe_load(file)
        if pft is not None:
            assert pft in PFT_VALID, f'Invalid PFT: {pft}'
            self._pft = pft
        self.hdf5 = self.config['data']['file']
        self.bplut = BPLUT(
            hdf5_path = self.config['optimization']['backend'])

    def _bounds(self, init_params, bounds, model, fixed = None):
        'Defines bounds; optionally "fixes" parameters by fixing bounds'
        params = init_params
        lower = []
        upper = []
        # Then, set the bounds; for free parameters, this is what was given;
        #   for fixed parameters, this is the fixed value plus/minus some
        #   tolerance
        for i, p in enumerate(self._required_parameters[model]):
            # This is a parameter to be optimized; use default bounds
            if fixed is not None:
                if p in fixed:
                    if fixed[p] is not None:
                        lower.append(fixed[p] - 1e-3)
                        upper.append(fixed[p] + 1e-3)
        return (np.array(lower), np.array(upper))

    def _clean(
            self, raw: Sequence, drivers: Sequence, protocol: str = 'GPP',
            num_std: int = 5):
        'Cleans up data values according to a prescribed protocol'
        if protocol == 'GPP':
            # Filter out observed GPP values when GPP is negative or when
            #   APAR < 0.1 g C m-2 day-1
            apar = np.nanmean(drivers['fPAR'], axis = -1) * drivers['PAR']
            cleaned = np.where(
                apar < 0.1, np.nan, np.where(raw < 0, np.nan, raw))
            return np.apply_along_axis(
                lambda x: np.where(
                    x > (num_std * np.nanstd(x)), np.nan, x), 0, cleaned)
        elif protocol == 'RECO':
            # Remove negative values
            return np.where(raw < 0, np.nan, raw)

    def _filter(self, raw: Sequence, size: int):
        'Apply a smoothing filter with zero phase offset'
        if size > 1:
            window = np.ones(size) / size
            return np.apply_along_axis(
                lambda x: signal.filtfilt(window, np.ones(1), x), 0, raw)
        return raw # Or, revert to the raw data

    def _get_params(self, model: str):
        # Filter the parameters to just those for the PFT of interest
        return self.bplut.flat(self._pft, self._required_parameters[model.upper()])

    def _load_gpp_data(
            self, filter_length, store = None, prefix = '', load_gpp = True,
            check_validity = True):
        'Load the required datasets for GPP, for a single PFT'
        blacklist = self.config['data']['sites_blacklisted']
        if store is None:
            store = self.hdf5
        with h5py.File(store, 'r') as hdf:
            n_steps = hdf[f'{prefix}time'].shape[0]
            sites = hdf[f'{prefix}site_id'][:]
            if hasattr(sites[0], 'decode'):
                sites = list(map(lambda x: x.decode('utf-8'), sites))
            # Get dominant PFT
            pft_map = hdf[f'{prefix}state/PFT'][:]
            if pft_map.ndim > 1:
                pft_map = pft_dominant(pft_map, sites)
            # Blacklist validation sites
            pft_mask = np.logical_and(
                np.in1d(pft_map, self._pft), ~np.in1d(sites, blacklist))
            drivers = dict()
            field_map = self.config['data']['fields']
            for field in self._required_drivers['GPP']:
                # Try reading the field exactly as described in config file
                if field in field_map:
                    if field_map[field] in hdf:
                        # Preserve 1-km subgrid for fPAR
                        if field == 'fPAR':
                            drivers[field] = hdf[field_map[field]][:,pft_mask,:]
                            drivers[field] = hdf[field_map[field]][:,pft_mask]
                elif field == 'PAR':
                    if 'SWGDN' not in field_map:
                        raise ValueError(f"Could not find PAR or SWGDN data")
                    drivers[field] = par(hdf[field_map['SWGDN']][:,pft_mask])
                elif field == 'VPD':
                    qv2m = hdf[field_map['QV2M']][:,pft_mask]
                    ps   = hdf[field_map['PS']][:,pft_mask]
                    t2m  = hdf[field_map['T2M']][:,pft_mask]
                    drivers[field] = vpd(qv2m, ps, t2m)
                elif field == 'SMRZ':
                    smrz = hdf[field_map['SMRZ0']][:,pft_mask]
                    smrz_min = smrz.min(axis = 0)
                    drivers[field] = rescale_smrz(smrz, smrz_min)
                elif field == 'FT':
                    tsurf = hdf[field_map['Tsurf']][:,pft_mask]
                    # Classify soil as frozen (FT=0) or unfrozen (FT=1) based
                    #   on threshold freezing point of water
                    drivers[field] = np.where(tsurf <= 273.15, 0, 1)

            # Check units on fPAR
            if np.nanmax(drivers['fPAR'][:]) > 10:
                drivers['fPAR'] = drivers['fPAR'].astype(np.float32) / 100
            assert len(set(self._required_drivers['GPP'])\
                .difference(set(drivers.keys()))) == 0,\
                'Did not find all required drivers for the GPP model!'

            # If RMSE is used, then we want to pay attention to weighting
            weights = None
            if 'weights' in hdf.keys():
                weights = hdf['weights'][pft_mask][np.newaxis,:]\
                    .repeat(n_steps, axis = 0)
                print('WARNING - "weights" not found in HDF5 file!')
            if load_gpp and 'GPP' not in hdf.keys():
                with h5py.File(
                        self.config['data']['supplemental_file'], 'r') as _hdf:
                    tower_gpp = _hdf['GPP'][:][:,pft_mask]
            elif load_gpp:
                tower_gpp = hdf['GPP'][:][:,pft_mask]

        # Check that driver data do not contain NaNs
        if check_validity:
            for field in drivers.keys():
                if field == 'fPAR':
                    continue # The 1-km subgrid may have NaNs
                assert not np.isnan(drivers[field]).any(),\
                    f'Driver dataset "{field}" contains NaNs'

        # If we don't want to load observational data, return the drivers data
        if not load_gpp:
            return (drivers, None, None, None, weights)

        # Clean observations, then mask out driver data where the are no
        #   observations
        tower_gpp = self._filter(tower_gpp, filter_length)
        tower_gpp = self._clean(tower_gpp, drivers, protocol = 'GPP')
        # Subset all datasets to just the valid observation site-days
        tower_gpp_flat = tower_gpp[~np.isnan(tower_gpp)]
        if weights is not None:
            weights = weights[~np.isnan(tower_gpp)]
        drivers_flat = list()
        # For eveything other than fPAR, add a trailing axis to the flat view;
        #   this will enable datasets to line up with fPAR's 1-km subgrid
        for field in drivers.keys():
            flat = drivers[field][~np.isnan(tower_gpp)]
            drivers_flat.append(flat[:,np.newaxis] if field != 'fPAR' else flat)
        return (drivers, drivers_flat, tower_gpp, tower_gpp_flat, weights)

    def _load_reco_data(
            self, filter_length, store = None, prefix = '', load_reco = True,
            check_validity = True):
        'Load the required datasets for RECO, for a single PFT'
        blacklist = self.config['data']['sites_blacklisted']
        if store is None:
            store = self.hdf5
        with h5py.File(store, 'r') as hdf:
            n_steps = hdf[f'{prefix}time'].shape[0]
            sites = hdf[f'{prefix}site_id'][:]

            if hasattr(sites[0], 'decode'):
                sites = list(map(lambda x: x.decode('utf-8'), sites))
            # Get dominant PFT
            pft_map = hdf[f'{prefix}state/PFT'][:]
            if pft_map.ndim > 1:
                pft_map = pft_dominant(pft_map, sites)
            # Blacklist validation sites
            pft_mask = np.logical_and(
                np.in1d(pft_map, self._pft), ~np.in1d(sites, blacklist))
            drivers = dict()
            field_map = self.config['data']['fields']
            for field in self._required_drivers['RECO']:
                # Try reading the field exactly as described in config file
                if field in field_map:
                    if field_map[field] in hdf:
                        drivers[field] = hdf[field_map[field]][:,pft_mask]

            # If RMSE is used, then we want to pay attention to weighting
            weights = None
            if 'weights' in hdf.keys():
                weights = hdf['weights'][pft_mask][np.newaxis,:]\
                    .repeat(n_steps, axis = 0)
                print('WARNING - "weights" not found in HDF5 file!')
            if load_reco and 'RECO' not in hdf.keys():
                with h5py.File(
                        self.config['data']['supplemental_file'], 'r') as _hdf:
                    tower_reco = _hdf['RECO'][:][:,pft_mask]
            elif load_reco:
                tower_reco = hdf['RECO'][:][:,pft_mask]

        # Check that driver data do not contain NaNs
        if check_validity:
            for field in drivers.keys():
                assert not np.isnan(drivers[field]).any(),\
                    f'Driver dataset "{field}" contains NaNs'

        # If we don't want to load observational data, return the drivers data
        if not load_reco:
            return (drivers, None, weights)

        # Clean observations, then mask out driver data where the are no
        #   observations
        tower_reco = self._filter(tower_reco, filter_length)
        tower_reco = self._clean(tower_reco, drivers, protocol = 'RECO')
        drivers = [drivers[k] for k in self._required_drivers['RECO']]
        return (drivers, tower_reco, weights)

    def _report(self, old_params, new_params, model, prec = 2):
        'Prints a report on the updated (optimized) parameters'
        labels = self._required_parameters[model.upper()]
        pad = max(len(l) for l in labels) + 1
        fmt_string = '-- {:<%d} {:>%d} [{:>%d}]' % (pad, 5 + prec, 7 + prec)
        print('%s parameters report, %s (PFT %d):' % (
            f'{model.upper()} Optimization', PFT[self._pft][0], self._pft))
        print((' {:>%d} {:>%d}' % (8 + pad + prec, 8 + prec))\
            .format('NEW', 'INITIAL'))
        for i, label in enumerate(labels):
            new = ('%%.%df' % prec) % new_params[i] if new_params[i] is not None else ''
            old = ('%%.%df' % prec) % old_params[i]
            print(fmt_string.format(('%s:' % label), new, old))

    def e_mult(params, tmin, vpd, smrz, ft):
        # Calculate E_mult based on current parameters
        f_tmin = linear_constraint(params[1], params[2])
        f_vpd  = linear_constraint(params[3], params[4], 'reversed')
        f_smrz = linear_constraint(params[5], params[6])
        f_ft   = linear_constraint(params[7], 1.0, 'binary')
        return f_tmin(tmin) * f_vpd(vpd) * f_smrz(smrz) * f_ft(ft)

    def k_mult(params, tsoil, smsf):
        # Calculate K_mult based on current parameters
        f_tsoil = partial(arrhenius, beta0 = params[1])
        f_smsf  = linear_constraint(params[2], params[3])
        return f_tsoil(tsoil) * f_smsf(smsf)

    def gpp(params, fpar, par, tmin, vpd, smrz, ft):
        # Calculate GPP based on the provided BPLUT parameters
        apar = fpar * par
        return apar * params[0] *\
            CalibrationAPI.e_mult(params, tmin, vpd, smrz, ft)

    def reco(params, tower_reco, tower_gpp, tsoil, smsf, q_rh, q_k):
        # Calculate RH as (RECO - RA) or (RECO - (faut * GPP))
        ra = ((1 - params[0]) * tower_gpp)
        rh = tower_reco - ra
        rh = np.where(rh < 0, 0, rh) # Mask out negative RH values
        kmult0 = CalibrationAPI.k_mult(params, tsoil, smsf)
        cbar0 = cbar(rh, kmult0, q_rh, q_k)
        return ra + (kmult0 * cbar0)

    def pft(self, pft):
        Sets the PFT class for the next calibration step.

        pft : int
            The PFT class to use in calibration

        assert pft in range(1, 9), 'Unrecognized PFT class'
        self._pft = pft
        return self

    def plot_gpp(
            self, driver, filter_length = 2, coefs = None,
            xlim = None, ylim = None, alpha = 0.1, marker = '.'):
        Using the current or optimized BPLUT coefficients, plots the GPP ramp
        function for a given driver. NOTE: Values where APAR < 2.0 are not

        driver : str
            Name of the driver to plot on the horizontal axis
        filter_length : int
        coefs : list or tuple or numpy.ndarray
            (Optional) array-like, Instead of using what's in the BPLUT,
            specify the exact parameters, e.g., [tmin0, tmin1]
        xlim : list or tuple
            (Optional) A 2-element sequence: The x-axis limits
        ylim : list or tuple
            (Optional) A 2-element sequence: The x-axis limits
        alpha : float
            (Optional) The alpha value (Default: 0.1)
        marker : str
            (Optional) The marker symbol (Default: ".")
        def empirical_lue(apar, gpp):
            # Mask low APAR values
            lower, _ = self._driver_bounds.get('apar', (0, None))
            apar = np.where(apar < lower, np.nan, apar)
            # Calculate empirical light-use efficiency: GPP/APAR
            return np.where(apar > 0, np.divide(gpp, apar), 0)

        np.seterr(invalid = 'ignore')
        # Read in GPP and APAR data
        assert driver.lower() in ('tmin', 'vpd', 'smrz'),\
            'Requested driver "%s" cannot be plotted for GPP' % driver
        if coefs is not None:
            assert hasattr(coefs, 'index') and not hasattr(coefs, 'title'),\
            "Argument --coefs expects a list [values,] with NO spaces"
        coefs0 = [ # Original coefficients
            for i in (0, 1)

        # Load APAR and tower GPP data
        driver_data, _, tower_gpp, _, _ = self._load_gpp_data(filter_length)
        apar = np.nanmean(driver_data['fPAR'], axis = -1) * driver_data['PAR']
        # Based on the bounds, create an empirical ramp function that
        #   spans the range of the driver
        bounds = [
            for i in (0, 1) # i.e., min(tmin0) and max(tmin1)
        domain = np.arange(bounds[0], bounds[1], 0.1)
        ramp_func_original = linear_constraint(
            *coefs0, 'reversed' if driver.lower() == 'vpd' else None)
        if coefs is not None:
            ramp_func = linear_constraint(
                *coefs, 'reversed' if driver.lower() == 'vpd' else None)
        if driver.lower() == 'vpd':
            x0 = driver_data['VPD']
        elif driver.lower() == 'tmin':
            x0 = driver_data['Tmin']
        elif driver.lower() == 'smrz':
            x0 = driver_data['SMRZ']

        # Update plotting parameters
        lue = empirical_lue(apar, tower_gpp)
        # Mask out negative LUE values and values with APAR<2
        pyplot.scatter(x0, np.where(
            np.logical_or(lue == 0, apar < 2), np.nan, lue),
            alpha = alpha, marker = marker)
        # Plot the original ramp function (black line)
        pyplot.plot(domain, ramp_func_original(domain) *\
            self.bplut['LUE'][:,self._pft], 'k-')
        # Optionally, plot a proposed ramp function (red line)
        if coefs is not None:
            pyplot.plot(domain, ramp_func(domain) *\
                self.bplut['LUE'][:,self._pft], 'r-')
        pyplot.xlabel('%s (%s)' % (driver, self._metadata[driver]['units']))
        pyplot.ylabel('GPP/APAR (g C MJ-1 d-1)')
        if xlim is not None:
            pyplot.xlim(xlim[0], xlim[1])
        if ylim is not None:
            pyplot.ylim(ylim[0], ylim[1])
            '%s (PFT %d): GPP Response to "%s"' % (
                PFT[self._pft][0], self._pft, driver))

    def plot_reco(
            self, driver, filter_length: int = 2, coefs = None, q_rh = 75,
            q_k = 50, xlim = None, ylim = None, alpha = 0.1, marker = '.'):
        Using the current or optimized BPLUT coefficients, plots the RECO ramp
        function for a given driver. The ramp function is shown on a plot of
        RH/Cbar, which is equivalent to Kmult (as Cbar is an upper quantile of
        the RH/Kmult distribution).

        driver : str
            Name of the driver to plot on the horizontal axis
        filter_length : int
        coefs : list or tuple or numpy.ndarray
            (Optional) array-like, Instead of using what's in the BPLUT,
            specify the exact parameters, e.g., `[tmin0, tmin1]`
        q_rh : int
            Additional arguments to `pyl4c.apps.calibration.cbar()`
        q_k : int
            Additional arguments to `pyl4c.apps.calibration.cbar()`
        ylim : list or tuple
            (Optional) A 2-element sequence: The x-axis limits
        alpha : float
            (Optional) The alpha value (Default: 0.1)
        marker : str
            (Optional) The marker symbol (Default: ".")
        xlabels = {
            'smsf': 'Surface Soil Moisture',
            'tsoil': 'Soil Temperature'
        np.seterr(invalid = 'ignore')
        assert driver.lower() in ('tsoil', 'smsf'),\
            'Requested driver "%s" cannot be plotted for RECO' % driver

        if coefs is not None:
            assert hasattr(coefs, 'index') and not hasattr(coefs, 'title'),\
            "Argument --coefs expects a list [values,] with NO spaces"
        drivers, reco, _ = self._load_reco_data(filter_length)
        _, _, gpp, _, _ = self._load_gpp_data(filter_length)
        tsoil, smsf = drivers
        # Calculate k_mult based on original parameters
        f_smsf = linear_constraint(*self.bplut['smsf'][:,self._pft])
        k_mult = f_smsf(smsf) * arrhenius(tsoil, self.bplut['tsoil'][0,self._pft])
        # Calculate RH as (RECO - RA)
        rh = reco - ((1 - self.bplut['CUE'][0,self._pft]) * gpp)
        # Set negative RH values to zero
        rh = np.where(suppress_warnings(np.less)(rh, 0), 0, rh)
        cbar0 = suppress_warnings(cbar)(rh, k_mult, q_rh, q_k)
        gpp = reco = None

        # Update plotting parameters
        pyplot.scatter( # Plot RH/Cbar against either Tsoil or SMSF
            tsoil if driver == 'tsoil' else smsf,
            suppress_warnings(np.divide)(rh, cbar0),
            alpha = alpha, marker = marker)

        if driver == 'tsoil':
            domain = np.arange(tsoil.min(), tsoil.max(), 0.1)
                arrhenius(domain, self.bplut['tsoil'][0,self._pft]), 'k-')
        elif driver == 'smsf':
            domain = np.arange(smsf.min(), smsf.max(), 0.001)
            pyplot.plot(domain, f_smsf(domain).ravel(), 'k-')

        if coefs is not None:
            if driver == 'tsoil':
                pyplot.plot(domain, arrhenius(domain, *coefs), 'r-')
            elif driver == 'smsf':
                pyplot.plot(domain, linear_constraint(*coefs)(domain), 'r-')

        pyplot.xlabel('%s (%s)' % (
            xlabels[driver], self._metadata[driver]['units']))
        if xlim is not None:
            pyplot.xlim(xlim[0], xlim[1])
        if ylim is not None:
            pyplot.ylim(ylim[0], ylim[1])
            '%s (PFT %d): RECO Response to "%s"' % (
                PFT[self._pft][0], self._pft,
                'SMSF' if driver.lower() == 'smsf' else 'Tsoil'))

    def score(
            self, model: str, filter_length: int = 2,
            q_rh: int = 75, q_k: int = 50):
        Scores the current model (for a specific PFT) based on the parameters
        in the BPLUT.

        model : str
            One of: "GPP" or "RECO"
        filter_length : int
            The window size for the smoothing filter, applied to the observed
        gpp_drivers, gpp_drivers_flat, tower_gpp, tower_gpp_flat, weights =\
        if model.upper() == 'GPP':
            observed = tower_gpp_flat
        elif model.upper() == 'RECO':
            reco_drivers, tower_reco, weights =\
            observed = tower_reco
        # Print the parameters table
        old_params = restore_bplut_flat(self.config['BPLUT'])
        old_params = [
            for k in self._required_parameters[model.upper()]
        params = self._get_params(model.upper())
        self._report(old_params, params, model.upper())
        # Get goodness-of-fit statistics
        if model.upper() == 'GPP':
            predicted = self.gpp(params, *gpp_drivers_flat).mean(axis = -1)
        elif model.upper() == 'RECO':
            predicted = self.reco(
                params, tower_reco, tower_gpp, *reco_drivers,
                q_rh = q_rh, q_k = q_k)
        r2, rmse_score, ub_rmse, bias = report_fit_stats(
            observed, predicted, weights, verbose = False)
        print(f'{model.upper()} model goodness-of-fit statistics:')
        print(('-- {:<13} {:>5}').format('R-squared:', '%.3f' % r2))
        print(('-- {:<13} {:>5}').format('RMSE:', '%.2f' % rmse_score))
        print(('-- {:<13} {:>5}').format('Unbised RMSE:', '%.2f' % ub_rmse))
        print(('-- {:<13} {:>5}').format('Bias:', '%.2f' % bias))

    def set(self, parameter, value):
        Sets the named parameter to the given value for the specified PFT
        class. This updates the initial parameters, affecting any subsequent

        parameter : str
            Name of the parameter to bet set
        value : int or float
            Value of the named parameter to be set

        # Update the BPLUT in memory but NOT the file BPLUT (this is temporary)
        self.bplut.update(self._pft, (value,), (parameter,), flush = False)
        return self

    def tune_gpp(
            self, filter_length: int = 2, optimize: bool = True,
            use_nlopt: bool = True):
        Run the L4C GPP calibration.

        - For GPP data: Removes observations where GPP < 0 or where APAR is
            < 0.1 MJ m-2 day-1

        filter_length : int
            The window size for the smoothing filter, applied to the observed
        optimize : bool
            True to run the optimization (Default) or False if you just want
            the goodness-of-fit to be reported
        use_nlopt : bool
            True to use `nlopt` for optimization (Default)
        def residuals(params, drivers, observed, weights):
            gpp0 = self.gpp(params, *drivers).mean(axis = -1)
            diff = np.subtract(observed, gpp0)
            # Objective function: Difference between tower GPP and L4C GPP,
            #   multiplied by the tower weights
            return (weights * diff)[~np.isnan(diff)]

        init_params = self._get_params('GPP')
        # Load blacklisted sites (if any)
        blacklist = self.config['data']['sites_blacklisted']

        print('Loading driver datasets...')
        drivers, drivers_flat, tower_gpp, tower_gpp_flat, weights =\
        print(f'NOTE: Counts of (days, towers) are: {tower_gpp.shape}')

        # Configure the optimization, get bounds for the parameter search
        fixed = None
        if self.config['optimization']['fixed'] is not None:
            fixed = dict([ # Get any fixed parameters as {param: fixed_value}
                (k, v[self._pft])
                for k, v in self.config['optimization']['fixed'].items()
        step_size_global = [
            for p in self._required_parameters['GPP']
        bounds_dict = self.config['optimization']['bounds']
        bounds = self._bounds(init_params, bounds_dict, 'GPP', fixed)
        trials = self.config['optimization']['trials']
        params = [] # Optimized parameters
        params0 = [] # Initial (random) parameters
        scores = []
        # Will be a (100, P) space, where P is the number of parameters
        param_space = np.linspace(bounds[0], bounds[1], 100)
        for t in range(0, trials):
            # If multiple trials, randomize the initial parameter values
            #   and score the model in each trial
            if trials > 1:
                p = param_space.shape[1] # Number of parameters
                idx = np.random.randint(0, param_space.shape[0], p)
                init_params = param_space[idx,np.arange(0, p)]
            # If we're optimizing (with any library), define the bounds and
            #   the objective function
            if optimize:
                bounds = self._bounds(init_params, bounds_dict, 'GPP', fixed)
                # Set initial value to a fixed value if specified
                if fixed is not None:
                    for key, value in fixed.items():
                        if value is not None and key in self._required_parameters['GPP']:
                            init_params[self._required_parameters['GPP'].index(key)] = value
                objective = partial(
                    residuals, drivers = drivers_flat,
                    observed = tower_gpp_flat, weights = weights)
            # Apply constrained, non-linear least-squares optimization, using
            #   either SciPy or NLOPT
            if optimize and not use_nlopt:
                solution = solve_least_squares(
                    objective, init_params,
                    labels = self.required_parameters['GPP'],
                    bounds = bounds, loss = 'arctan')
                fitted = solution.x.tolist()
            elif optimize and use_nlopt:
                opt = GenericOptimization(
                    objective, bounds, step_size = step_size_global)
                fitted = opt.solve(init_params)
                fitted = [None for i in range(0, len(init_params))]
            # Record the found solution and its goodness-of-fit score
            predicted = self.gpp(
                fitted if optimize else init_params,
                *drivers_flat).mean(axis = -1)
            _, rmse_score, _, _ = report_fit_stats(
                tower_gpp_flat, predicted, weights, verbose = False)
            print('[%s/%s] RMSE score of last trial: %.3f' % (
                str(t + 1).zfill(2), str(trials).zfill(2), rmse_score))

        # Select the fit params with the best score
        if trials > 1:
            fitted = params[np.argmin(scores)]
            init_params = params0[np.argmin(scores)]
        # Generate and print a report, update the BPLUT parameters
        self._report(init_params, fitted, 'GPP')
        if optimize:
                self._pft, fitted, self._required_parameters['GPP'])

    def tune_reco(
            self, filter_length: int = 2, q_rh: int = 75, q_k: int = 50,
            optimize: bool = True, use_nlopt: bool = True):
        Optimizes RECO. The 9-km mean L4C RECO is fit to the tower-observed
        RECO using constrained, non-linear least-squares optimization.

        - Negative RH values (i.e., NPP > RECO) are set to zero.

        filter_length : int
            The window size for the smoothing filter, applied to the observed
        optimize : bool
            False to only report parameters and their fit statistics instead
            of optimizing (Default: True)
        use_nlopt : bool
            True to use the nlopt library for optimization (Default: True)
        def residuals(
                params, drivers, observed_reco, observed_gpp, weights,
                q_rh, q_k):
            # Objective function: Difference between tower RECO and L4C RECO
            reco0 = self.reco(
                params, observed_reco, observed_gpp, *drivers, q_rh, q_k)
            diff = np.subtract(observed_reco, reco0)
            missing = np.logical_or(np.isnan(observed_reco), np.isnan(reco0))
            # Multiply by the tower weights
            return (weights * diff)[~missing]

        assert q_rh >= 0 and q_rh <= 100 and q_k >= 0 and q_k <= 100,\
            'Invalid setting for "q_rh" or "q_k" parameters'

        init_params = self._get_params('RECO')
        # Load blacklisted sites (if any)
        blacklist = self.config['data']['sites_blacklisted']

        print('Loading driver datasets...')
        _, _, tower_gpp, _, _ = self._load_gpp_data(filter_length)
        drivers, tower_reco, weights = self._load_reco_data(filter_length)
        print(f'NOTE: Counts of (days, towers) are: {tower_reco.shape}')

        # Configure the optimization, get bounds for the parameter search
        fixed = None
        if self.config['optimization']['fixed'] is not None:
            fixed = dict([ # Get any fixed parameters as {param: fixed_value}
                (k, v[self._pft])
                for k, v in self.config['optimization']['fixed'].items()
        step_size_global = [
            for p in self._required_parameters['RECO']
        bounds_dict = self.config['optimization']['bounds']
        bounds = self._bounds(init_params, bounds_dict, 'RECO', fixed)
        trials = self.config['optimization']['trials']
        params = [] # Optimized parameters
        params0 = [] # Initial (random) parameters
        scores = []
        # Will be a (100, P) space, where P is the number of parameters
        param_space = np.linspace(bounds[0], bounds[1], 100)
        for t in range(0, trials):
            # If multiple trials, randomize the initial parameter values
            #   and score the model in each trial
            if trials > 1:
                p = param_space.shape[1] # Number of parameters
                idx = np.random.randint(0, param_space.shape[0], p)
                init_params = param_space[idx,np.arange(0, p)]
            # If we're optimizing (with any library), define the bounds and
            #   the objective function
            if optimize:
                bounds = self._bounds(init_params, bounds_dict, 'RECO', fixed)
                # Set initial value to a fixed value if specified
                for key, value in fixed.items():
                    if value is not None and key in self._required_parameters['RECO']:
                        init_params[self._required_parameters['RECO'].index(key)] = value
                objective = partial(
                    residuals, drivers = drivers, weights = weights,
                    observed_gpp = tower_gpp, observed_reco = tower_reco,
                    q_rh = q_rh, q_k = q_k)
            # Apply constrained, non-linear least-squares optimization, using
            #   either SciPy or NLOPT
            if optimize and not use_nlopt:
                solution = solve_least_squares(
                    objective, init_params,
                    labels = self.required_parameters['RECO'],
                    bounds = bounds, loss = 'arctan')
                fitted = solution.x.tolist()
            elif optimize and use_nlopt:
                opt = GenericOptimization(
                    objective, bounds, step_size = step_size_global)
                fitted = opt.solve(init_params)
                fitted = [None for i in range(0, len(init_params))]
            # Record the found solution and its goodness-of-fit score
            predicted = self.reco(
                fitted if optimize else init_params, tower_reco, tower_gpp,
                *drivers, q_rh = q_rh, q_k = q_k)
            _, rmse_score, _, _ = report_fit_stats(
                tower_reco, predicted, weights, verbose = False)
            print('[%s/%s] RMSE score of last trial: %.3f' % (
                str(t + 1).zfill(2), str(trials).zfill(2), rmse_score))

        # Select the fit params with the best score
        if trials > 1:
            fitted = params[np.argmin(scores)]
            init_params = params0[np.argmin(scores)]
        # Generate and print a report, update the BPLUT parameters
        self._report(init_params, fitted, 'RECO')
        if optimize:
                self._pft, fitted, self._required_parameters['RECO'])

    def tune_soc(self, filter_length: int = 2, xlim = None, alpha = 0.6):
        Starts interactive calibration procedure for the soil organic carbon
        (SOC) decay parameters for a given PFT. Uses any updated parameters
        in the attached storage: `optimization.backend` in the configuration

        filter_length : int
            The window size for the smoothing filter, applied to the observed
        xlim : int or None
            The largest SOC value that should be shown on the plot (i.e.,
            the X and Y axis limit, for a square plot); if None, defaults to
            the largest value in the inventory dataset
        alpha : float
            The alpha applied to the SOC scatterplot points (Default: 0.6)
        soc_file = self.config['data']['soil_organic_carbon']['file']
        # Load SOC pit measurements
        with h5py.File(soc_file, 'r') as hdf:
            dates = hdf[
            dates = [*ymd) for ymd in dates.tolist()]
            field = self.config['data']['soil_organic_carbon']['fields']['observed']
            field_pft = self.config['data']['soil_organic_carbon']['fields']['PFT']
            pft_mask = hdf[field_pft][:]
            target_soc = hdf[field][:][pft_mask == self._pft]

        print('Loading driver datasets...')
        drivers_for_gpp, _, _, _, _ = self._load_gpp_data(
            filter_length, store = soc_file, prefix = 'ISCN/',
            load_gpp = False, check_validity = False)
        drivers_for_reco, _, weights = self._load_reco_data(
            filter_length, store = soc_file, prefix = 'ISCN/',
            load_reco = False, check_validity = False)
        drivers_for_reco = [ # Convert from dict to list
            drivers_for_reco[key] for key in self._required_drivers['RECO']

        # Calculate GPP based on the updated parameters
        init_params = restore_bplut_flat(self.config['BPLUT'])
        params_gpp = self._get_params('GPP')
        params_reco = self._get_params('RECO')
        gpp = self.gpp(params_gpp, *[
            drivers_for_gpp[d] if d != 'fPAR' else np.nanmean(drivers_for_gpp[d], axis = -1)
            for d in self._required_drivers['GPP']

        # Calculate a 365-day climatology of NPP
        cue = params_reco[self._required_parameters['RECO'].index('CUE')]
        npp = gpp * cue
        # Make the time axis (currently 0) be the trailing axis
        npp_clim = climatology365(npp.swapaxes(0, 1), dates)
        # Calculate litterfall
        litter = npp_clim.sum(axis = 0) / 365
        # Calculate a 365-day climatology of Kmult
        kmult = self.k_mult(params_reco, *drivers_for_reco)
        # Make the time axis (currently 0) be the trailing axis
        kmult_clim = climatology365(kmult.swapaxes(0, 1), dates)
        sigma = npp_clim.sum(axis = 0) / kmult_clim.sum(axis = 0)

        # Inferred steady-state storage
        fmet = init_params['f_metabolic'][:,self._pft][0]
        fstr = init_params['f_structural'][:,self._pft][0]
        decay_rates = self._get_params('SOC')
        decay_rates = decay_rates[:,np.newaxis]
        # Begin user-interaction loop to manually calibrate decay rates
        prev = None
        while True:
            init_soc = soc_analytical_spinup(
                litter, kmult_clim, fmet, fstr, decay_rates)
            soc, _ = soc_numerical_spinup(
                np.stack(init_soc), litter, kmult_clim, fmet, fstr, decay_rates,
                verbose = True)
            soc = np.stack(soc).sum(axis = 0)
            _, ax = pyplot.subplots(figsize = (6,6))
            ax.plot([0, 1], [0, 1], transform = ax.transAxes, linestyle = 'dotted')
            if prev is not None:
                    target_soc / 1e3, prev / 1e3, 'o', c = 'gray', alpha = alpha / 2)
                pyplot.plot(target_soc / 1e3, soc / 1e3, 'o', alpha = alpha)
                import ipdb

            xmin, xmax = np.nanpercentile(target_soc / 1e3, (0, 100))
            print(f'-- Min/Max of Inventory SOC: {xmin.round(1), xmax.round(1)}')
            print(f'-- Min/Max of Predicted SOC: {np.nanmin(soc / 1e3).round(1), np.nanmax(soc / 1e3).round(1)}')
            pyplot.xlim(0, xmax if xlim is None else xlim)
            pyplot.ylim(0, xmax if xlim is None else xlim)
            pyplot.xlabel('Inventory SOC (kg m$^{-2}$)')
            pyplot.ylabel('Modeled Equilibrium SOC (kg m$^{-2}$)')
            pyplot.title(f'For PFT={self._pft}')
            # Calculate correlation coefficient
            mask = np.isnan(target_soc)
            r = np.corrcoef(target_soc[~mask], soc[~mask])[0,1]
            rmse = rmsd(target_soc[~mask], soc[~mask])
            print(f'Current metabolic rate (r={r.round(3)}, RMSE={round(rmse, 1)}):')
            print('%.5f\n' % decay_rates[0])
            proposal = input('New metabolic rate [Q to quit]:\n')
            if proposal == 'Q':
            value = float(proposal)
            # NOTE: The "structural" and "recalcitrant" pool decay rates
            #   here should be the actual decay rates, i.e., the "metabolic"
            #   rate scaled by fixed constants
            decay_rates = np.array([
                value, value * 0.4, value * 0.0093
            ]).reshape((3, 1))
            prev = soc.copy()
        print(f'Updated BPLUT decay rates for PFT={self._pft}')
            self._pft, decay_rates.ravel(),
            ['decay_rates0', 'decay_rates1', 'decay_rates2'])

Convenience class for calibrating the L4C GPP and RECO models. Meant to be used with fire.Fire(). Uses:

# Run the calibration for a specific PFT
python tune-gpp --pft=<pft>

# Get access to the sampler (and debugger), after calibration is run
python tune-gpp --pft=<pft> --ipdb

Static methods

def e_mult(params, tmin, vpd, smrz, ft)
Expand source code
def e_mult(params, tmin, vpd, smrz, ft):
    # Calculate E_mult based on current parameters
    f_tmin = linear_constraint(params[1], params[2])
    f_vpd  = linear_constraint(params[3], params[4], 'reversed')
    f_smrz = linear_constraint(params[5], params[6])
    f_ft   = linear_constraint(params[7], 1.0, 'binary')
    return f_tmin(tmin) * f_vpd(vpd) * f_smrz(smrz) * f_ft(ft)
def gpp(params, fpar, par, tmin, vpd, smrz, ft)
Expand source code
def gpp(params, fpar, par, tmin, vpd, smrz, ft):
    # Calculate GPP based on the provided BPLUT parameters
    apar = fpar * par
    return apar * params[0] *\
        CalibrationAPI.e_mult(params, tmin, vpd, smrz, ft)
def k_mult(params, tsoil, smsf)
Expand source code
def k_mult(params, tsoil, smsf):
    # Calculate K_mult based on current parameters
    f_tsoil = partial(arrhenius, beta0 = params[1])
    f_smsf  = linear_constraint(params[2], params[3])
    return f_tsoil(tsoil) * f_smsf(smsf)
def reco(params, tower_reco, tower_gpp, tsoil, smsf, q_rh, q_k)
Expand source code
def reco(params, tower_reco, tower_gpp, tsoil, smsf, q_rh, q_k):
    # Calculate RH as (RECO - RA) or (RECO - (faut * GPP))
    ra = ((1 - params[0]) * tower_gpp)
    rh = tower_reco - ra
    rh = np.where(rh < 0, 0, rh) # Mask out negative RH values
    kmult0 = CalibrationAPI.k_mult(params, tsoil, smsf)
    cbar0 = cbar(rh, kmult0, q_rh, q_k)
    return ra + (kmult0 * cbar0)


def pft(self, pft)
Expand source code
def pft(self, pft):
    Sets the PFT class for the next calibration step.

    pft : int
        The PFT class to use in calibration

    assert pft in range(1, 9), 'Unrecognized PFT class'
    self._pft = pft
    return self

Sets the PFT class for the next calibration step.


pft : int
The PFT class to use in calibration


def plot_gpp(self, driver, filter_length=2, coefs=None, xlim=None, ylim=None, alpha=0.1, marker='.')
Expand source code
def plot_gpp(
        self, driver, filter_length = 2, coefs = None,
        xlim = None, ylim = None, alpha = 0.1, marker = '.'):
    Using the current or optimized BPLUT coefficients, plots the GPP ramp
    function for a given driver. NOTE: Values where APAR < 2.0 are not

    driver : str
        Name of the driver to plot on the horizontal axis
    filter_length : int
    coefs : list or tuple or numpy.ndarray
        (Optional) array-like, Instead of using what's in the BPLUT,
        specify the exact parameters, e.g., [tmin0, tmin1]
    xlim : list or tuple
        (Optional) A 2-element sequence: The x-axis limits
    ylim : list or tuple
        (Optional) A 2-element sequence: The x-axis limits
    alpha : float
        (Optional) The alpha value (Default: 0.1)
    marker : str
        (Optional) The marker symbol (Default: ".")
    def empirical_lue(apar, gpp):
        # Mask low APAR values
        lower, _ = self._driver_bounds.get('apar', (0, None))
        apar = np.where(apar < lower, np.nan, apar)
        # Calculate empirical light-use efficiency: GPP/APAR
        return np.where(apar > 0, np.divide(gpp, apar), 0)

    np.seterr(invalid = 'ignore')
    # Read in GPP and APAR data
    assert driver.lower() in ('tmin', 'vpd', 'smrz'),\
        'Requested driver "%s" cannot be plotted for GPP' % driver
    if coefs is not None:
        assert hasattr(coefs, 'index') and not hasattr(coefs, 'title'),\
        "Argument --coefs expects a list [values,] with NO spaces"
    coefs0 = [ # Original coefficients
        for i in (0, 1)

    # Load APAR and tower GPP data
    driver_data, _, tower_gpp, _, _ = self._load_gpp_data(filter_length)
    apar = np.nanmean(driver_data['fPAR'], axis = -1) * driver_data['PAR']
    # Based on the bounds, create an empirical ramp function that
    #   spans the range of the driver
    bounds = [
        for i in (0, 1) # i.e., min(tmin0) and max(tmin1)
    domain = np.arange(bounds[0], bounds[1], 0.1)
    ramp_func_original = linear_constraint(
        *coefs0, 'reversed' if driver.lower() == 'vpd' else None)
    if coefs is not None:
        ramp_func = linear_constraint(
            *coefs, 'reversed' if driver.lower() == 'vpd' else None)
    if driver.lower() == 'vpd':
        x0 = driver_data['VPD']
    elif driver.lower() == 'tmin':
        x0 = driver_data['Tmin']
    elif driver.lower() == 'smrz':
        x0 = driver_data['SMRZ']

    # Update plotting parameters
    lue = empirical_lue(apar, tower_gpp)
    # Mask out negative LUE values and values with APAR<2
    pyplot.scatter(x0, np.where(
        np.logical_or(lue == 0, apar < 2), np.nan, lue),
        alpha = alpha, marker = marker)
    # Plot the original ramp function (black line)
    pyplot.plot(domain, ramp_func_original(domain) *\
        self.bplut['LUE'][:,self._pft], 'k-')
    # Optionally, plot a proposed ramp function (red line)
    if coefs is not None:
        pyplot.plot(domain, ramp_func(domain) *\
            self.bplut['LUE'][:,self._pft], 'r-')
    pyplot.xlabel('%s (%s)' % (driver, self._metadata[driver]['units']))
    pyplot.ylabel('GPP/APAR (g C MJ-1 d-1)')
    if xlim is not None:
        pyplot.xlim(xlim[0], xlim[1])
    if ylim is not None:
        pyplot.ylim(ylim[0], ylim[1])
        '%s (PFT %d): GPP Response to "%s"' % (
            PFT[self._pft][0], self._pft, driver))

Using the current or optimized BPLUT coefficients, plots the GPP ramp function for a given driver. NOTE: Values where APAR < 2.0 are not shown.


driver : str
Name of the driver to plot on the horizontal axis
filter_length : int
coefs : list or tuple or numpy.ndarray
(Optional) array-like, Instead of using what's in the BPLUT, specify the exact parameters, e.g., [tmin0, tmin1]
xlim : list or tuple
(Optional) A 2-element sequence: The x-axis limits
ylim : list or tuple
(Optional) A 2-element sequence: The x-axis limits
alpha : float
(Optional) The alpha value (Default: 0.1)
marker : str
(Optional) The marker symbol (Default: ".")
def plot_reco(self,
filter_length: int = 2,
Expand source code
def plot_reco(
        self, driver, filter_length: int = 2, coefs = None, q_rh = 75,
        q_k = 50, xlim = None, ylim = None, alpha = 0.1, marker = '.'):
    Using the current or optimized BPLUT coefficients, plots the RECO ramp
    function for a given driver. The ramp function is shown on a plot of
    RH/Cbar, which is equivalent to Kmult (as Cbar is an upper quantile of
    the RH/Kmult distribution).

    driver : str
        Name of the driver to plot on the horizontal axis
    filter_length : int
    coefs : list or tuple or numpy.ndarray
        (Optional) array-like, Instead of using what's in the BPLUT,
        specify the exact parameters, e.g., `[tmin0, tmin1]`
    q_rh : int
        Additional arguments to `pyl4c.apps.calibration.cbar()`
    q_k : int
        Additional arguments to `pyl4c.apps.calibration.cbar()`
    ylim : list or tuple
        (Optional) A 2-element sequence: The x-axis limits
    alpha : float
        (Optional) The alpha value (Default: 0.1)
    marker : str
        (Optional) The marker symbol (Default: ".")
    xlabels = {
        'smsf': 'Surface Soil Moisture',
        'tsoil': 'Soil Temperature'
    np.seterr(invalid = 'ignore')
    assert driver.lower() in ('tsoil', 'smsf'),\
        'Requested driver "%s" cannot be plotted for RECO' % driver

    if coefs is not None:
        assert hasattr(coefs, 'index') and not hasattr(coefs, 'title'),\
        "Argument --coefs expects a list [values,] with NO spaces"
    drivers, reco, _ = self._load_reco_data(filter_length)
    _, _, gpp, _, _ = self._load_gpp_data(filter_length)
    tsoil, smsf = drivers
    # Calculate k_mult based on original parameters
    f_smsf = linear_constraint(*self.bplut['smsf'][:,self._pft])
    k_mult = f_smsf(smsf) * arrhenius(tsoil, self.bplut['tsoil'][0,self._pft])
    # Calculate RH as (RECO - RA)
    rh = reco - ((1 - self.bplut['CUE'][0,self._pft]) * gpp)
    # Set negative RH values to zero
    rh = np.where(suppress_warnings(np.less)(rh, 0), 0, rh)
    cbar0 = suppress_warnings(cbar)(rh, k_mult, q_rh, q_k)
    gpp = reco = None

    # Update plotting parameters
    pyplot.scatter( # Plot RH/Cbar against either Tsoil or SMSF
        tsoil if driver == 'tsoil' else smsf,
        suppress_warnings(np.divide)(rh, cbar0),
        alpha = alpha, marker = marker)

    if driver == 'tsoil':
        domain = np.arange(tsoil.min(), tsoil.max(), 0.1)
            arrhenius(domain, self.bplut['tsoil'][0,self._pft]), 'k-')
    elif driver == 'smsf':
        domain = np.arange(smsf.min(), smsf.max(), 0.001)
        pyplot.plot(domain, f_smsf(domain).ravel(), 'k-')

    if coefs is not None:
        if driver == 'tsoil':
            pyplot.plot(domain, arrhenius(domain, *coefs), 'r-')
        elif driver == 'smsf':
            pyplot.plot(domain, linear_constraint(*coefs)(domain), 'r-')

    pyplot.xlabel('%s (%s)' % (
        xlabels[driver], self._metadata[driver]['units']))
    if xlim is not None:
        pyplot.xlim(xlim[0], xlim[1])
    if ylim is not None:
        pyplot.ylim(ylim[0], ylim[1])
        '%s (PFT %d): RECO Response to "%s"' % (
            PFT[self._pft][0], self._pft,
            'SMSF' if driver.lower() == 'smsf' else 'Tsoil'))

Using the current or optimized BPLUT coefficients, plots the RECO ramp function for a given driver. The ramp function is shown on a plot of RH/Cbar, which is equivalent to Kmult (as Cbar is an upper quantile of the RH/Kmult distribution).


driver : str
Name of the driver to plot on the horizontal axis
filter_length : int
coefs : list or tuple or numpy.ndarray
(Optional) array-like, Instead of using what's in the BPLUT, specify the exact parameters, e.g., [tmin0, tmin1]
q_rh : int
Additional arguments to cbar()
q_k : int
Additional arguments to cbar()
ylim : list or tuple
(Optional) A 2-element sequence: The x-axis limits
alpha : float
(Optional) The alpha value (Default: 0.1)
marker : str
(Optional) The marker symbol (Default: ".")
def score(self, model: str, filter_length: int = 2, q_rh: int = 75, q_k: int = 50)
Expand source code
def score(
        self, model: str, filter_length: int = 2,
        q_rh: int = 75, q_k: int = 50):
    Scores the current model (for a specific PFT) based on the parameters
    in the BPLUT.

    model : str
        One of: "GPP" or "RECO"
    filter_length : int
        The window size for the smoothing filter, applied to the observed
    gpp_drivers, gpp_drivers_flat, tower_gpp, tower_gpp_flat, weights =\
    if model.upper() == 'GPP':
        observed = tower_gpp_flat
    elif model.upper() == 'RECO':
        reco_drivers, tower_reco, weights =\
        observed = tower_reco
    # Print the parameters table
    old_params = restore_bplut_flat(self.config['BPLUT'])
    old_params = [
        for k in self._required_parameters[model.upper()]
    params = self._get_params(model.upper())
    self._report(old_params, params, model.upper())
    # Get goodness-of-fit statistics
    if model.upper() == 'GPP':
        predicted = self.gpp(params, *gpp_drivers_flat).mean(axis = -1)
    elif model.upper() == 'RECO':
        predicted = self.reco(
            params, tower_reco, tower_gpp, *reco_drivers,
            q_rh = q_rh, q_k = q_k)
    r2, rmse_score, ub_rmse, bias = report_fit_stats(
        observed, predicted, weights, verbose = False)
    print(f'{model.upper()} model goodness-of-fit statistics:')
    print(('-- {:<13} {:>5}').format('R-squared:', '%.3f' % r2))
    print(('-- {:<13} {:>5}').format('RMSE:', '%.2f' % rmse_score))
    print(('-- {:<13} {:>5}').format('Unbised RMSE:', '%.2f' % ub_rmse))
    print(('-- {:<13} {:>5}').format('Bias:', '%.2f' % bias))

Scores the current model (for a specific PFT) based on the parameters in the BPLUT.


model : str
One of: "GPP" or "RECO"
filter_length : int
The window size for the smoothing filter, applied to the observed data
def set(self, parameter, value)
Expand source code
def set(self, parameter, value):
    Sets the named parameter to the given value for the specified PFT
    class. This updates the initial parameters, affecting any subsequent

    parameter : str
        Name of the parameter to bet set
    value : int or float
        Value of the named parameter to be set

    # Update the BPLUT in memory but NOT the file BPLUT (this is temporary)
    self.bplut.update(self._pft, (value,), (parameter,), flush = False)
    return self

Sets the named parameter to the given value for the specified PFT class. This updates the initial parameters, affecting any subsequent optimization.


parameter : str
Name of the parameter to bet set
value : int or float
Value of the named parameter to be set


def tune_gpp(self, filter_length: int = 2, optimize: bool = True, use_nlopt: bool = True)
Expand source code
def tune_gpp(
        self, filter_length: int = 2, optimize: bool = True,
        use_nlopt: bool = True):
    Run the L4C GPP calibration.

    - For GPP data: Removes observations where GPP < 0 or where APAR is
        < 0.1 MJ m-2 day-1

    filter_length : int
        The window size for the smoothing filter, applied to the observed
    optimize : bool
        True to run the optimization (Default) or False if you just want
        the goodness-of-fit to be reported
    use_nlopt : bool
        True to use `nlopt` for optimization (Default)
    def residuals(params, drivers, observed, weights):
        gpp0 = self.gpp(params, *drivers).mean(axis = -1)
        diff = np.subtract(observed, gpp0)
        # Objective function: Difference between tower GPP and L4C GPP,
        #   multiplied by the tower weights
        return (weights * diff)[~np.isnan(diff)]

    init_params = self._get_params('GPP')
    # Load blacklisted sites (if any)
    blacklist = self.config['data']['sites_blacklisted']

    print('Loading driver datasets...')
    drivers, drivers_flat, tower_gpp, tower_gpp_flat, weights =\
    print(f'NOTE: Counts of (days, towers) are: {tower_gpp.shape}')

    # Configure the optimization, get bounds for the parameter search
    fixed = None
    if self.config['optimization']['fixed'] is not None:
        fixed = dict([ # Get any fixed parameters as {param: fixed_value}
            (k, v[self._pft])
            for k, v in self.config['optimization']['fixed'].items()
    step_size_global = [
        for p in self._required_parameters['GPP']
    bounds_dict = self.config['optimization']['bounds']
    bounds = self._bounds(init_params, bounds_dict, 'GPP', fixed)
    trials = self.config['optimization']['trials']
    params = [] # Optimized parameters
    params0 = [] # Initial (random) parameters
    scores = []
    # Will be a (100, P) space, where P is the number of parameters
    param_space = np.linspace(bounds[0], bounds[1], 100)
    for t in range(0, trials):
        # If multiple trials, randomize the initial parameter values
        #   and score the model in each trial
        if trials > 1:
            p = param_space.shape[1] # Number of parameters
            idx = np.random.randint(0, param_space.shape[0], p)
            init_params = param_space[idx,np.arange(0, p)]
        # If we're optimizing (with any library), define the bounds and
        #   the objective function
        if optimize:
            bounds = self._bounds(init_params, bounds_dict, 'GPP', fixed)
            # Set initial value to a fixed value if specified
            if fixed is not None:
                for key, value in fixed.items():
                    if value is not None and key in self._required_parameters['GPP']:
                        init_params[self._required_parameters['GPP'].index(key)] = value
            objective = partial(
                residuals, drivers = drivers_flat,
                observed = tower_gpp_flat, weights = weights)
        # Apply constrained, non-linear least-squares optimization, using
        #   either SciPy or NLOPT
        if optimize and not use_nlopt:
            solution = solve_least_squares(
                objective, init_params,
                labels = self.required_parameters['GPP'],
                bounds = bounds, loss = 'arctan')
            fitted = solution.x.tolist()
        elif optimize and use_nlopt:
            opt = GenericOptimization(
                objective, bounds, step_size = step_size_global)
            fitted = opt.solve(init_params)
            fitted = [None for i in range(0, len(init_params))]
        # Record the found solution and its goodness-of-fit score
        predicted = self.gpp(
            fitted if optimize else init_params,
            *drivers_flat).mean(axis = -1)
        _, rmse_score, _, _ = report_fit_stats(
            tower_gpp_flat, predicted, weights, verbose = False)
        print('[%s/%s] RMSE score of last trial: %.3f' % (
            str(t + 1).zfill(2), str(trials).zfill(2), rmse_score))

    # Select the fit params with the best score
    if trials > 1:
        fitted = params[np.argmin(scores)]
        init_params = params0[np.argmin(scores)]
    # Generate and print a report, update the BPLUT parameters
    self._report(init_params, fitted, 'GPP')
    if optimize:
            self._pft, fitted, self._required_parameters['GPP'])

Run the L4C GPP calibration.

  • For GPP data: Removes observations where GPP < 0 or where APAR is < 0.1 MJ m-2 day-1


filter_length : int
The window size for the smoothing filter, applied to the observed data
optimize : bool
True to run the optimization (Default) or False if you just want the goodness-of-fit to be reported
use_nlopt : bool
True to use nlopt for optimization (Default)
def tune_reco(self,
filter_length: int = 2,
q_rh: int = 75,
q_k: int = 50,
optimize: bool = True,
use_nlopt: bool = True)
Expand source code
def tune_reco(
        self, filter_length: int = 2, q_rh: int = 75, q_k: int = 50,
        optimize: bool = True, use_nlopt: bool = True):
    Optimizes RECO. The 9-km mean L4C RECO is fit to the tower-observed
    RECO using constrained, non-linear least-squares optimization.

    - Negative RH values (i.e., NPP > RECO) are set to zero.

    filter_length : int
        The window size for the smoothing filter, applied to the observed
    optimize : bool
        False to only report parameters and their fit statistics instead
        of optimizing (Default: True)
    use_nlopt : bool
        True to use the nlopt library for optimization (Default: True)
    def residuals(
            params, drivers, observed_reco, observed_gpp, weights,
            q_rh, q_k):
        # Objective function: Difference between tower RECO and L4C RECO
        reco0 = self.reco(
            params, observed_reco, observed_gpp, *drivers, q_rh, q_k)
        diff = np.subtract(observed_reco, reco0)
        missing = np.logical_or(np.isnan(observed_reco), np.isnan(reco0))
        # Multiply by the tower weights
        return (weights * diff)[~missing]

    assert q_rh >= 0 and q_rh <= 100 and q_k >= 0 and q_k <= 100,\
        'Invalid setting for "q_rh" or "q_k" parameters'

    init_params = self._get_params('RECO')
    # Load blacklisted sites (if any)
    blacklist = self.config['data']['sites_blacklisted']

    print('Loading driver datasets...')
    _, _, tower_gpp, _, _ = self._load_gpp_data(filter_length)
    drivers, tower_reco, weights = self._load_reco_data(filter_length)
    print(f'NOTE: Counts of (days, towers) are: {tower_reco.shape}')

    # Configure the optimization, get bounds for the parameter search
    fixed = None
    if self.config['optimization']['fixed'] is not None:
        fixed = dict([ # Get any fixed parameters as {param: fixed_value}
            (k, v[self._pft])
            for k, v in self.config['optimization']['fixed'].items()
    step_size_global = [
        for p in self._required_parameters['RECO']
    bounds_dict = self.config['optimization']['bounds']
    bounds = self._bounds(init_params, bounds_dict, 'RECO', fixed)
    trials = self.config['optimization']['trials']
    params = [] # Optimized parameters
    params0 = [] # Initial (random) parameters
    scores = []
    # Will be a (100, P) space, where P is the number of parameters
    param_space = np.linspace(bounds[0], bounds[1], 100)
    for t in range(0, trials):
        # If multiple trials, randomize the initial parameter values
        #   and score the model in each trial
        if trials > 1:
            p = param_space.shape[1] # Number of parameters
            idx = np.random.randint(0, param_space.shape[0], p)
            init_params = param_space[idx,np.arange(0, p)]
        # If we're optimizing (with any library), define the bounds and
        #   the objective function
        if optimize:
            bounds = self._bounds(init_params, bounds_dict, 'RECO', fixed)
            # Set initial value to a fixed value if specified
            for key, value in fixed.items():
                if value is not None and key in self._required_parameters['RECO']:
                    init_params[self._required_parameters['RECO'].index(key)] = value
            objective = partial(
                residuals, drivers = drivers, weights = weights,
                observed_gpp = tower_gpp, observed_reco = tower_reco,
                q_rh = q_rh, q_k = q_k)
        # Apply constrained, non-linear least-squares optimization, using
        #   either SciPy or NLOPT
        if optimize and not use_nlopt:
            solution = solve_least_squares(
                objective, init_params,
                labels = self.required_parameters['RECO'],
                bounds = bounds, loss = 'arctan')
            fitted = solution.x.tolist()
        elif optimize and use_nlopt:
            opt = GenericOptimization(
                objective, bounds, step_size = step_size_global)
            fitted = opt.solve(init_params)
            fitted = [None for i in range(0, len(init_params))]
        # Record the found solution and its goodness-of-fit score
        predicted = self.reco(
            fitted if optimize else init_params, tower_reco, tower_gpp,
            *drivers, q_rh = q_rh, q_k = q_k)
        _, rmse_score, _, _ = report_fit_stats(
            tower_reco, predicted, weights, verbose = False)
        print('[%s/%s] RMSE score of last trial: %.3f' % (
            str(t + 1).zfill(2), str(trials).zfill(2), rmse_score))

    # Select the fit params with the best score
    if trials > 1:
        fitted = params[np.argmin(scores)]
        init_params = params0[np.argmin(scores)]
    # Generate and print a report, update the BPLUT parameters
    self._report(init_params, fitted, 'RECO')
    if optimize:
            self._pft, fitted, self._required_parameters['RECO'])

Optimizes RECO. The 9-km mean L4C RECO is fit to the tower-observed RECO using constrained, non-linear least-squares optimization. Considerations:

  • Negative RH values (i.e., NPP > RECO) are set to zero.


filter_length : int
The window size for the smoothing filter, applied to the observed data
optimize : bool
False to only report parameters and their fit statistics instead of optimizing (Default: True)
use_nlopt : bool
True to use the nlopt library for optimization (Default: True)
def tune_soc(self, filter_length: int = 2, xlim=None, alpha=0.6)
Expand source code
def tune_soc(self, filter_length: int = 2, xlim = None, alpha = 0.6):
    Starts interactive calibration procedure for the soil organic carbon
    (SOC) decay parameters for a given PFT. Uses any updated parameters
    in the attached storage: `optimization.backend` in the configuration

    filter_length : int
        The window size for the smoothing filter, applied to the observed
    xlim : int or None
        The largest SOC value that should be shown on the plot (i.e.,
        the X and Y axis limit, for a square plot); if None, defaults to
        the largest value in the inventory dataset
    alpha : float
        The alpha applied to the SOC scatterplot points (Default: 0.6)
    soc_file = self.config['data']['soil_organic_carbon']['file']
    # Load SOC pit measurements
    with h5py.File(soc_file, 'r') as hdf:
        dates = hdf[
        dates = [*ymd) for ymd in dates.tolist()]
        field = self.config['data']['soil_organic_carbon']['fields']['observed']
        field_pft = self.config['data']['soil_organic_carbon']['fields']['PFT']
        pft_mask = hdf[field_pft][:]
        target_soc = hdf[field][:][pft_mask == self._pft]

    print('Loading driver datasets...')
    drivers_for_gpp, _, _, _, _ = self._load_gpp_data(
        filter_length, store = soc_file, prefix = 'ISCN/',
        load_gpp = False, check_validity = False)
    drivers_for_reco, _, weights = self._load_reco_data(
        filter_length, store = soc_file, prefix = 'ISCN/',
        load_reco = False, check_validity = False)
    drivers_for_reco = [ # Convert from dict to list
        drivers_for_reco[key] for key in self._required_drivers['RECO']

    # Calculate GPP based on the updated parameters
    init_params = restore_bplut_flat(self.config['BPLUT'])
    params_gpp = self._get_params('GPP')
    params_reco = self._get_params('RECO')
    gpp = self.gpp(params_gpp, *[
        drivers_for_gpp[d] if d != 'fPAR' else np.nanmean(drivers_for_gpp[d], axis = -1)
        for d in self._required_drivers['GPP']

    # Calculate a 365-day climatology of NPP
    cue = params_reco[self._required_parameters['RECO'].index('CUE')]
    npp = gpp * cue
    # Make the time axis (currently 0) be the trailing axis
    npp_clim = climatology365(npp.swapaxes(0, 1), dates)
    # Calculate litterfall
    litter = npp_clim.sum(axis = 0) / 365
    # Calculate a 365-day climatology of Kmult
    kmult = self.k_mult(params_reco, *drivers_for_reco)
    # Make the time axis (currently 0) be the trailing axis
    kmult_clim = climatology365(kmult.swapaxes(0, 1), dates)
    sigma = npp_clim.sum(axis = 0) / kmult_clim.sum(axis = 0)

    # Inferred steady-state storage
    fmet = init_params['f_metabolic'][:,self._pft][0]
    fstr = init_params['f_structural'][:,self._pft][0]
    decay_rates = self._get_params('SOC')
    decay_rates = decay_rates[:,np.newaxis]
    # Begin user-interaction loop to manually calibrate decay rates
    prev = None
    while True:
        init_soc = soc_analytical_spinup(
            litter, kmult_clim, fmet, fstr, decay_rates)
        soc, _ = soc_numerical_spinup(
            np.stack(init_soc), litter, kmult_clim, fmet, fstr, decay_rates,
            verbose = True)
        soc = np.stack(soc).sum(axis = 0)
        _, ax = pyplot.subplots(figsize = (6,6))
        ax.plot([0, 1], [0, 1], transform = ax.transAxes, linestyle = 'dotted')
        if prev is not None:
                target_soc / 1e3, prev / 1e3, 'o', c = 'gray', alpha = alpha / 2)
            pyplot.plot(target_soc / 1e3, soc / 1e3, 'o', alpha = alpha)
            import ipdb

        xmin, xmax = np.nanpercentile(target_soc / 1e3, (0, 100))
        print(f'-- Min/Max of Inventory SOC: {xmin.round(1), xmax.round(1)}')
        print(f'-- Min/Max of Predicted SOC: {np.nanmin(soc / 1e3).round(1), np.nanmax(soc / 1e3).round(1)}')
        pyplot.xlim(0, xmax if xlim is None else xlim)
        pyplot.ylim(0, xmax if xlim is None else xlim)
        pyplot.xlabel('Inventory SOC (kg m$^{-2}$)')
        pyplot.ylabel('Modeled Equilibrium SOC (kg m$^{-2}$)')
        pyplot.title(f'For PFT={self._pft}')
        # Calculate correlation coefficient
        mask = np.isnan(target_soc)
        r = np.corrcoef(target_soc[~mask], soc[~mask])[0,1]
        rmse = rmsd(target_soc[~mask], soc[~mask])
        print(f'Current metabolic rate (r={r.round(3)}, RMSE={round(rmse, 1)}):')
        print('%.5f\n' % decay_rates[0])
        proposal = input('New metabolic rate [Q to quit]:\n')
        if proposal == 'Q':
        value = float(proposal)
        # NOTE: The "structural" and "recalcitrant" pool decay rates
        #   here should be the actual decay rates, i.e., the "metabolic"
        #   rate scaled by fixed constants
        decay_rates = np.array([
            value, value * 0.4, value * 0.0093
        ]).reshape((3, 1))
        prev = soc.copy()
    print(f'Updated BPLUT decay rates for PFT={self._pft}')
        self._pft, decay_rates.ravel(),
        ['decay_rates0', 'decay_rates1', 'decay_rates2'])

Starts interactive calibration procedure for the soil organic carbon (SOC) decay parameters for a given PFT. Uses any updated parameters in the attached storage: optimization.backend in the configuration file.


filter_length : int
The window size for the smoothing filter, applied to the observed data
xlim : int or None
The largest SOC value that should be shown on the plot (i.e., the X and Y axis limit, for a square plot); if None, defaults to the largest value in the inventory dataset
alpha : float
The alpha applied to the SOC scatterplot points (Default: 0.6)
class GenericOptimization (func, bounds, method: int = 39, step_size=None, verbose=True)
Expand source code
class GenericOptimization(object):
    A more generic and expansive tool for optimization; includes many more
    algorithms for minimization/ maximization problems, including sequential
    quadratic programming (SQP), which is the default here and is closest to
    what is performed in Matlab's `fmincon`. Despite the similarity to `fmincon`,
    SQP will tend to deviate strongly from the initial parameters derived via
    fmincon. This solver is SLOW for gradient descent methods relative to
    `scipy.optimize.least_squares()`, because the gradient is calculated with
    a finite element approach.

        opt = GenericOptimization(residuals, OPT_BOUNDS['gpp'],
            step_size = (0.01, 0.1, 0.1, 1, 1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.05))


    func : function
        Function to calculate the residuals
    bounds : list or tuple
        2-element sequence of (lower, upper) bounds where each element is an
    method : str
        One of the nlopt algorithms
    step_size : list or tuple or numpy.ndarray
        Sequence of steps to take in gradient descent; not needed for
        derivative-free methods
    verbose : bool
        True to print all output to the screen
    def __init__(
            self, func, bounds, method: int = nlopt.LD_SLSQP,
            step_size = None, verbose = True):
        assert isinstance(method, int), 'Did not recognize "method" argument'
        self._bounds = bounds
        self._method = method
        self._residuals = func
        self._step_size = step_size
        self._verbose = verbose

    def solve(self, init_params, ftol = 1e-8, xtol = 1e-8, maxeval = 500):
        Using the sum-of-squared errors (SSE) as the objective function,
        solves a minimization problem.

        init_params : list or tuple or numpy.ndarray
            Sequence of starting parameters (or "initial guesses")
        ftol : float
        xtol : float
        maxeval : int
            Maximum number of objective function evaluations

        def sse(x):
            return np.power(self._residuals(x), 2).sum()

        def objf(x, grad):
            if grad.size > 0:
                # Approximate the gradient using finite element method
                grad[...] = optimize.approx_fprime(
                    x, sse, self._step_size)
            return sse(x)

        opt = nlopt.opt(self._method, len(init_params))
        if self._method == nlopt.G_MLSL_LDS:
                nlopt.opt(nlopt.LN_COBYLA, len(init_params)))
        if self._verbose:
        return opt.optimize(init_params)

A more generic and expansive tool for optimization; includes many more algorithms for minimization/ maximization problems, including sequential quadratic programming (SQP), which is the default here and is closest to what is performed in Matlab's fmincon. Despite the similarity to fmincon, SQP will tend to deviate strongly from the initial parameters derived via fmincon. This solver is SLOW for gradient descent methods relative to scipy.optimize.least_squares(), because the gradient is calculated with a finite element approach.

opt = GenericOptimization(residuals, OPT_BOUNDS['gpp'],
    step_size = (0.01, 0.1, 0.1, 1, 1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.05))



func : function
Function to calculate the residuals
bounds : list or tuple
2-element sequence of (lower, upper) bounds where each element is an array
method : str
One of the nlopt algorithms
step_size : list or tuple or numpy.ndarray
Sequence of steps to take in gradient descent; not needed for derivative-free methods
verbose : bool
True to print all output to the screen


def solve(self, init_params, ftol=1e-08, xtol=1e-08, maxeval=500)
Expand source code
def solve(self, init_params, ftol = 1e-8, xtol = 1e-8, maxeval = 500):
    Using the sum-of-squared errors (SSE) as the objective function,
    solves a minimization problem.

    init_params : list or tuple or numpy.ndarray
        Sequence of starting parameters (or "initial guesses")
    ftol : float
    xtol : float
    maxeval : int
        Maximum number of objective function evaluations

    def sse(x):
        return np.power(self._residuals(x), 2).sum()

    def objf(x, grad):
        if grad.size > 0:
            # Approximate the gradient using finite element method
            grad[...] = optimize.approx_fprime(
                x, sse, self._step_size)
        return sse(x)

    opt = nlopt.opt(self._method, len(init_params))
    if self._method == nlopt.G_MLSL_LDS:
            nlopt.opt(nlopt.LN_COBYLA, len(init_params)))
    if self._verbose:
    return opt.optimize(init_params)

Using the sum-of-squared errors (SSE) as the objective function, solves a minimization problem.


init_params : list or tuple or numpy.ndarray
Sequence of starting parameters (or "initial guesses")
ftol : float
xtol : float
maxeval : int
Maximum number of objective function evaluations

