Module mod16.calibration
Calibration of MOD16 against a representative, global eddy covariance (EC) flux tower network. The model calibration is based on Markov-Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC). Example use:
# For a single run with the configured number of chains
python tune --pft=1 --config="my_config.yaml"
# For a 3-folds cross-validation
python tune --pft=1 --config="my_config.yaml" --k-folds=3
The general calibration protocol used here involves:
- Check how well the chain(s) are mixing by running short, e.g., only 5000
draws from the posterior:
python tune 1 --draws=5000
- If any chain is "sticky," run a short chain while tuning the jump scale:
python tune 1 --tune=scaling --draws=5000
- Using the trace plot from Step (2) as a reference, experiment with
different jump scales to try and achieve the same (optimal) mixing when
tuning on
(default) instead, e.g.:python tune 1 --scaling=1e-2 --draws=5000
- When the right jump scale is found, run a chain at the desired length.
Instead of changing draws
and scaling
at the command line, as above, you
could change these parameters in the configuration file.
Once a good mixture is obtained, it is necessary to prune the samples to eliminate autocorrelation, e.g., in Python:
python plot-autocorr --pft=1 --burn=1000 --thin=10
A thinned posterior can be exported from the command line, e.g.:
python export-posterior ET <parameter_name>
output.h5 --burn=1000 --thin=10
NOTE: If using k-folds cross-validation, add the following option to any command, where K is the number of folds:
The Cal-Val dataset is a single HDF5 file that contains all the input variables necessary to drive MOD16 as well as the observed latent heat fluxes against which the model is calibrated. The HDF5 file specification is as follows, where the shape of multidimensional arrays is given in terms of T, the number of time steps (days); N, the number of tower sites; L, the number of land-cover types (PFTs); and P, a sub-grid of MODIS pixels surrounding a tower:
SEB -- (T x N) Surface energy balance, from tower data
air_temperature -- (T x N) Air temperatures reported at the tower
*latent_heat -- (T x N) Observed latent heat flux [W m-2]
site_id -- (N) Unique identifier for each site, e.g., "US-BZS"
<<<<<<< HEAD validation_mask – (T x N) Indicates what site-days are reserved
======= validation_mask – (L x T x N) Indicates what site-days are reserved
master LWGNT – (T x N) Net long-wave radiation, 24-hr mean [W m-2] LWGNT_daytime – (T x N) … for daytime hours only LWGNT_nighttime – (T x N) … for nighttime hours only PS – (T x N) Surface air pressure [Pa] PS_daytime – (T x N) … for daytime hours only PS_nighttime – (T x N) … for nighttime hours only QV10M – (T x N) Water vapor mixing ratio at 10-meter height QV10M_daytime – (T x N) … for daytime hours only QV10M_nighttime – (T x N) … for nighttime hours only SWGDN – (T x N) Down-welling short-wave radiation [W m-2] SWGDN_daytime – (T x N) … for daytime hours only SWGDN_nighttime – (T x N) … for nighttime hours only T10M – (T x N) Air temperature at 10-meter height [deg C] T10M_daytime – (T x N) … for daytime hours only T10M_nighttime – (T x N) … for nighttime hours only Tmin – (T x N) Daily minimum air temperature [deg C]
<<<<<<< HEAD MODIS/ MCD43GF_black_sky_sw_albedo – (T x N x P) Short-wave albedo under black-sky conditions MOD15A2HGF_LAI – (T x N x P) Leaf area index in scaled units (10 * [m3 m-3]) MOD15A2HGF_LAI_interp – (T x N x P) Daily interpolation of the MOD15A2HGF_LAI field MOD15A2HGF_fPAR – (T x N x P) Fraction of photosynthetically active radiation [%] MOD15A2HGF_fPAR_interp – (T x N x P) Daily interpolation of MOD15A2HGF_fPAR_interp field ======= MODIS/ MCD43GF_black_sky_sw_albedo – (T x N x P) Short-wave albedo under black-sky conditions MOD15A2HGF_LAI – (T x N x P) Leaf area index in scaled units (10 * [m3 m-3]) MOD15A2HGF_fPAR – (T x N x P) Fraction of photosynthetically active radiation [%]
-- (Y x N) Mean annual precipitation in each year (Y years)
lng_lat -- (2 x N) Longitude, latitude coordinates of each tower
*PFT -- (N x P) The plant functional type (PFT) of each pixel
elevation_m -- (N) The elevation in meters above sea level
time -- (T x 3) The Year, Month, Day of each daily time step
weights -- (N) A number between 0 and 1 used to down-weight towers
<<<<<<< HEAD
NOTE: A star, *
, indicates that this dataset or group's name can be changed
in the configuration file. All others are currently required to match this
specification exactly.
Expand source code
Calibration of MOD16 against a representative, global eddy covariance (EC)
flux tower network. The model calibration is based on Markov-Chain Monte
Carlo (MCMC). Example use:
# For a single run with the configured number of chains
python tune --pft=1 --config="my_config.yaml"
# For a 3-folds cross-validation
python tune --pft=1 --config="my_config.yaml" --k-folds=3
The general calibration protocol used here involves:
1. Check how well the chain(s) are mixing by running short, e.g., only 5000
draws from the posterior:
`python tune 1 --draws=5000`
2. If any chain is "sticky," run a short chain while tuning the jump scale:
`python tune 1 --tune=scaling --draws=5000`
3. Using the trace plot from Step (2) as a reference, experiment with
different jump scales to try and achieve the same (optimal) mixing when
tuning on `lambda` (default) instead, e.g.:
`python tune 1 --scaling=1e-2 --draws=5000`
4. When the right jump scale is found, run a chain at the desired length.
Instead of changing `draws` and `scaling` at the command line, as above, you
could change these parameters in the configuration file.
Once a good mixture is obtained, it is necessary to prune the samples to
eliminate autocorrelation, e.g., in Python:
python plot-autocorr --pft=1 --burn=1000 --thin=10
A thinned posterior can be exported from the command line, e.g.:
python export-posterior ET <parameter_name>
output.h5 --burn=1000 --thin=10
NOTE: If using k-folds cross-validation, add the following option to any
command, where K is the number of folds:
**The Cal-Val dataset** is a single HDF5 file that contains all the input
variables necessary to drive MOD16 as well as the observed latent heat fluxes
against which the model is calibrated. The HDF5 file specification is as
follows, where the shape of multidimensional arrays is given in terms of
T, the number of time steps (days); N, the number of tower sites; L, the
number of land-cover types (PFTs); and P, a sub-grid of MODIS pixels
surrounding a tower:
SEB -- (T x N) Surface energy balance, from tower data
air_temperature -- (T x N) Air temperatures reported at the tower
*latent_heat -- (T x N) Observed latent heat flux [W m-2]
site_id -- (N) Unique identifier for each site, e.g., "US-BZS"
<<<<<<< HEAD
validation_mask -- (T x N) Indicates what site-days are reserved
validation_mask -- (L x T x N) Indicates what site-days are reserved
>>>>>>> master
LWGNT -- (T x N) Net long-wave radiation, 24-hr mean [W m-2]
LWGNT_daytime -- (T x N) ... for daytime hours only
LWGNT_nighttime -- (T x N) ... for nighttime hours only
PS -- (T x N) Surface air pressure [Pa]
PS_daytime -- (T x N) ... for daytime hours only
PS_nighttime -- (T x N) ... for nighttime hours only
QV10M -- (T x N) Water vapor mixing ratio at 10-meter height
QV10M_daytime -- (T x N) ... for daytime hours only
QV10M_nighttime -- (T x N) ... for nighttime hours only
SWGDN -- (T x N) Down-welling short-wave radiation [W m-2]
SWGDN_daytime -- (T x N) ... for daytime hours only
SWGDN_nighttime -- (T x N) ... for nighttime hours only
T10M -- (T x N) Air temperature at 10-meter height [deg C]
T10M_daytime -- (T x N) ... for daytime hours only
T10M_nighttime -- (T x N) ... for nighttime hours only
Tmin -- (T x N) Daily minimum air temperature [deg C]
<<<<<<< HEAD
-- (T x N x P) Short-wave albedo under black-sky conditions
-- (T x N x P) Leaf area index in scaled units (10 * [m3 m-3])
-- (T x N x P) Daily interpolation of the MOD15A2HGF_LAI field
-- (T x N x P) Fraction of photosynthetically active radiation [%]
-- (T x N x P) Daily interpolation of MOD15A2HGF_fPAR_interp field
-- (T x N x P) Short-wave albedo under black-sky conditions
-- (T x N x P) Leaf area index in scaled units (10 * [m3 m-3])
-- (T x N x P) Fraction of photosynthetically active radiation [%]
>>>>>>> master
-- (Y x N) Mean annual precipitation in each year (Y years)
lng_lat -- (2 x N) Longitude, latitude coordinates of each tower
*PFT -- (N x P) The plant functional type (PFT) of each pixel
elevation_m -- (N) The elevation in meters above sea level
time -- (T x 3) The Year, Month, Day of each daily time step
weights -- (N) A number between 0 and 1 used to down-weight towers
<<<<<<< HEAD
NOTE: A star, `*`, indicates that this dataset or group's name can be changed
in the configuration file. All others are currently required to match this
specification exactly.
>>>>>>> master
import datetime
import yaml
import os
import numpy as np
import h5py
import pymc as pm
import pytensor.tensor as pt
import arviz as az
import mod16
from functools import partial
from statistics import mode
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Sequence
from scipy import signal
from matplotlib import pyplot
from mod16 import MOD16, latent_heat_vaporization
from mod16.utils import restore_bplut, pft_dominant
from mod17.calibration import BlackBoxLikelihood, StochasticSampler
MOD16_DIR = os.path.dirname(mod16.__file__)
class MOD16StochasticSampler(StochasticSampler):
A Markov Chain-Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampler for MOD16. The specific sampler
used is the Differential Evolution (DE) MCMC algorithm described by
Ter Braak (2008), though the implementation is specific to the PyMC3
config : dict
Dictionary of configuration parameters
model : Callable
The function to call (with driver data and parameters); this function
should take driver data as positional arguments and the model
parameters as a `*Sequence`; it should require no external state.
observed : Sequence
Sequence of observed values that will be used to calibrate the model;
i.e., model is scored by how close its predicted values are to the
observed values
params_dict : dict or None
Dictionary of model parameters, to be used as initial values and as
the basis for constructing a new dictionary of optimized parameters
backend : str or None
Path to a NetCDF4 file backend (Default: None)
weights : Sequence or None
Optional sequence of weights applied to the model residuals (as in
weighted least squares)
required_parameters = {
'ET': MOD16.required_parameters
required_drivers = {
'ET': [
'lw_net_day', 'lw_net_night', 'sw_rad_day', 'sw_rad_night',
'sw_albedo', 'temp_day', 'temp_night', 'temp_annual', 'tmin',
'vpd_day', 'vpd_night', 'pressure', 'fpar', 'lai'
def compile_et_model(
self, observed: Sequence, drivers: Sequence) -> pm.Model:
Creates a new ET model based on the prior distribution. Model can be
re-compiled multiple times, e.g., for cross validation.
There are two attributes that are set on the sampler when it is
initialized that could be helpful here:
`self.priors` is a dict with a key for each parameter that has
informative priors. For parameters with a non-informative (Uniform)
prior, `self.bounds` is a similar dict (with a key for each parameter)
that describes the lower and upper bounds of the Uniform prior, but
this is deprecated.
observed : Sequence
Sequence of observed values that will be used to calibrate the model;
i.e., model is scored by how close its predicted values are to the
observed values
drivers : list or tuple
Sequence of driver datasets to be supplied, in order, to the
model's run function
# Define the objective/ likelihood function
log_likelihood = BlackBoxLikelihood(
self.model, observed, x = drivers, weights = self.weights,
objective = self.config['optimization']['objective'],
constraints = self.constraints)
# With this context manager, "all PyMC3 objects introduced in the indented
# code block...are added to the model behind the scenes."
with pm.Model() as model:
# NOTE: Parameters shared with MOD17 are fixed based on MOD17
# re-calibration
tmin_close = self.params['tmin_close']
tmin_open = self.params['tmin_open']
vpd_open = self.params['vpd_open']
vpd_close = self.params['vpd_close']
gl_sh = pm.LogNormal('gl_sh', **self.prior['gl_sh'])
gl_wv = pm.LogNormal('gl_wv', **self.prior['gl_wv'])
g_cuticular = pm.LogNormal(
'g_cuticular', **self.prior['g_cuticular'])
csl = pm.LogNormal('csl', **self.prior['csl'])
rbl_min = pm.Uniform('rbl_min', **self.prior['rbl_min'])
rbl_max = pm.Uniform('rbl_max', **self.prior['rbl_max'])
beta = pm.Uniform('beta', **self.prior['beta'])
# (Stochstic) Priors for unknown model parameters
params_list = [
tmin_close, tmin_open, vpd_open, vpd_close, gl_sh, gl_wv,
g_cuticular, csl, rbl_min, rbl_max, beta
# Convert model parameters to a tensor vector
params = pt.as_tensor_variable(params_list)
# Key step: Define the log-likelihood as an added potential
pm.Potential('likelihood', log_likelihood(params))
# If the value for this parameter (and this PFT) is fixed...
fixed = dict()
for i, name in enumerate(self.required_parameters['ET']):
if self.fixed is not None:
if name in self.fixed.keys():
if self.fixed[name] is not None:
# e.g., {beta: fixed_value}
fixed[getattr(model, name)] = self.fixed[name]
if len(fixed) > 0:
# i.e., Return "a distinct PyMC model with the relevant variables
# replaced by the intervention expressions; all remaining
# variables are cloned"
return, fixed)
return model
class CalibrationAPI(object):
Convenience class for calibrating the MOD16 ET model. Meant to be used
at the command line, in combination with the option to specify a
configuration file:
For example, to run calibration for PFT 1, you would write:
python tune --pft=1 --config=my_configuration.yaml
If `--config` is not provided, the default configuration file,
`mod16/MOD16_calibration_config.yaml` will be used.
def __init__(self, config = None):
config_file = config
if config_file is None:
config_file = os.path.join(
MOD16_DIR, 'data/MOD16_calibration_config.yaml')
print(f'Using configuration file: "{config_file}"')
with open(config_file, 'r') as file:
self.config = yaml.safe_load(file)
self.hdf5 = self.config['data']['file']
def _filter(self, raw: Sequence, size: int):
'Apply a smoothing filter with zero phase offset'
if size > 1:
window = np.ones(size) / size
return np.apply_along_axis(
lambda x: signal.filtfilt(window, np.ones(1), x), 0, raw)
return raw # Or, revert to the raw data
def _load_data(self, pft: int):
'Read in driver datasets from the HDF5 file'
with h5py.File(self.hdf5, 'r') as hdf:
sites = hdf['FLUXNET/site_id'][:].tolist()
if hasattr(sites[0], 'decode'):
sites = [s.decode('utf-8') for s in sites]
# Number of time steps
nsteps = hdf['time'].shape[0]
# In case some tower sites should not be used
blacklist = self.config['data']['sites_blacklisted']
# Get dominant PFT across a potentially heterogenous sub-grid,
# centered on the eddy covariance flux tower, UNLESS we have a
# dynamic land-cover map, in which case it is assumed
# (required) that there is only one PFT value per site
pft_array = hdf[self.config['data']['class_map']][:]
if self.config['data']['classes_are_dynamic']:
pft_map = pft_array.copy()
# Also, ensure the blacklist matches the shape of this mask;
# i.e., blacklisted sites should NEVER be used
if blacklist is not None:
if len(blacklist) > 0:
blacklist = np.array(blacklist)
blacklist = blacklist[None,:].repeat(pft_map.shape[0], axis = 0)
# For a static PFT map, sub-site land-cover heterogeneity is
# allowed; get the dominant (single) PFT at each site
pft_map = pft_dominant(pft_array, site_list = sites)
# But do create a (T x N) selection mask
pft_map = pft_map[np.newaxis,:].repeat(nsteps, axis = 0)
# Get a binary mask that indicates which tower-days should be used
# to calibrate the current PFT class
if blacklist is not None:
pft_mask = np.logical_and(
pft_map == pft, ~np.in1d(sites, blacklist))
pft_mask = pft_map == pft
if self.config['data']['classes_are_dynamic']:
assert pft_mask.ndim == 2 and pft_mask.shape[0] == nsteps,\
'Configuration setting "classes_are_dynamic" implies the "class_map" should be (T x N) but it is not'
# Get tower weights, for when towers are too close together
weights = hdf['weights'][:]
# If only a single value is given for each site, repeat the weight
# along the time axis
if weights.ndim == 1:
weights = weights[None,:].repeat(nsteps, axis = 0)[pft_mask]
# Read in tower observations
tower_obs = hdf['FLUXNET/latent_heat'][:][pft_mask]
# Read the validation mask; mask out observations that are
# reserved for validation
print('Masking out validation data...')
mask = hdf['FLUXNET/validation_mask'][pft]
tower_obs[mask] = np.nan
# Read in driver datasets0
print('Loading driver datasets...')
group = self.config['data']['met_group']
lw_net_day = hdf[f'{group}/LWGNT_daytime'][:][pft_mask]
lw_net_night = hdf[f'{group}/LWGNT_nighttime'][:][pft_mask]
sw_albedo = hdf[self.config['data']['datasets']['albedo']][:][pft_mask]
sw_rad_day = hdf[f'{group}/SWGDN_daytime'][:][pft_mask]
sw_rad_night = hdf[f'{group}/SWGDN_nighttime'][:][pft_mask]
temp_day = hdf[f'{group}/T10M_daytime'][:][pft_mask]
temp_night = hdf[f'{group}/T10M_nighttime'][:][pft_mask]
tmin = hdf[f'{group}/Tmin'][:][pft_mask]
# As long as the time series is balanced w.r.t. years (i.e., same
# number of records per year), the overall mean is the annual mean
temp_annual = hdf[f'{group}/T10M'][:][pft_mask].mean(axis = 0)
vpd_day = MOD16.vpd(
vpd_night = MOD16.vpd(
# After VPD is calculated, air pressure is based solely
# on elevation
elevation = hdf[self.config['data']['datasets']['elevation']][:]
elevation = elevation[np.newaxis,:]\
.repeat(nsteps, axis = 0)[pft_mask]
pressure = MOD16.air_pressure(elevation.mean(axis = -1))
# Read in fPAR, LAI, and convert from (%) to [0,1]
fpar = hdf[self.config['data']['datasets']['fPAR']][:][pft_mask]
lai = hdf[self.config['data']['datasets']['LAI']][:][pft_mask]
# If a heterogeneous sub-grid is used at each tower (i.e., there
# is a third axis to these datasets), then average over that
# sub-grid
if sw_albedo.ndim == 2 and fpar.ndim == 2 and lai.ndim == 2:
sw_albedo = np.nanmean(sw_albedo, axis = -1)
fpar = np.nanmean(fpar, axis = -1)
lai = np.nanmean(lai, axis = -1)
# Convert fPAR from (%) to [0,1] and re-scale LAI; reshape fPAR and LAI
fpar /= 100
lai /= 10
# Compile driver datasets
drivers = [
lw_net_day, lw_net_night, sw_rad_day, sw_rad_night, sw_albedo,
temp_day, temp_night, temp_annual, tmin, vpd_day, vpd_night,
pressure, fpar, lai
return (tower_obs, drivers, weights)
def _load_data_annual(self, pft: int):
'Read in driver datasets from the HDF5 file, structured by years'
constraints = dict()
with h5py.File(self.hdf5, 'r') as hdf:
sites = hdf['FLUXNET/site_id'][:].tolist()
if hasattr(sites[0], 'decode'):
sites = [s.decode('utf-8') for s in sites]
# Number of time steps
nsteps = hdf['time'].shape[0]
# In case some tower sites should not be used
blacklist = self.config['data']['sites_blacklisted']
# Get dominant PFT across a potentially heterogenous sub-grid,
# centered on the eddy covariance flux tower
pft_map = hdf[self.config['data']['class_map']][:]
# Also, ensure the blacklist matches the shape of this mask;
# i.e., blacklisted sites should NEVER be used
if blacklist is not None:
if len(blacklist) > 0:
blacklist = np.array(blacklist)
blacklist = blacklist[None,:].repeat(pft_map.shape[0], axis = 0)
years = np.array([*ymd).year for ymd in hdf['time'][:].tolist()
# If any days of this year correspond to the current PFT, select
# that year for calibration
year_masks = []
valid = self.config['data']['classes'] # Valid PFT classes
for y in np.unique(years):
# NOTE: This is where we select the current year
pft_map_now = pft_map[years == y].swapaxes(0,1)
pft_map_now = pft_map_now.reshape(
(pft_map_now.shape[0], pft_map_now.size // pft_map_now.shape[0]))
# Update the PFT map (this year) to handle invalid PFT classes
for i in range(pft_map_now.shape[0]):
if not np.in1d(pft_map_now[i], valid).all():
# Replace invalid PFTs (this year) with most common
# valid PFT
potential = pft_map_now[i,np.in1d(pft_map_now[i], valid)]
if potential.size == 0:
continue # Skip this for now
pft_map_now[i,~np.in1d(pft_map_now[i], valid)] =\
# Now, with (mostly) good PFTs (this year), find the dominant
pft_map_now = np.apply_along_axis(mode, 1, pft_map_now)
year_masks.append(pft_map_now == pft)
year_masks = np.stack(year_masks, axis = 0)
# "Average" over the subgrid, then select years where a site has
# that PFT for any part of the year; to verify that this has
# resulted in an array that indicates which (full) years a PFT
# occurs at each site, try:
# np.apply_along_axis(lambda x: x.sum(), 0, year_masks)
pft_mask = year_masks[years - years.min()]
# Set as False any tower-days where the tower is blacklisted
if blacklist is not None:
pft_mask[:,np.in1d(sites, blacklist)] = False
# Finally, get an (N,) selection mask for the towers we want
site_mask = pft_mask.any(axis = 0)
# Get tower weights, for when towers are too close together
weights = hdf['weights'][:]
# If only a single value is given for each site, repeat the weight
# along the time axis
if weights.ndim == 1:
weights = weights[None,...].repeat(nsteps, axis = 0)
weights = weights[:,site_mask]
# Read in tower observations; we select obs of interest in three
# steps because we want *only* matching tower-day observations
# but we'll want driver data for a full year if that year
# contains *any* matching tower-day observations
print('Masking out validation data...')
tower_obs = hdf['FLUXNET/latent_heat'][:]
tower_obs[~pft_mask] = np.nan # Step 1: Mask out invalid days
# Step 2: Mask out validation samples
tower_obs[hdf['FLUXNET/validation_mask'][pft]] = np.nan
tower_obs = tower_obs[:,site_mask] # Step 3: Select matching sites
# Read in driver datasets0
print('Loading driver datasets...')
group = self.config['data']['met_group']
lw_net_day = hdf[f'{group}/LWGNT_daytime'][:][:,site_mask]
lw_net_night = hdf[f'{group}/LWGNT_nighttime'][:][:,site_mask]
sw_albedo = hdf[self.config['data']['datasets']['albedo']][:][:,site_mask]
sw_rad_day = hdf[f'{group}/SWGDN_daytime'][:][:,site_mask]
sw_rad_night = hdf[f'{group}/SWGDN_nighttime'][:][:,site_mask]
temp_day = hdf[f'{group}/T10M_daytime'][:][:,site_mask]
temp_night = hdf[f'{group}/T10M_nighttime'][:][:,site_mask]
tmin = hdf[f'{group}/Tmin'][:][:,site_mask]
if self.config['constraints']['annual_precipitation']:
# Convert mean annual precip (Y x N) to a (T x N) array,
# then subset
ann_precip = hdf[self.config['data']['datasets']['annual_precip']][:]
constraints['annual_precipitation'] = (years, ann_precip[:,site_mask])
# As long as the time series is balanced w.r.t. years (i.e., same
# number of records per year), the overall mean is the annual mean
temp_annual = hdf[f'{group}/T10M'][:][:,site_mask].mean(axis = 0)
vpd_day = MOD16.vpd(
vpd_day = np.where(vpd_day < 0, 0, vpd_day)
vpd_night = MOD16.vpd(
vpd_night = np.where(vpd_night < 0, 0, vpd_night)
# After VPD is calculated, air pressure is based solely
# on elevation
elevation = hdf[self.config['data']['datasets']['elevation']][:]
elevation = elevation[np.newaxis,:]\
.repeat(nsteps, axis = 0)[:,site_mask]
pressure = MOD16.air_pressure(elevation.mean(axis = -1))
# Read in fPAR, LAI, and convert from (%) to [0,1]
fpar = hdf[self.config['data']['datasets']['fPAR']][:][:,site_mask]
lai = hdf[self.config['data']['datasets']['LAI']][:][:,site_mask]
# If a heterogeneous sub-grid is used at each tower (i.e., there
# is a third axis to these datasets), then average over that
# sub-grid
if sw_albedo.ndim == 3 and fpar.ndim == 3 and lai.ndim == 3:
sw_albedo = np.nanmean(sw_albedo, axis = -1)
fpar = np.nanmean(fpar, axis = -1)
lai = np.nanmean(lai, axis = -1)
# Convert fPAR from (%) to [0,1] and re-scale LAI; reshape fPAR and LAI
fpar /= 100
lai /= 10
drivers = [
lw_net_day, lw_net_night, sw_rad_day, sw_rad_night, sw_albedo,
temp_day, temp_night, temp_annual, tmin, vpd_day, vpd_night,
pressure, fpar, lai
return (tower_obs, drivers, weights, constraints)
def clean_observed(
self, raw: Sequence, drivers: Sequence, protocol: str = 'ET',
filter_length: int = 2) -> Sequence:
Cleans observed tower flux data according to a prescribed protocol.
NOT intended to be called from the command line.
raw : Sequence
drivers : Sequence
protocol : str
filter_length : int
The window size for the smoothing filter, applied to the observed
# Read in the observed data and apply smoothing filter; then mask out
# negative latent heat observations
obs = self._filter(raw, filter_length)
return np.where(obs < 0, np.nan, obs)
def export_posterior(
self, model: str, param: str, output_path: str, thin: int = 10,
burn: int = 1000, k_folds: int = 1):
Exports posterior distribution for a parameter, for each PFT to HDF5.
model : str
The name of the model (only "ET" is supported)
param : str
The model parameter to export
output_path : str
The output HDF5 file path
thin : int
Thinning rate
burn : int
The burn-in (i.e., first N samples to discard)
k_folds : int
The number of k-folds used in cross-calibration/validation;
if more than one (default), the folds for each PFT will be
combined into a single HDF5 file
params_dict = restore_bplut(self.config['BPLUT'][model])
bplut = params_dict.copy()
# Filter the parameters to just those for the PFT of interest
post = []
for pft in self.config['data']['classes']:
params = dict([(k, v[pft]) for k, v in params_dict.items()])
post_by_fold = []
for fold in range(1, k_folds + 1):
backend = self.config['optimization']['backend_template'] %\
(model, pft)
if k_folds > 1:
backend = backend[:backend.rfind('.')] + f'-k{fold}' + backend[backend.rfind('.'):]
# NOTE: This value was hard-coded in the extant version of MOD16
if 'beta' not in params:
params['beta'] = 250
sampler = MOD16StochasticSampler(
self.config, getattr(MOD16, '_%s' % model.lower()), params,
backend = backend)
trace = sampler.get_trace()
fit = trace.sel(draw = slice(burn, None, thin))['posterior']
if param in fit:
az.extract_dataset(fit, combined = True)[param].values)
# In case there is, e.g., a parameter that takes on a
# constant value for a specific PFT
if k_folds > 1:
np.ones((1, post[-1].shape[-1])) * np.nan)
a_key = list(fit.keys())[0]
np.ones(fit[a_key].values.shape) * np.nan)
if k_folds > 1:
# If not every PFT's posterior has the same number of samples (e.g.,
# when one set of chains was run longer than another)...
if not all([p.shape == post[0].shape for p in post]):
max_len = max([p.shape for p in post])[0]
# ...Reshape all posteriors to match the greatest sample size
post = [
p.astype(np.float32), (0, max_len - p.size),
mode = 'constant', constant_values = (np.nan,))
for p in post
with h5py.File(output_path, 'a') as hdf:
post = np.stack(post)
ts ='%Y-%m-%d') # Today's date
dataset = hdf.create_dataset(
f'{param}_posterior', post.shape, np.float32, post)
dataset.attrs['description'] = 'CalibrationAPI.export_posterior() on {ts}'
def plot_autocorr(self, pft: int, k_folds: int = 1, **kwargs):
Plot the autocorrelation in the trace for each parameter.
pft : int
The numeric PFT code
# Filter the parameters to just those for the PFT of interest
params_dict = restore_bplut(self.config['BPLUT']['ET'])
params_dict = dict([(k, v[pft]) for k, v in params_dict.items()])
backend = self.config['optimization']['backend_template'] % ('ET', pft)
# Use a different naming scheme for the backend
if k_folds > 1:
for fold in range(1, k_folds + 1):
sampler = MOD16StochasticSampler(
self.config, MOD16._et, params_dict,
backend = backend[:backend.rfind('.')] + f'-k{fold}' + backend[backend.rfind('.'):])
sampler.plot_autocorr(**kwargs, title = f'Fold {fold} of {k_folds}')
sampler = MOD16StochasticSampler(
self.config, MOD16._et, params_dict, backend = backend)
def tune(
self, pft: int, plot_trace: bool = False, k_folds: int = 1,
ipdb: bool = False, save_fig: bool = False, **kwargs):
Run the MOD16 ET calibration. If k-folds cross-validation is used,
the model is calibrated on $k$ random subsets of the data and a
series of file is created, e.g., as:
Where each `.nc4` file is a standard `arviz` backend and the `.h5`
indicates which indices from the observations vector, after removing
NaNs, were excluded (i.e., the indices of the test data).
pft : int
The Plant Functional Type (PFT) to calibrate
plot_trace : bool
True to plot the trace for a previous calibration run; this will
also NOT start a new calibration (Default: False)
k_folds : int
Number of folds to use in k-folds cross-validation; defaults to
k=1, i.e., no cross-validation is performed.
ipdb : bool
True to drop the user into an ipdb prompt, prior to and instead of
running calibration
save_fig : bool
True to save figures to files instead of showing them
(Default: False)
Additional keyword arguments passed to
NOTE that `MOD16StochasticSampler` inherits methods from the `mod17`
module, including [run()](
def constrain_by_map(pred_le, years, lhv, annual_precip):
# Constraint the results by (mean) annual precipitation
# pred_le : np.ndarray - (T,N) array of predicted latent heat flux
# years : np.ndarray - (T,) array indicating year, out of Y years
# lhv : np.ndarray - (T,N) array of latent heat of vaporization
# annual_precip : np.ndarray -
# (Y,N) array of the annual precipitation at the site
mass_rate = (pred_le * 60 * 60 * 24) / lhv # Convert [W m-2] to [mm day-1]
mass_rate[mass_rate < 0] = 0
annual_mass_rate = []
for y in np.unique(years):
a = np.apply_along_axis(
lambda x: x.sum(), 0, mass_rate[years == y])
pred_precip = np.stack(annual_mass_rate, axis = 0)
diff = pred_precip - annual_precip
diff = np.where(diff < 0, 0, diff)
# Return the (negative) normalized RMSD; it's negative because
# we are maximizing the objective function
nrmsd = 100 * ((diff**2).mean() / annual_precip.sum())
return -nrmsd
assert pft in self.config['data']['classes'], f'Invalid PFT: {pft}'
# Pass configuration parameters to
for key in ('chains', 'draws', 'tune', 'scaling'):
if key in self.config['optimization'].keys():
kwargs[key] = self.config['optimization'][key]
# Filter the parameters to just those for the PFT of interest
params_dict = restore_bplut(self.config['BPLUT']['ET'])
params_dict = dict([(k, v[pft]) for k, v in params_dict.items()])
# NOTE: This value was hard-coded in the extant version of MOD16
if np.isnan(params_dict['beta']):
params_dict['beta'] = 250
# There may be additional constraints when dynamic classes are used
if self.config['data']['classes_are_dynamic']:
tower_obs, drivers, weights, constr = self._load_data_annual(pft)
tower_obs, drivers, weights = self._load_data(pft)
constraints = None
if len(self.config['constraints']) > 0:
# Constraints may be defined in the config file but actually
# set to false; if none are set true, there are no constraints
if any([
for k in self.config['constraints'].keys()
constraints = []
if self.config['constraints']['annual_precipitation']:
# Get the mean daily temperature, to derive LHV
air_t_day = drivers[MOD16StochasticSampler.required_drivers['ET']\
air_t_night = drivers[MOD16StochasticSampler.required_drivers['ET']\
air_t = np.stack(
[air_t_day, air_t_night], axis = 0).mean(axis = 0)
lhv = latent_heat_vaporization(air_t)
# Unpack sequence of years (e.g., 2000, 2001, ...), precip
# data (mm year-1)
years, ann_precip = constr['annual_precipitation']
# Add a version of constrain_by_map() function as a constraint
constrain_by_map, years = years, lhv = lhv,
annual_precip = ann_precip))
if k_folds > 1:
print(f'NOTE: Using k-folds CV with k={k_folds}...')
# Back-up the original (complete) datasets; we do this so we can
# simply mask out the test samples (1/k), after restoring the
# original datasets
_drivers = [d.copy() for d in drivers]
_tower_obs = tower_obs.copy()
_weights = weights.copy()
# Randomize the indices of the NPP data
indices = np.arange(0, tower_obs.size)
# Get the starting and ending index of each fold
fold_idx = np.array([indices.size // k_folds] * k_folds) * np.arange(0, k_folds)
fold_idx = list(map(list, zip(fold_idx, fold_idx + indices.size // k_folds)))
# Ensure that the entire dataset is used; i.e., if each fold takes
# slices of the indices from A to B, ensure that the last fold's
# B is the final (maximum) index of the sequence
fold_idx[-1][-1] = indices.max()
idx_test = [indices[start:end] for start, end in fold_idx]
# Loop over each fold (or the entire dataset, if num. folds == 1)
for k, fold in enumerate(range(1, k_folds + 1)):
backend = self.config['optimization']['backend_template'] % ('ET', pft)
if k_folds > 1 and fold == 1:
# Create an HDF5 file with the same name as the (original)
# netCDF4 back-end, store the test indices
with h5py.File(backend.replace('nc4', 'h5'), 'w') as hdf:
out = list(idx_test)
size = indices.size // k_folds
out = np.stack(out)
except ValueError:
size = max((o.size for o in out))
for i in range(0, len(out)):
out[i] = np.concatenate((out[i], [np.nan] * (size - out[i].size)))
'test_indices', (k_folds, size), np.int32, np.stack(out))
# Restore the original tower dataset
if fold > 1:
tower_obs = _tower_obs.copy()
weights = _weights.copy()
# Set to NaN all the test indices
idx = idx_test[k]
tower_obs[idx] = np.nan
# Same for drivers, after restoring from the original
drivers = [
d.copy()[~np.isnan(tower_obs)] if d.ndim > 0 else d.copy()
for d in _drivers
weights = weights[~np.isnan(tower_obs)] # NOTE: Do first
tower_obs = tower_obs[~np.isnan(tower_obs)]
# Use a different naming scheme for the backend
if k_folds > 1:
backend = backend[:backend.rfind('.')] + f'-k{fold}' + backend[backend.rfind('.'):]
print('Initializing sampler...')
sampler = MOD16StochasticSampler(
self.config, MOD16._et, params_dict, backend = backend,
weights = weights, constraints = constraints)
# Either: Enter diagnostic mode or run the sampler
if plot_trace or ipdb:
# This matplotlib setting prevents labels from overplotting
pyplot.rcParams['figure.constrained_layout.use'] = True
trace = sampler.get_trace()
if ipdb:
import ipdb
az.plot_trace(trace, var_names = MOD16.required_parameters)
# Clean the tower observations, run the sampler
tower_obs = self.clean_observed(tower_obs, drivers)
# Get (informative) priors for just those parameters that have them
with open(self.config['optimization']['prior'], 'r') as file:
prior = yaml.safe_load(file)
prior_params = list(filter(
lambda p: p in prior.keys(), sampler.required_parameters['ET']))
prior = dict([
(p, dict([(k, v[pft]) for k, v in prior[p].items()]))
for p in prior_params
# Determine whether any parameters are fixed
fixed = []
for name in MOD16.required_parameters:
if self.config['optimization']['fixed'] is None:
if name in self.config['optimization']['fixed'].keys():
(name, self.config['optimization']['fixed'][name][pft]))
fixed = dict(fixed)
# Set var_names to tell ArviZ to plot only the free parameters; i.e.,
# those with priors and which are not fixed
var_names = list(filter(
lambda x: x in prior.keys(), MOD16.required_parameters))
# Remove any random variables that have fixed values from the list
# of variables to be plotted
for key in fixed.keys():
if fixed[key] is not None:
kwargs.update({'var_names': var_names}) # Only show the trace plot if not using k-folds
tower_obs, drivers, prior = prior, fixed = fixed,
save_fig = save_fig, show_fig = (k_folds == 1), **kwargs)
if __name__ == '__main__':
import fire
import warnings
with warnings.catch_warnings():
class CalibrationAPI (config=None)
Convenience class for calibrating the MOD16 ET model. Meant to be used at the command line, in combination with the option to specify a configuration file:
For example, to run calibration for PFT 1, you would write:
python tune --pft=1 --config=my_configuration.yaml
is not provided, the default configuration file,mod16/MOD16_calibration_config.yaml
will be used.Expand source code
class CalibrationAPI(object): ''' Convenience class for calibrating the MOD16 ET model. Meant to be used at the command line, in combination with the option to specify a configuration file: --config=my_configuration.yaml For example, to run calibration for PFT 1, you would write: python tune --pft=1 --config=my_configuration.yaml If `--config` is not provided, the default configuration file, `mod16/MOD16_calibration_config.yaml` will be used. ''' def __init__(self, config = None): config_file = config if config_file is None: config_file = os.path.join( MOD16_DIR, 'data/MOD16_calibration_config.yaml') print(f'Using configuration file: "{config_file}"') with open(config_file, 'r') as file: self.config = yaml.safe_load(file) self.hdf5 = self.config['data']['file'] def _filter(self, raw: Sequence, size: int): 'Apply a smoothing filter with zero phase offset' if size > 1: window = np.ones(size) / size return np.apply_along_axis( lambda x: signal.filtfilt(window, np.ones(1), x), 0, raw) return raw # Or, revert to the raw data def _load_data(self, pft: int): 'Read in driver datasets from the HDF5 file' with h5py.File(self.hdf5, 'r') as hdf: sites = hdf['FLUXNET/site_id'][:].tolist() if hasattr(sites[0], 'decode'): sites = [s.decode('utf-8') for s in sites] # Number of time steps nsteps = hdf['time'].shape[0] # In case some tower sites should not be used blacklist = self.config['data']['sites_blacklisted'] # Get dominant PFT across a potentially heterogenous sub-grid, # centered on the eddy covariance flux tower, UNLESS we have a # dynamic land-cover map, in which case it is assumed # (required) that there is only one PFT value per site pft_array = hdf[self.config['data']['class_map']][:] if self.config['data']['classes_are_dynamic']: pft_map = pft_array.copy() # Also, ensure the blacklist matches the shape of this mask; # i.e., blacklisted sites should NEVER be used if blacklist is not None: if len(blacklist) > 0: blacklist = np.array(blacklist) blacklist = blacklist[None,:].repeat(pft_map.shape[0], axis = 0) else: # For a static PFT map, sub-site land-cover heterogeneity is # allowed; get the dominant (single) PFT at each site pft_map = pft_dominant(pft_array, site_list = sites) # But do create a (T x N) selection mask pft_map = pft_map[np.newaxis,:].repeat(nsteps, axis = 0) # Get a binary mask that indicates which tower-days should be used # to calibrate the current PFT class if blacklist is not None: pft_mask = np.logical_and( pft_map == pft, ~np.in1d(sites, blacklist)) else: pft_mask = pft_map == pft if self.config['data']['classes_are_dynamic']: assert pft_mask.ndim == 2 and pft_mask.shape[0] == nsteps,\ 'Configuration setting "classes_are_dynamic" implies the "class_map" should be (T x N) but it is not' # Get tower weights, for when towers are too close together weights = hdf['weights'][:] # If only a single value is given for each site, repeat the weight # along the time axis if weights.ndim == 1: weights = weights[None,:].repeat(nsteps, axis = 0)[pft_mask] # Read in tower observations tower_obs = hdf['FLUXNET/latent_heat'][:][pft_mask] # Read the validation mask; mask out observations that are # reserved for validation print('Masking out validation data...') mask = hdf['FLUXNET/validation_mask'][pft] tower_obs[mask] = np.nan # Read in driver datasets0 print('Loading driver datasets...') group = self.config['data']['met_group'] lw_net_day = hdf[f'{group}/LWGNT_daytime'][:][pft_mask] lw_net_night = hdf[f'{group}/LWGNT_nighttime'][:][pft_mask] sw_albedo = hdf[self.config['data']['datasets']['albedo']][:][pft_mask] sw_rad_day = hdf[f'{group}/SWGDN_daytime'][:][pft_mask] sw_rad_night = hdf[f'{group}/SWGDN_nighttime'][:][pft_mask] temp_day = hdf[f'{group}/T10M_daytime'][:][pft_mask] temp_night = hdf[f'{group}/T10M_nighttime'][:][pft_mask] tmin = hdf[f'{group}/Tmin'][:][pft_mask] # As long as the time series is balanced w.r.t. years (i.e., same # number of records per year), the overall mean is the annual mean temp_annual = hdf[f'{group}/T10M'][:][pft_mask].mean(axis = 0) vpd_day = MOD16.vpd( hdf[f'{group}/QV10M_daytime'][:][pft_mask], hdf[f'{group}/PS_daytime'][:][pft_mask], temp_day) vpd_night = MOD16.vpd( hdf[f'{group}/QV10M_nighttime'][:][pft_mask], hdf[f'{group}/PS_nighttime'][:][pft_mask], temp_night) # After VPD is calculated, air pressure is based solely # on elevation elevation = hdf[self.config['data']['datasets']['elevation']][:] elevation = elevation[np.newaxis,:]\ .repeat(nsteps, axis = 0)[pft_mask] pressure = MOD16.air_pressure(elevation.mean(axis = -1)) # Read in fPAR, LAI, and convert from (%) to [0,1] fpar = hdf[self.config['data']['datasets']['fPAR']][:][pft_mask] lai = hdf[self.config['data']['datasets']['LAI']][:][pft_mask] # If a heterogeneous sub-grid is used at each tower (i.e., there # is a third axis to these datasets), then average over that # sub-grid if sw_albedo.ndim == 2 and fpar.ndim == 2 and lai.ndim == 2: sw_albedo = np.nanmean(sw_albedo, axis = -1) fpar = np.nanmean(fpar, axis = -1) lai = np.nanmean(lai, axis = -1) # Convert fPAR from (%) to [0,1] and re-scale LAI; reshape fPAR and LAI fpar /= 100 lai /= 10 # Compile driver datasets drivers = [ lw_net_day, lw_net_night, sw_rad_day, sw_rad_night, sw_albedo, temp_day, temp_night, temp_annual, tmin, vpd_day, vpd_night, pressure, fpar, lai ] return (tower_obs, drivers, weights) def _load_data_annual(self, pft: int): 'Read in driver datasets from the HDF5 file, structured by years' constraints = dict() with h5py.File(self.hdf5, 'r') as hdf: sites = hdf['FLUXNET/site_id'][:].tolist() if hasattr(sites[0], 'decode'): sites = [s.decode('utf-8') for s in sites] # Number of time steps nsteps = hdf['time'].shape[0] # In case some tower sites should not be used blacklist = self.config['data']['sites_blacklisted'] # Get dominant PFT across a potentially heterogenous sub-grid, # centered on the eddy covariance flux tower pft_map = hdf[self.config['data']['class_map']][:] # Also, ensure the blacklist matches the shape of this mask; # i.e., blacklisted sites should NEVER be used if blacklist is not None: if len(blacklist) > 0: blacklist = np.array(blacklist) blacklist = blacklist[None,:].repeat(pft_map.shape[0], axis = 0) years = np.array([*ymd).year for ymd in hdf['time'][:].tolist() ]) # If any days of this year correspond to the current PFT, select # that year for calibration year_masks = [] valid = self.config['data']['classes'] # Valid PFT classes for y in np.unique(years): # NOTE: This is where we select the current year pft_map_now = pft_map[years == y].swapaxes(0,1) pft_map_now = pft_map_now.reshape( (pft_map_now.shape[0], pft_map_now.size // pft_map_now.shape[0])) # Update the PFT map (this year) to handle invalid PFT classes for i in range(pft_map_now.shape[0]): if not np.in1d(pft_map_now[i], valid).all(): # Replace invalid PFTs (this year) with most common # valid PFT potential = pft_map_now[i,np.in1d(pft_map_now[i], valid)] if potential.size == 0: continue # Skip this for now pft_map_now[i,~np.in1d(pft_map_now[i], valid)] =\ mode(potential) # Now, with (mostly) good PFTs (this year), find the dominant pft_map_now = np.apply_along_axis(mode, 1, pft_map_now) year_masks.append(pft_map_now == pft) year_masks = np.stack(year_masks, axis = 0) # "Average" over the subgrid, then select years where a site has # that PFT for any part of the year; to verify that this has # resulted in an array that indicates which (full) years a PFT # occurs at each site, try: # np.apply_along_axis(lambda x: x.sum(), 0, year_masks) pft_mask = year_masks[years - years.min()] # Set as False any tower-days where the tower is blacklisted if blacklist is not None: pft_mask[:,np.in1d(sites, blacklist)] = False # Finally, get an (N,) selection mask for the towers we want site_mask = pft_mask.any(axis = 0) # Get tower weights, for when towers are too close together weights = hdf['weights'][:] # If only a single value is given for each site, repeat the weight # along the time axis if weights.ndim == 1: weights = weights[None,...].repeat(nsteps, axis = 0) weights = weights[:,site_mask] # Read in tower observations; we select obs of interest in three # steps because we want *only* matching tower-day observations # but we'll want driver data for a full year if that year # contains *any* matching tower-day observations print('Masking out validation data...') tower_obs = hdf['FLUXNET/latent_heat'][:] tower_obs[~pft_mask] = np.nan # Step 1: Mask out invalid days # Step 2: Mask out validation samples tower_obs[hdf['FLUXNET/validation_mask'][pft]] = np.nan tower_obs = tower_obs[:,site_mask] # Step 3: Select matching sites # Read in driver datasets0 print('Loading driver datasets...') group = self.config['data']['met_group'] lw_net_day = hdf[f'{group}/LWGNT_daytime'][:][:,site_mask] lw_net_night = hdf[f'{group}/LWGNT_nighttime'][:][:,site_mask] sw_albedo = hdf[self.config['data']['datasets']['albedo']][:][:,site_mask] sw_rad_day = hdf[f'{group}/SWGDN_daytime'][:][:,site_mask] sw_rad_night = hdf[f'{group}/SWGDN_nighttime'][:][:,site_mask] temp_day = hdf[f'{group}/T10M_daytime'][:][:,site_mask] temp_night = hdf[f'{group}/T10M_nighttime'][:][:,site_mask] tmin = hdf[f'{group}/Tmin'][:][:,site_mask] if self.config['constraints']['annual_precipitation']: # Convert mean annual precip (Y x N) to a (T x N) array, # then subset ann_precip = hdf[self.config['data']['datasets']['annual_precip']][:] constraints['annual_precipitation'] = (years, ann_precip[:,site_mask]) # As long as the time series is balanced w.r.t. years (i.e., same # number of records per year), the overall mean is the annual mean temp_annual = hdf[f'{group}/T10M'][:][:,site_mask].mean(axis = 0) vpd_day = MOD16.vpd( hdf[f'{group}/QV10M_daytime'][:][:,site_mask], hdf[f'{group}/PS_daytime'][:][:,site_mask], temp_day) vpd_day = np.where(vpd_day < 0, 0, vpd_day) vpd_night = MOD16.vpd( hdf[f'{group}/QV10M_nighttime'][:][:,site_mask], hdf[f'{group}/PS_nighttime'][:][:,site_mask], temp_night) vpd_night = np.where(vpd_night < 0, 0, vpd_night) # After VPD is calculated, air pressure is based solely # on elevation elevation = hdf[self.config['data']['datasets']['elevation']][:] elevation = elevation[np.newaxis,:]\ .repeat(nsteps, axis = 0)[:,site_mask] pressure = MOD16.air_pressure(elevation.mean(axis = -1)) # Read in fPAR, LAI, and convert from (%) to [0,1] fpar = hdf[self.config['data']['datasets']['fPAR']][:][:,site_mask] lai = hdf[self.config['data']['datasets']['LAI']][:][:,site_mask] # If a heterogeneous sub-grid is used at each tower (i.e., there # is a third axis to these datasets), then average over that # sub-grid if sw_albedo.ndim == 3 and fpar.ndim == 3 and lai.ndim == 3: sw_albedo = np.nanmean(sw_albedo, axis = -1) fpar = np.nanmean(fpar, axis = -1) lai = np.nanmean(lai, axis = -1) # Convert fPAR from (%) to [0,1] and re-scale LAI; reshape fPAR and LAI fpar /= 100 lai /= 10 drivers = [ lw_net_day, lw_net_night, sw_rad_day, sw_rad_night, sw_albedo, temp_day, temp_night, temp_annual, tmin, vpd_day, vpd_night, pressure, fpar, lai ] return (tower_obs, drivers, weights, constraints) def clean_observed( self, raw: Sequence, drivers: Sequence, protocol: str = 'ET', filter_length: int = 2) -> Sequence: ''' Cleans observed tower flux data according to a prescribed protocol. NOT intended to be called from the command line. Parameters ---------- raw : Sequence drivers : Sequence protocol : str filter_length : int The window size for the smoothing filter, applied to the observed data Returns ------- Sequence ''' # Read in the observed data and apply smoothing filter; then mask out # negative latent heat observations obs = self._filter(raw, filter_length) return np.where(obs < 0, np.nan, obs) def export_posterior( self, model: str, param: str, output_path: str, thin: int = 10, burn: int = 1000, k_folds: int = 1): ''' Exports posterior distribution for a parameter, for each PFT to HDF5. Parameters ---------- model : str The name of the model (only "ET" is supported) param : str The model parameter to export output_path : str The output HDF5 file path thin : int Thinning rate burn : int The burn-in (i.e., first N samples to discard) k_folds : int The number of k-folds used in cross-calibration/validation; if more than one (default), the folds for each PFT will be combined into a single HDF5 file ''' params_dict = restore_bplut(self.config['BPLUT'][model]) bplut = params_dict.copy() # Filter the parameters to just those for the PFT of interest post = [] for pft in self.config['data']['classes']: params = dict([(k, v[pft]) for k, v in params_dict.items()]) post_by_fold = [] for fold in range(1, k_folds + 1): backend = self.config['optimization']['backend_template'] %\ (model, pft) if k_folds > 1: backend = backend[:backend.rfind('.')] + f'-k{fold}' + backend[backend.rfind('.'):] # NOTE: This value was hard-coded in the extant version of MOD16 if 'beta' not in params: params['beta'] = 250 sampler = MOD16StochasticSampler( self.config, getattr(MOD16, '_%s' % model.lower()), params, backend = backend) trace = sampler.get_trace() fit = trace.sel(draw = slice(burn, None, thin))['posterior'] if param in fit: post_by_fold.append( az.extract_dataset(fit, combined = True)[param].values) else: # In case there is, e.g., a parameter that takes on a # constant value for a specific PFT if k_folds > 1: post_by_fold.append( np.ones((1, post[-1].shape[-1])) * np.nan) else: a_key = list(fit.keys())[0] post_by_fold.append( np.ones(fit[a_key].values.shape) * np.nan) if k_folds > 1: post.append(np.vstack(post_by_fold)) else: post.extend(post_by_fold) # If not every PFT's posterior has the same number of samples (e.g., # when one set of chains was run longer than another)... if not all([p.shape == post[0].shape for p in post]): max_len = max([p.shape for p in post])[0] # ...Reshape all posteriors to match the greatest sample size post = [ np.pad( p.astype(np.float32), (0, max_len - p.size), mode = 'constant', constant_values = (np.nan,)) for p in post ] with h5py.File(output_path, 'a') as hdf: post = np.stack(post) ts ='%Y-%m-%d') # Today's date dataset = hdf.create_dataset( f'{param}_posterior', post.shape, np.float32, post) dataset.attrs['description'] = 'CalibrationAPI.export_posterior() on {ts}' def plot_autocorr(self, pft: int, k_folds: int = 1, **kwargs): ''' Plot the autocorrelation in the trace for each parameter. Parameters ---------- pft : int The numeric PFT code ''' # Filter the parameters to just those for the PFT of interest params_dict = restore_bplut(self.config['BPLUT']['ET']) params_dict = dict([(k, v[pft]) for k, v in params_dict.items()]) backend = self.config['optimization']['backend_template'] % ('ET', pft) # Use a different naming scheme for the backend if k_folds > 1: for fold in range(1, k_folds + 1): sampler = MOD16StochasticSampler( self.config, MOD16._et, params_dict, backend = backend[:backend.rfind('.')] + f'-k{fold}' + backend[backend.rfind('.'):]) sampler.plot_autocorr(**kwargs, title = f'Fold {fold} of {k_folds}') else: sampler = MOD16StochasticSampler( self.config, MOD16._et, params_dict, backend = backend) sampler.plot_autocorr(**kwargs) def tune( self, pft: int, plot_trace: bool = False, k_folds: int = 1, ipdb: bool = False, save_fig: bool = False, **kwargs): ''' Run the MOD16 ET calibration. If k-folds cross-validation is used, the model is calibrated on $k$ random subsets of the data and a series of file is created, e.g., as: MOD16_ET_calibration_PFT1.h5 MOD16_ET_calibration_PFT1-k1.nc4 MOD16_ET_calibration_PFT1-k2.nc4 ... Where each `.nc4` file is a standard `arviz` backend and the `.h5` indicates which indices from the observations vector, after removing NaNs, were excluded (i.e., the indices of the test data). Parameters ---------- pft : int The Plant Functional Type (PFT) to calibrate plot_trace : bool True to plot the trace for a previous calibration run; this will also NOT start a new calibration (Default: False) k_folds : int Number of folds to use in k-folds cross-validation; defaults to k=1, i.e., no cross-validation is performed. ipdb : bool True to drop the user into an ipdb prompt, prior to and instead of running calibration save_fig : bool True to save figures to files instead of showing them (Default: False) **kwargs Additional keyword arguments passed to `` NOTE that `MOD16StochasticSampler` inherits methods from the `mod17` module, including [run()]( ''' def constrain_by_map(pred_le, years, lhv, annual_precip): # Constraint the results by (mean) annual precipitation # pred_le : np.ndarray - (T,N) array of predicted latent heat flux # years : np.ndarray - (T,) array indicating year, out of Y years # lhv : np.ndarray - (T,N) array of latent heat of vaporization # annual_precip : np.ndarray - # (Y,N) array of the annual precipitation at the site mass_rate = (pred_le * 60 * 60 * 24) / lhv # Convert [W m-2] to [mm day-1] mass_rate[mass_rate < 0] = 0 annual_mass_rate = [] for y in np.unique(years): a = np.apply_along_axis( lambda x: x.sum(), 0, mass_rate[years == y]) annual_mass_rate.append(a) pred_precip = np.stack(annual_mass_rate, axis = 0) diff = pred_precip - annual_precip diff = np.where(diff < 0, 0, diff) # Return the (negative) normalized RMSD; it's negative because # we are maximizing the objective function nrmsd = 100 * ((diff**2).mean() / annual_precip.sum()) return -nrmsd assert pft in self.config['data']['classes'], f'Invalid PFT: {pft}' # Pass configuration parameters to for key in ('chains', 'draws', 'tune', 'scaling'): if key in self.config['optimization'].keys(): kwargs[key] = self.config['optimization'][key] # Filter the parameters to just those for the PFT of interest params_dict = restore_bplut(self.config['BPLUT']['ET']) params_dict = dict([(k, v[pft]) for k, v in params_dict.items()]) # NOTE: This value was hard-coded in the extant version of MOD16 if np.isnan(params_dict['beta']): params_dict['beta'] = 250 # There may be additional constraints when dynamic classes are used if self.config['data']['classes_are_dynamic']: tower_obs, drivers, weights, constr = self._load_data_annual(pft) else: tower_obs, drivers, weights = self._load_data(pft) constraints = None if len(self.config['constraints']) > 0: # Constraints may be defined in the config file but actually # set to false; if none are set true, there are no constraints if any([ self.config['constraints'][k] for k in self.config['constraints'].keys() ]): constraints = [] if self.config['constraints']['annual_precipitation']: # Get the mean daily temperature, to derive LHV air_t_day = drivers[MOD16StochasticSampler.required_drivers['ET']\ .index('temp_day')] air_t_night = drivers[MOD16StochasticSampler.required_drivers['ET']\ .index('temp_night')] air_t = np.stack( [air_t_day, air_t_night], axis = 0).mean(axis = 0) lhv = latent_heat_vaporization(air_t) # Unpack sequence of years (e.g., 2000, 2001, ...), precip # data (mm year-1) years, ann_precip = constr['annual_precipitation'] # Add a version of constrain_by_map() function as a constraint constraints.append(partial( constrain_by_map, years = years, lhv = lhv, annual_precip = ann_precip)) if k_folds > 1: print(f'NOTE: Using k-folds CV with k={k_folds}...') # Back-up the original (complete) datasets; we do this so we can # simply mask out the test samples (1/k), after restoring the # original datasets _drivers = [d.copy() for d in drivers] _tower_obs = tower_obs.copy() _weights = weights.copy() # Randomize the indices of the NPP data indices = np.arange(0, tower_obs.size) np.random.shuffle(indices) # Get the starting and ending index of each fold fold_idx = np.array([indices.size // k_folds] * k_folds) * np.arange(0, k_folds) fold_idx = list(map(list, zip(fold_idx, fold_idx + indices.size // k_folds))) # Ensure that the entire dataset is used; i.e., if each fold takes # slices of the indices from A to B, ensure that the last fold's # B is the final (maximum) index of the sequence fold_idx[-1][-1] = indices.max() idx_test = [indices[start:end] for start, end in fold_idx] # Loop over each fold (or the entire dataset, if num. folds == 1) for k, fold in enumerate(range(1, k_folds + 1)): backend = self.config['optimization']['backend_template'] % ('ET', pft) if k_folds > 1 and fold == 1: # Create an HDF5 file with the same name as the (original) # netCDF4 back-end, store the test indices with h5py.File(backend.replace('nc4', 'h5'), 'w') as hdf: out = list(idx_test) size = indices.size // k_folds try: out = np.stack(out) except ValueError: size = max((o.size for o in out)) for i in range(0, len(out)): out[i] = np.concatenate((out[i], [np.nan] * (size - out[i].size))) hdf.create_dataset( 'test_indices', (k_folds, size), np.int32, np.stack(out)) # Restore the original tower dataset if fold > 1: tower_obs = _tower_obs.copy() weights = _weights.copy() # Set to NaN all the test indices idx = idx_test[k] tower_obs[idx] = np.nan # Same for drivers, after restoring from the original drivers = [ d.copy()[~np.isnan(tower_obs)] if d.ndim > 0 else d.copy() for d in _drivers ] weights = weights[~np.isnan(tower_obs)] # NOTE: Do first tower_obs = tower_obs[~np.isnan(tower_obs)] # Use a different naming scheme for the backend if k_folds > 1: backend = backend[:backend.rfind('.')] + f'-k{fold}' + backend[backend.rfind('.'):] print('Initializing sampler...') sampler = MOD16StochasticSampler( self.config, MOD16._et, params_dict, backend = backend, weights = weights, constraints = constraints) # Either: Enter diagnostic mode or run the sampler if plot_trace or ipdb: # This matplotlib setting prevents labels from overplotting pyplot.rcParams['figure.constrained_layout.use'] = True trace = sampler.get_trace() if ipdb: import ipdb ipdb.set_trace()#FIXME az.plot_trace(trace, var_names = MOD16.required_parameters) return # Clean the tower observations, run the sampler tower_obs = self.clean_observed(tower_obs, drivers) # Get (informative) priors for just those parameters that have them with open(self.config['optimization']['prior'], 'r') as file: prior = yaml.safe_load(file) prior_params = list(filter( lambda p: p in prior.keys(), sampler.required_parameters['ET'])) prior = dict([ (p, dict([(k, v[pft]) for k, v in prior[p].items()])) for p in prior_params ]) # Determine whether any parameters are fixed fixed = [] for name in MOD16.required_parameters: if self.config['optimization']['fixed'] is None: break if name in self.config['optimization']['fixed'].keys(): fixed.append( (name, self.config['optimization']['fixed'][name][pft])) fixed = dict(fixed) # Set var_names to tell ArviZ to plot only the free parameters; i.e., # those with priors and which are not fixed var_names = list(filter( lambda x: x in prior.keys(), MOD16.required_parameters)) # Remove any random variables that have fixed values from the list # of variables to be plotted for key in fixed.keys(): if fixed[key] is not None: var_names.remove(key) kwargs.update({'var_names': var_names}) # Only show the trace plot if not using k-folds tower_obs, drivers, prior = prior, fixed = fixed, save_fig = save_fig, show_fig = (k_folds == 1), **kwargs)
def clean_observed(self, raw: Sequence, drivers: Sequence, protocol: str = 'ET', filter_length: int = 2) ‑> Sequence
Cleans observed tower flux data according to a prescribed protocol. NOT intended to be called from the command line.
- The window size for the smoothing filter, applied to the observed data
Expand source code
def clean_observed( self, raw: Sequence, drivers: Sequence, protocol: str = 'ET', filter_length: int = 2) -> Sequence: ''' Cleans observed tower flux data according to a prescribed protocol. NOT intended to be called from the command line. Parameters ---------- raw : Sequence drivers : Sequence protocol : str filter_length : int The window size for the smoothing filter, applied to the observed data Returns ------- Sequence ''' # Read in the observed data and apply smoothing filter; then mask out # negative latent heat observations obs = self._filter(raw, filter_length) return np.where(obs < 0, np.nan, obs)
def export_posterior(self, model: str, param: str, output_path: str, thin: int = 10, burn: int = 1000, k_folds: int = 1)
Exports posterior distribution for a parameter, for each PFT to HDF5.
- The name of the model (only "ET" is supported)
- The model parameter to export
- The output HDF5 file path
- Thinning rate
- The burn-in (i.e., first N samples to discard)
- The number of k-folds used in cross-calibration/validation; if more than one (default), the folds for each PFT will be combined into a single HDF5 file
Expand source code
def export_posterior( self, model: str, param: str, output_path: str, thin: int = 10, burn: int = 1000, k_folds: int = 1): ''' Exports posterior distribution for a parameter, for each PFT to HDF5. Parameters ---------- model : str The name of the model (only "ET" is supported) param : str The model parameter to export output_path : str The output HDF5 file path thin : int Thinning rate burn : int The burn-in (i.e., first N samples to discard) k_folds : int The number of k-folds used in cross-calibration/validation; if more than one (default), the folds for each PFT will be combined into a single HDF5 file ''' params_dict = restore_bplut(self.config['BPLUT'][model]) bplut = params_dict.copy() # Filter the parameters to just those for the PFT of interest post = [] for pft in self.config['data']['classes']: params = dict([(k, v[pft]) for k, v in params_dict.items()]) post_by_fold = [] for fold in range(1, k_folds + 1): backend = self.config['optimization']['backend_template'] %\ (model, pft) if k_folds > 1: backend = backend[:backend.rfind('.')] + f'-k{fold}' + backend[backend.rfind('.'):] # NOTE: This value was hard-coded in the extant version of MOD16 if 'beta' not in params: params['beta'] = 250 sampler = MOD16StochasticSampler( self.config, getattr(MOD16, '_%s' % model.lower()), params, backend = backend) trace = sampler.get_trace() fit = trace.sel(draw = slice(burn, None, thin))['posterior'] if param in fit: post_by_fold.append( az.extract_dataset(fit, combined = True)[param].values) else: # In case there is, e.g., a parameter that takes on a # constant value for a specific PFT if k_folds > 1: post_by_fold.append( np.ones((1, post[-1].shape[-1])) * np.nan) else: a_key = list(fit.keys())[0] post_by_fold.append( np.ones(fit[a_key].values.shape) * np.nan) if k_folds > 1: post.append(np.vstack(post_by_fold)) else: post.extend(post_by_fold) # If not every PFT's posterior has the same number of samples (e.g., # when one set of chains was run longer than another)... if not all([p.shape == post[0].shape for p in post]): max_len = max([p.shape for p in post])[0] # ...Reshape all posteriors to match the greatest sample size post = [ np.pad( p.astype(np.float32), (0, max_len - p.size), mode = 'constant', constant_values = (np.nan,)) for p in post ] with h5py.File(output_path, 'a') as hdf: post = np.stack(post) ts ='%Y-%m-%d') # Today's date dataset = hdf.create_dataset( f'{param}_posterior', post.shape, np.float32, post) dataset.attrs['description'] = 'CalibrationAPI.export_posterior() on {ts}'
def plot_autocorr(self, pft: int, k_folds: int = 1, **kwargs)
Plot the autocorrelation in the trace for each parameter.
- The numeric PFT code
Expand source code
def plot_autocorr(self, pft: int, k_folds: int = 1, **kwargs): ''' Plot the autocorrelation in the trace for each parameter. Parameters ---------- pft : int The numeric PFT code ''' # Filter the parameters to just those for the PFT of interest params_dict = restore_bplut(self.config['BPLUT']['ET']) params_dict = dict([(k, v[pft]) for k, v in params_dict.items()]) backend = self.config['optimization']['backend_template'] % ('ET', pft) # Use a different naming scheme for the backend if k_folds > 1: for fold in range(1, k_folds + 1): sampler = MOD16StochasticSampler( self.config, MOD16._et, params_dict, backend = backend[:backend.rfind('.')] + f'-k{fold}' + backend[backend.rfind('.'):]) sampler.plot_autocorr(**kwargs, title = f'Fold {fold} of {k_folds}') else: sampler = MOD16StochasticSampler( self.config, MOD16._et, params_dict, backend = backend) sampler.plot_autocorr(**kwargs)
def tune(self, pft: int, plot_trace: bool = False, k_folds: int = 1, ipdb: bool = False, save_fig: bool = False, **kwargs)
Run the MOD16 ET calibration. If k-folds cross-validation is used, the model is calibrated on $k$ random subsets of the data and a series of file is created, e.g., as:
MOD16_ET_calibration_PFT1.h5 MOD16_ET_calibration_PFT1-k1.nc4 MOD16_ET_calibration_PFT1-k2.nc4 ...
Where each
file is a standardarviz
backend and the.h5
indicates which indices from the observations vector, after removing NaNs, were excluded (i.e., the indices of the test data).Parameters
- The Plant Functional Type (PFT) to calibrate
- True to plot the trace for a previous calibration run; this will also NOT start a new calibration (Default: False)
- Number of folds to use in k-folds cross-validation; defaults to k=1, i.e., no cross-validation is performed.
- True to drop the user into an ipdb prompt, prior to and instead of running calibration
- True to save figures to files instead of showing them (Default: False)
- Additional keyword arguments passed to
NOTE that
inherits methods from themod17
module, including run().Expand source code
def tune( self, pft: int, plot_trace: bool = False, k_folds: int = 1, ipdb: bool = False, save_fig: bool = False, **kwargs): ''' Run the MOD16 ET calibration. If k-folds cross-validation is used, the model is calibrated on $k$ random subsets of the data and a series of file is created, e.g., as: MOD16_ET_calibration_PFT1.h5 MOD16_ET_calibration_PFT1-k1.nc4 MOD16_ET_calibration_PFT1-k2.nc4 ... Where each `.nc4` file is a standard `arviz` backend and the `.h5` indicates which indices from the observations vector, after removing NaNs, were excluded (i.e., the indices of the test data). Parameters ---------- pft : int The Plant Functional Type (PFT) to calibrate plot_trace : bool True to plot the trace for a previous calibration run; this will also NOT start a new calibration (Default: False) k_folds : int Number of folds to use in k-folds cross-validation; defaults to k=1, i.e., no cross-validation is performed. ipdb : bool True to drop the user into an ipdb prompt, prior to and instead of running calibration save_fig : bool True to save figures to files instead of showing them (Default: False) **kwargs Additional keyword arguments passed to `` NOTE that `MOD16StochasticSampler` inherits methods from the `mod17` module, including [run()]( ''' def constrain_by_map(pred_le, years, lhv, annual_precip): # Constraint the results by (mean) annual precipitation # pred_le : np.ndarray - (T,N) array of predicted latent heat flux # years : np.ndarray - (T,) array indicating year, out of Y years # lhv : np.ndarray - (T,N) array of latent heat of vaporization # annual_precip : np.ndarray - # (Y,N) array of the annual precipitation at the site mass_rate = (pred_le * 60 * 60 * 24) / lhv # Convert [W m-2] to [mm day-1] mass_rate[mass_rate < 0] = 0 annual_mass_rate = [] for y in np.unique(years): a = np.apply_along_axis( lambda x: x.sum(), 0, mass_rate[years == y]) annual_mass_rate.append(a) pred_precip = np.stack(annual_mass_rate, axis = 0) diff = pred_precip - annual_precip diff = np.where(diff < 0, 0, diff) # Return the (negative) normalized RMSD; it's negative because # we are maximizing the objective function nrmsd = 100 * ((diff**2).mean() / annual_precip.sum()) return -nrmsd assert pft in self.config['data']['classes'], f'Invalid PFT: {pft}' # Pass configuration parameters to for key in ('chains', 'draws', 'tune', 'scaling'): if key in self.config['optimization'].keys(): kwargs[key] = self.config['optimization'][key] # Filter the parameters to just those for the PFT of interest params_dict = restore_bplut(self.config['BPLUT']['ET']) params_dict = dict([(k, v[pft]) for k, v in params_dict.items()]) # NOTE: This value was hard-coded in the extant version of MOD16 if np.isnan(params_dict['beta']): params_dict['beta'] = 250 # There may be additional constraints when dynamic classes are used if self.config['data']['classes_are_dynamic']: tower_obs, drivers, weights, constr = self._load_data_annual(pft) else: tower_obs, drivers, weights = self._load_data(pft) constraints = None if len(self.config['constraints']) > 0: # Constraints may be defined in the config file but actually # set to false; if none are set true, there are no constraints if any([ self.config['constraints'][k] for k in self.config['constraints'].keys() ]): constraints = [] if self.config['constraints']['annual_precipitation']: # Get the mean daily temperature, to derive LHV air_t_day = drivers[MOD16StochasticSampler.required_drivers['ET']\ .index('temp_day')] air_t_night = drivers[MOD16StochasticSampler.required_drivers['ET']\ .index('temp_night')] air_t = np.stack( [air_t_day, air_t_night], axis = 0).mean(axis = 0) lhv = latent_heat_vaporization(air_t) # Unpack sequence of years (e.g., 2000, 2001, ...), precip # data (mm year-1) years, ann_precip = constr['annual_precipitation'] # Add a version of constrain_by_map() function as a constraint constraints.append(partial( constrain_by_map, years = years, lhv = lhv, annual_precip = ann_precip)) if k_folds > 1: print(f'NOTE: Using k-folds CV with k={k_folds}...') # Back-up the original (complete) datasets; we do this so we can # simply mask out the test samples (1/k), after restoring the # original datasets _drivers = [d.copy() for d in drivers] _tower_obs = tower_obs.copy() _weights = weights.copy() # Randomize the indices of the NPP data indices = np.arange(0, tower_obs.size) np.random.shuffle(indices) # Get the starting and ending index of each fold fold_idx = np.array([indices.size // k_folds] * k_folds) * np.arange(0, k_folds) fold_idx = list(map(list, zip(fold_idx, fold_idx + indices.size // k_folds))) # Ensure that the entire dataset is used; i.e., if each fold takes # slices of the indices from A to B, ensure that the last fold's # B is the final (maximum) index of the sequence fold_idx[-1][-1] = indices.max() idx_test = [indices[start:end] for start, end in fold_idx] # Loop over each fold (or the entire dataset, if num. folds == 1) for k, fold in enumerate(range(1, k_folds + 1)): backend = self.config['optimization']['backend_template'] % ('ET', pft) if k_folds > 1 and fold == 1: # Create an HDF5 file with the same name as the (original) # netCDF4 back-end, store the test indices with h5py.File(backend.replace('nc4', 'h5'), 'w') as hdf: out = list(idx_test) size = indices.size // k_folds try: out = np.stack(out) except ValueError: size = max((o.size for o in out)) for i in range(0, len(out)): out[i] = np.concatenate((out[i], [np.nan] * (size - out[i].size))) hdf.create_dataset( 'test_indices', (k_folds, size), np.int32, np.stack(out)) # Restore the original tower dataset if fold > 1: tower_obs = _tower_obs.copy() weights = _weights.copy() # Set to NaN all the test indices idx = idx_test[k] tower_obs[idx] = np.nan # Same for drivers, after restoring from the original drivers = [ d.copy()[~np.isnan(tower_obs)] if d.ndim > 0 else d.copy() for d in _drivers ] weights = weights[~np.isnan(tower_obs)] # NOTE: Do first tower_obs = tower_obs[~np.isnan(tower_obs)] # Use a different naming scheme for the backend if k_folds > 1: backend = backend[:backend.rfind('.')] + f'-k{fold}' + backend[backend.rfind('.'):] print('Initializing sampler...') sampler = MOD16StochasticSampler( self.config, MOD16._et, params_dict, backend = backend, weights = weights, constraints = constraints) # Either: Enter diagnostic mode or run the sampler if plot_trace or ipdb: # This matplotlib setting prevents labels from overplotting pyplot.rcParams['figure.constrained_layout.use'] = True trace = sampler.get_trace() if ipdb: import ipdb ipdb.set_trace()#FIXME az.plot_trace(trace, var_names = MOD16.required_parameters) return # Clean the tower observations, run the sampler tower_obs = self.clean_observed(tower_obs, drivers) # Get (informative) priors for just those parameters that have them with open(self.config['optimization']['prior'], 'r') as file: prior = yaml.safe_load(file) prior_params = list(filter( lambda p: p in prior.keys(), sampler.required_parameters['ET'])) prior = dict([ (p, dict([(k, v[pft]) for k, v in prior[p].items()])) for p in prior_params ]) # Determine whether any parameters are fixed fixed = [] for name in MOD16.required_parameters: if self.config['optimization']['fixed'] is None: break if name in self.config['optimization']['fixed'].keys(): fixed.append( (name, self.config['optimization']['fixed'][name][pft])) fixed = dict(fixed) # Set var_names to tell ArviZ to plot only the free parameters; i.e., # those with priors and which are not fixed var_names = list(filter( lambda x: x in prior.keys(), MOD16.required_parameters)) # Remove any random variables that have fixed values from the list # of variables to be plotted for key in fixed.keys(): if fixed[key] is not None: var_names.remove(key) kwargs.update({'var_names': var_names}) # Only show the trace plot if not using k-folds tower_obs, drivers, prior = prior, fixed = fixed, save_fig = save_fig, show_fig = (k_folds == 1), **kwargs)
class MOD16StochasticSampler (config: dict, model: Callable, params_dict: dict = None, backend: str = None, weights: Sequence = None, model_name: str = None, constraints: Sequence = None)
A Markov Chain-Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampler for MOD16. The specific sampler used is the Differential Evolution (DE) MCMC algorithm described by Ter Braak (2008), though the implementation is specific to the PyMC3 library.
- Dictionary of configuration parameters
- The function to call (with driver data and parameters); this function
should take driver data as positional arguments and the model
parameters as a
; it should require no external state. observed
- Sequence of observed values that will be used to calibrate the model; i.e., model is scored by how close its predicted values are to the observed values
- Dictionary of model parameters, to be used as initial values and as the basis for constructing a new dictionary of optimized parameters
- Path to a NetCDF4 file backend (Default: None)
- Optional sequence of weights applied to the model residuals (as in weighted least squares)
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class MOD16StochasticSampler(StochasticSampler): ''' A Markov Chain-Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampler for MOD16. The specific sampler used is the Differential Evolution (DE) MCMC algorithm described by Ter Braak (2008), though the implementation is specific to the PyMC3 library. Parameters ---------- config : dict Dictionary of configuration parameters model : Callable The function to call (with driver data and parameters); this function should take driver data as positional arguments and the model parameters as a `*Sequence`; it should require no external state. observed : Sequence Sequence of observed values that will be used to calibrate the model; i.e., model is scored by how close its predicted values are to the observed values params_dict : dict or None Dictionary of model parameters, to be used as initial values and as the basis for constructing a new dictionary of optimized parameters backend : str or None Path to a NetCDF4 file backend (Default: None) weights : Sequence or None Optional sequence of weights applied to the model residuals (as in weighted least squares) ''' required_parameters = { 'ET': MOD16.required_parameters } required_drivers = { 'ET': [ 'lw_net_day', 'lw_net_night', 'sw_rad_day', 'sw_rad_night', 'sw_albedo', 'temp_day', 'temp_night', 'temp_annual', 'tmin', 'vpd_day', 'vpd_night', 'pressure', 'fpar', 'lai' ] } def compile_et_model( self, observed: Sequence, drivers: Sequence) -> pm.Model: ''' Creates a new ET model based on the prior distribution. Model can be re-compiled multiple times, e.g., for cross validation. There are two attributes that are set on the sampler when it is initialized that could be helpful here: self.priors self.bounds `self.priors` is a dict with a key for each parameter that has informative priors. For parameters with a non-informative (Uniform) prior, `self.bounds` is a similar dict (with a key for each parameter) that describes the lower and upper bounds of the Uniform prior, but this is deprecated. Parameters ---------- observed : Sequence Sequence of observed values that will be used to calibrate the model; i.e., model is scored by how close its predicted values are to the observed values drivers : list or tuple Sequence of driver datasets to be supplied, in order, to the model's run function Returns ------- pm.Model ''' # Define the objective/ likelihood function log_likelihood = BlackBoxLikelihood( self.model, observed, x = drivers, weights = self.weights, objective = self.config['optimization']['objective'], constraints = self.constraints) # With this context manager, "all PyMC3 objects introduced in the indented # code block...are added to the model behind the scenes." with pm.Model() as model: # NOTE: Parameters shared with MOD17 are fixed based on MOD17 # re-calibration tmin_close = self.params['tmin_close'] tmin_open = self.params['tmin_open'] vpd_open = self.params['vpd_open'] vpd_close = self.params['vpd_close'] gl_sh = pm.LogNormal('gl_sh', **self.prior['gl_sh']) gl_wv = pm.LogNormal('gl_wv', **self.prior['gl_wv']) g_cuticular = pm.LogNormal( 'g_cuticular', **self.prior['g_cuticular']) csl = pm.LogNormal('csl', **self.prior['csl']) rbl_min = pm.Uniform('rbl_min', **self.prior['rbl_min']) rbl_max = pm.Uniform('rbl_max', **self.prior['rbl_max']) beta = pm.Uniform('beta', **self.prior['beta']) # (Stochstic) Priors for unknown model parameters params_list = [ tmin_close, tmin_open, vpd_open, vpd_close, gl_sh, gl_wv, g_cuticular, csl, rbl_min, rbl_max, beta ] # Convert model parameters to a tensor vector params = pt.as_tensor_variable(params_list) # Key step: Define the log-likelihood as an added potential pm.Potential('likelihood', log_likelihood(params)) # If the value for this parameter (and this PFT) is fixed... fixed = dict() for i, name in enumerate(self.required_parameters['ET']): if self.fixed is not None: if name in self.fixed.keys(): if self.fixed[name] is not None: # e.g., {beta: fixed_value} fixed[getattr(model, name)] = self.fixed[name] if len(fixed) > 0: # i.e., Return "a distinct PyMC model with the relevant variables # replaced by the intervention expressions; all remaining # variables are cloned" return, fixed) return model
- mod17.calibration.StochasticSampler
- mod17.calibration.AbstractSampler
Class variables
var required_drivers
var required_parameters
def compile_et_model(self, observed: Sequence, drivers: Sequence) ‑> pymc.model.core.Model
Creates a new ET model based on the prior distribution. Model can be re-compiled multiple times, e.g., for cross validation.
There are two attributes that are set on the sampler when it is initialized that could be helpful here:
self.priors self.bounds
is a dict with a key for each parameter that has informative priors. For parameters with a non-informative (Uniform) prior,self.bounds
is a similar dict (with a key for each parameter) that describes the lower and upper bounds of the Uniform prior, but this is deprecated.Parameters
- Sequence of observed values that will be used to calibrate the model; i.e., model is scored by how close its predicted values are to the observed values
- Sequence of driver datasets to be supplied, in order, to the model's run function
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def compile_et_model( self, observed: Sequence, drivers: Sequence) -> pm.Model: ''' Creates a new ET model based on the prior distribution. Model can be re-compiled multiple times, e.g., for cross validation. There are two attributes that are set on the sampler when it is initialized that could be helpful here: self.priors self.bounds `self.priors` is a dict with a key for each parameter that has informative priors. For parameters with a non-informative (Uniform) prior, `self.bounds` is a similar dict (with a key for each parameter) that describes the lower and upper bounds of the Uniform prior, but this is deprecated. Parameters ---------- observed : Sequence Sequence of observed values that will be used to calibrate the model; i.e., model is scored by how close its predicted values are to the observed values drivers : list or tuple Sequence of driver datasets to be supplied, in order, to the model's run function Returns ------- pm.Model ''' # Define the objective/ likelihood function log_likelihood = BlackBoxLikelihood( self.model, observed, x = drivers, weights = self.weights, objective = self.config['optimization']['objective'], constraints = self.constraints) # With this context manager, "all PyMC3 objects introduced in the indented # code block...are added to the model behind the scenes." with pm.Model() as model: # NOTE: Parameters shared with MOD17 are fixed based on MOD17 # re-calibration tmin_close = self.params['tmin_close'] tmin_open = self.params['tmin_open'] vpd_open = self.params['vpd_open'] vpd_close = self.params['vpd_close'] gl_sh = pm.LogNormal('gl_sh', **self.prior['gl_sh']) gl_wv = pm.LogNormal('gl_wv', **self.prior['gl_wv']) g_cuticular = pm.LogNormal( 'g_cuticular', **self.prior['g_cuticular']) csl = pm.LogNormal('csl', **self.prior['csl']) rbl_min = pm.Uniform('rbl_min', **self.prior['rbl_min']) rbl_max = pm.Uniform('rbl_max', **self.prior['rbl_max']) beta = pm.Uniform('beta', **self.prior['beta']) # (Stochstic) Priors for unknown model parameters params_list = [ tmin_close, tmin_open, vpd_open, vpd_close, gl_sh, gl_wv, g_cuticular, csl, rbl_min, rbl_max, beta ] # Convert model parameters to a tensor vector params = pt.as_tensor_variable(params_list) # Key step: Define the log-likelihood as an added potential pm.Potential('likelihood', log_likelihood(params)) # If the value for this parameter (and this PFT) is fixed... fixed = dict() for i, name in enumerate(self.required_parameters['ET']): if self.fixed is not None: if name in self.fixed.keys(): if self.fixed[name] is not None: # e.g., {beta: fixed_value} fixed[getattr(model, name)] = self.fixed[name] if len(fixed) > 0: # i.e., Return "a distinct PyMC model with the relevant variables # replaced by the intervention expressions; all remaining # variables are cloned" return, fixed) return model